Filter Content
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Sarah Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Child Safe Advocacy with Mrs Sally-Anne Croker
- Counselling Corner with Miss Madi Burns
- Creative Arts with Mrs. Karen O'Keefe
- Student Awards
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sarah Lowe
Thursday 23 February |
Northern Region Swimming Carnival at Yass |
Friday 24 February |
Welcome Function - Family Bingo Night at the Crookwell Golf Club (see below) Tuckshop- Tressa, Pip and Jenny |
Monday 27 February |
Tuckshop -Tash and Candice Mrs Lowe at Archdiocesan Principals Executive Meeting |
Tuesday 28 February |
Staff Professional Learning with CogLearn Year One Green Art Focus Day |
Friday 3 March |
Clean Up Australia Day - Please send in a glove and bag Tuckshop - Rebecca, Claire & Mary-Ann |
Saturday 18 March |
Crookwell Country Weekend Parade 10am |
Friday 24 March |
School Cross Country Carnival K-6 Crookwell Showground |
Thursday 6 April |
Stage Three Showcase of Learning |
Compass Parent Portal
Next week you will receive your login details and information to assist you with navigating the Compass Parent Portal portal.
The Compass Parent Portal is an online portal that allows you to access up-to-date information about our school and your child.
The portal is accessible via the web and also via the Compass School Manager App (available for download via the App store on your device).
Within the Parent Portal are many different features, including the ability to:
- Add Attendance Notes
- Monitor Attendance
- Communicate with your child’s teachers
- View Semester Reports
- Book Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
- View school news items
- Fill out event and excursion consent forms and pay online
When you log in last week, you can book your Three-Way Conversation with your child's teacher. These will be held on Monday 13 - Tuesday 14 March. There will also be a Local Excursions consent form waiting for you to submit.
Please contact the school for assistance if you have any questions regarding your Compass Parent Portal.
Swimming Carnival
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of our students who participated in the School Swimming Carnival last Thursday, 16 February. I am incredibly proud of the level of enthusiasm, sportsmanship and effort displayed by each and every one of our students.
The Swimming Carnival was a tremendous success, thanks in no small part to our staff and parents' dedication and hard work. Their tireless efforts ensured that the event ran smoothly and efficiently, allowing our students to showcase their swimming abilities in a safe and supportive environment. I would like to especially mention the event coordinator Linda Walsh and thank her for her hard work preparing for the event.
It was inspiring to see so many of our students push themselves to new heights, whether they were competing in individual events, novelty events, or simply cheering on their classmates from the sidelines. There were countless examples of outstanding performances, from those who broke records to those who showed exceptional grit and determination in the face of tough competition. A noteworthy mention goes to our Sports Captains for the effort they put into decorating their houses in Green and Gold.
As a school community, we are truly fortunate to have such a passionate and dedicated group of staff and parents who are willing to go above and beyond to support our students. Their commitment to ensuring that the Swimming Carnival was a resounding success is a testament to the incredible spirit of collaboration and support that exists within our school.

Congratulations to the students who made the Northern Region Swim Team competing in Yass today.
Absent - Hayden
Welcome Function
On Friday, 24 February, from 6pm at the Crookwell Golf Club, we invite all families to attend our welcome function, a fun family bingo night. This casual gathering will be a great opportunity for our new families to meet and socialise with our existing families and staff.
Bingo sheets will be available for purchase at $2.00 for 5 games. There will be a selection of prizes to be won.
Food and drinks are available from the club.
All family and friends of St Mary's are welcome to attend.
Three-Way Conversations and Interim Reports
You are invited to attend a ten-minute three-way (parent/student/teacher) conversation on Monday, 13 or Tuesday, 14 March. This conversation will allow you to discuss how your child has settled into the new school year, their social development and engagement with learning.
The teacher will also provide you with your child's Interim Report at this meeting. The Interim Report indicates your child's enjoyment and interest in learning new things, ability to ask and answer questions, perseverance with tasks, work habits, ability to avoid distractions, follow school rules and collaborate with others.
Students in Years One - Six are to attend the meeting with their parents. Kindergarten students are not required to be part of the interview process.
If you have any concerns before these Three-Way Conversations, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
To book a time slot, log into the Compass Parent Portal next week, or call Belinda.
You will receive your child's Academic Report at the end of Term Two.
P&F Meeting & AGM
Thank you to all the parents who came along to the P & F AGM and General Meeting last night. Once again, a strong P & F Executive team has been formed.
Congratulations to Daniel Walsh, who has been re-elected to the position of President and Reané Strode, who has accepted the role of Secretary. We also welcome back Allison Hewitt, who is continuing in the Treasurer position.
We welcome Rechell Naughton, Catherine Culley, Sally Galland, Paul Millett and Alan McCormack to the Executive Committee. Our sub-committee coordinators are James McCormack- Cattle Committee; Catherine Culley and Alan McCormack - Sheep and Wool Committee; and Alison Hewitt, Pip Frost and Tennille McIntosh- Tuckshop coordinators.
At this meeting, classes were allocated a fundraising event for the year (see the P&F News section in this newsletter). You will receive information about your class event from the coordinator as the year progresses.
Thank you to all our parents for your consistent support of St Mary’s P & F events.
Local Excursion Consent
This year the Local Excursion Consent Form can be completed digitally on the Compass Parent Portal. This general consent form allows your child/children to take part in local excursions. Examples of a 'Local Excursion' could include going to the showground for our Cross Country Carnival or Todkill park for our Athletics Carnival, visiting the Senior Citizens centre, planting with Landcare at Kiamma Creek, and the like.
When you receive your Compass Parent Portal Log in details next week, please complete this form.
Crookwell Country Weekend
On Saturday, 18 March, we have been invited to participate in the Crookwell Country Weekend Street Parade.
So our students can be clearly seen, and to mitigate possible risks, we have decided to walk as a group in this parade rather than travel on the back of a truck.
Our parade theme will be 'Country Kids'. We ask that students come to the muster point at 9.30am wearing country-themed clothing, such as checked shirts, jeans, boots and cowboy hats. The parade commences at 10am, and the students will move down Goulburn Street to country music.
We encourage as many of our students to join in as possible. Further details will be given closer to the date.
School Drive Subsidy
Did you know the NSW Department of Transport has a School Drive subsidy? Where no public transport is available, this subsidy partly offsets the cost of driving students to school or to the nearest transport pick-up point by car, motorcycle or boat.
For more information or to apply, follow this link
Children's Crossing
Thank you to the parents who have been using our new pedestrian crossing to drop off or collect students. We request that you do not cross your child/ren in the Bus Zone. It is important to teach your children road safety practices.
Please feel free to use the School Drop-off Pick-up Zone in front of the Murphy Building (K/6 classrooms).
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
This Lent we are called to sow seeds of goodness by focusing on our school values and treating each other with RESPECT.
What does the word RESPECT mean? The dictionary says…
…to take notice of;
to regard with honour and special attention;
to regard as worthy of special consideration;
hence, to care for; to heed.
During this Lenten season may we open our hearts to God and welcome him into our lives so we may be filled with his love and reach out to each other with respect, sowing seeds of goodness in our homes, our school and our communities.
Check out this website for short but powerful daily Lent retreats: Bruce Downes Catholic Ministries
Project Compassion
Please remember to give what you can to Project Compassion to help those who do not have enough to live life to the full. There is a Project Compassion box for donations in each classroom.
School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
School Swimming Carnival 2023
The St Mary’s 2023 Swimming Carnival was a fantastic day. The sun was shining, and students were participating in all the events on offer and enthusiastically cheering for their houses.
I would like to thank the dedicated staff and fabulous parents who assisted on the day, whether that be for timekeeping or bringing and setting up/taking down shade shelters. We managed to fit a lot of events into a very short four-hour window. It would not have been possible without your help and support! It is my hope that next year’s carnival will include the whole school over the whole day.
The results for the carnival were announced at Friday morning’s school assembly and were as follows:
8 Years Girls Age Champion: Lizzie Walsh
8 Years Boys Age Champion: Cooper Sims
9 Years Girls Age Champion: Aria White
9 Years Boys Age Champion: Rory Bensley
10 Years Girls Age Champion: Grace McCormack/Sophie Kilborn
10 Years Boys Age Champion: Tommy Picker
11 Years Girls Age Champion: Sophie Culley
11 Years Boys Age Champion: Jaydan Costello
12 Years Girls Age Champion: Chloe Bensley
12 Years Boys Age Champion: Lachlan Kilborn
The Winning House was ALOYSIUS; well done!
Congratulations to all students who participated on the day!
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Where do I Find Trial Dates?
The Canberra Goulburn Sports webpage now has the full calendar for Primary, Secondary and SSA events. Please click on the link below:
Upcoming Trials Registrations
- Canberra Goulburn U11’s and U12’s Rugby League Trials 2023
- Date:14 March 2023
- Venue: Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham
- Registrations close Monday 6th March
- Students registered so far: U11: Seb Cummins, Jaydan Costello, Harper Seaman, Chase Lucock. U12: Charlie Tarlinton
Canberra Goulburn Netball Championships and Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date:Tuesday 14th March 2023
- Location: Southwell Park - CNA Netball
- Registrations close Monday 6th March
- Students registered so far: Lauren Fraser, Chloe Bensley
Canberra Goulburn Hockey Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date: Trial date will be confirmed based on registration numbers
- Registrations close Friday 10th March
- Students registered so far: Ollie Croker, Will Waldron, Seb Cummins, Chloe Bensley, Charlie Bensley, Tommy Picker, Henry Galland
Canberra Goulburn Football (Soccer) Trials (Boys and Girls)
- Date: Monday 3rd April 2023
- Location: 'Southwell Park'
- Address: Mouat Street, Lyneham, ACT
- Time: 10am - 2pm
- Cost: $15
Child Safe Advocacy with Mrs Sally-Anne Croker
Internet Safety for your child's devices.
How to secure your child’s iPad, iphone, chromebook etc
IPads provide a platform for children to explore their creativity through drawing, music apps, videos, and more. But it is your responsibility as a parent to secure it.
You need to ensure that it is secure when it is connected to your WIFI at home (and at the grandparent's).
Here are some top tips.
Create a new Apple ID: Create a new one specifically for the child's device. Make sure to use a secure password and enable two-factor authentication.
Please do not use your child’s school email address or one related to your employment.
To enable restrictions: Go to "Settings" > "General" > "Restrictions" to turn on parental controls. You can restrict access to certain apps, websites, and features, including 18+ content and bad language. Restrict TikTok and other social media apps if your child is under 13yrs.
Enable "Ask to Buy": This feature will require your approval before the child purchases in the App Store.
To turn it on:
Go to "Settings"
- iTunes & App Store
- Apple ID
- Family Sharing
- Ask to Buy
Enable "Find Me":
This feature will allow you to locate the child's device if it's lost or stolen.
Go to "Settings"
- iCloud
- Find My, and make sure it's turned on.
Set up Screen Time: Screen Time is a feature that lets you control and monitors the amount of time your child spends on the iPad.
Go to "Settings"
Screen Time and set limits for app categories and screen time. Do not 100% rely on this feature and make it a rule from day one that they are not allowed to have devices in the bedroom. Instead, set a 20min time limit for use after they have completed their homework, for example.
Disable Siri: If you don't want your child to have access to Siri, you can disable it in "Settings" Siri & Search
We suggest this for kids in primary school and another reason to keep the device out of the bedroom.
Install parental control app: Several third-party apps are available that provide additional parental controls, such as filtering websites and monitoring app usage.
Qustodio: Offers a range of features such as content filtering, time limits, and activity reporting.
Net Nanny: Provides comprehensive filtering options, time scheduling and real-time alerts.
Norton Family Premier: Offers real-time monitoring, location tracking, and set time limits on device usage.
Kaspersky Safe Kids: Offers location tracking, screen time management, and app control features.
Bark: Monitors texts, emails, and social media for potential risks such as cyberbullying, sexting, and more.
These apps are considered the best as they offer a combination of effective filtering and monitoring features and ease of use and reliability. The best choice may depend on specific parental needs and the type of devices the children use.
Have a conversation: It's essential to have open and honest discussions ongoing with your child about responsible device usage and the importance of privacy. Make sure they understand the rules and consequences and that it is best to speak up if they see something that upsets them, and you will help without judgment.
Counselling Corner with Miss Madi Burns
Family Meal Conversation Starters
Between work and our children’s extracurriculars, it can be hard to find quality time together, and things like family dinners tend to fall down our priority list. However, sharing a meal and conversation together can be far more powerful than we may realise.
Dinner is a great time for your child to talk about their day. If they are stressed, keeping the conversation light and discussing things they like can help improve their mood. Encouraging your child to express themselves and discuss their feelings as early as possible is great. That being said, I know you might be rolling your eyes thinking about how often you receive one-word replies. This is where conversation starter sheets may come in handy.
By stepping away from technology or turning off the TV in the background, we can help support children to focus on the conversations and be present at the dinner table. And if your child is struggling with their homework schedule, regular dinners can be a welcome break.
Now don’t get me wrong, my family and I absolutely have nights in front of the TV or independently working, so I am not saying this needs to happen every night. Instead, we should try to aim for family dinners to become our regular routine and allow ourselves nights that differ.
The Family Dinner Project has the following information on its website, which I think is extremely insightful:
'Dinner table conversation has special qualities that make it different from talk we have at other times such as while carpooling or while tucking kids in at bedtime. Research indicates that, on average, children bring up about six different topics at dinner, so conversation tends to be interesting and varied. Also, families who eat together expect that children will sit and talk for more than a few minutes. Each topic usually gets input from several members, so multiple viewpoints are expressed. This exposure to multiple points of view engages kids in complex thinking and can encourage tolerance for opinions different from one’s own.
Focusing on certain types of conversations, particularly narrative conversations or the telling of stories, can be particularly helpful. Helping kids tell stories that include their thoughts and feelings rather than just the facts is associated with greater well-being. Research shows that children who know a lot about their parents’ own childhood and family histories will become more resilient – the capacity to bounce back from the slings and arrows that life throws at each of us and better able to learn from adversity, continuing to face ourselves and each other with optimism. Who doesn’t want that for their children? Many researchers have also found that children who learn much about their families have higher self-esteem and see themselves rather than others as responsible for their behaviour'.
I have attached a conversation starter sheet created by Psychologist Emily Hanlon, which includes a number of prompts. You may like to print this off and place it on the fridge for those days when it feels impossible to start a deep conversation. If you are looking for further prompts, the Family Dinner Project has an extensive list categorised by age.
As a general rule of thumb, try to avoid asking questions that can be answered by one word. So, instead of 'did you have a good day at school today?’ Try 'what subjects did you have at school today?' This has the ability to change an answer from one word (good) to an extended response. After all, dinner is perfect for connecting with meaningful conversation. With work, school and all of the other activities families have going on, dinner is often the only time we have quality time together to communicate on a daily basis.
Conversation Starters Download
Madelyn Burns
Student and Family Counsellor
Creative Arts with Mrs. Karen O'Keefe
Art Focus Day Term One
To all my amazing little artists at St Mary's, be prepared for your next art day with a medium sized cardboard box (cereal box, tissue box - look in your recycling bin!))
Not too large or too small as we will be painting it!
Looking forward to sharing my latest artist with you all.
Mrs O'Keefe
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Troy Pulis, Lyla Storrier
Yr. 1: Jack McCulloch, Tilda McIntosh, Ivy Hewitt, Thomas Culley
Yr. 2: Jack Strode, Henry Lowe
Yr. 3: Harry Frost, Jesse Costello
Yr. 4: Ruby Pappalardo, Sophie Croker
Yr. 5: Maddie Strode, Sienna Gann
Yr. 6: Angus Foley, Addin Gove, Patrick Croker
Japanese Award
Congratulations to Year Five on being the class of the week!
Performing Arts
Congratulations to Ollie Croker.
Awards are presented at our Friday morning assemblies.
2023 Schedule of Events
Date |
Event |
Class/Coordinator/s |
Term 1 |
11/12 February |
Crookwell Show BBQ |
Craig Croker, Daniel Walsh & Allison Hewitt |
22 February |
P&F Meeting & AGM |
24 February |
Welcome Function |
St Mary's School |
11/12 February - 6 April |
Thermomix Raffle |
P&F Exec & Mel Haynes |
Term 2 |
12 May |
NR Cross Country Carnival |
Year 5 Rechell Naughton, Catherine Culley & Reane Strode |
17 May |
P&F Meeting |
19 May |
Athletics Carnival |
Year 1 Tennille McIntosh |
June Date TBC |
Woodraffle and Street Stall |
Kinder Reane Strode |
Term 3 |
9 August |
P&F Meeting |
Bulb Drive |
Year 2 Linda Walsh & Tash McCormack |
Term 4 |
Sept/Oct Date TBC |
Sheep Muster |
Catherine Culley & Alan McCormack |
20 October |
Grandparents & Special Friends Day |
Year 4 Allison Hewitt, Claire McCormack & Elise Croker |
Social Bowls Competition |
Year 6 Jolene Grove |
1 November |
P&F Meeting |
7 December |
Christmas Concert |
Year 3 Alan McCormack & Reane Strode |
Thermomix Raffle
The P&F Fundraising Thermomix Raffle has now commenced. Tickets can be purchased for $10 from the School Office. Next week, each student will receive one ticket to sell. If you would like more tickets, please contact Belinda. Please return unsold tickets.
The raffle will be drawn on the last day of Term One, Thursday, 6 April.
Tuckshop Roster Term 1
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
If you are able to help, please click the following link to complete the form. Tuckshop Helpers
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Natasha Polzin. Natasha works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
2023 Sacraments
Luke McCue Memorial Cup
The annual Luke McCue Memorial Cup day began last year with the idea being to unite the Goulburn and Crookwell rugby communities and remember the tragic loss of young people from these communities. The day also aims to raise funds that can be accessed by players who are injured during the season.
All are welcome on the 18th March at Poidevin Oval in Goulburn, either as players or spectators. The program includes a junior game between Goulburn Fizzy Reds and Crookwell Pups, followed by a trial match between Goulburn Dirty Reds and Crookwell Dogs, then social rugby 7s rounds which are open to all codes of sport. Presentations to the winners will lead into live music, dinner stalls, raffles and auctions.
Click on the Facebook link for more details about the day and to register as a player.
Calling 10 - 12year old Girls & Boys
Interested in playing Netball?
We are hoping to field a Crookwell Netball team in the Goulburn Junior Competition this year!
The competition starts 29th of April, 2023
Games are played on Saturday mornings at 10:20am in Goulburn.
Please contact: Reané (0439 785 746) or Katie (0417 025 967) if your child is interested in playing!
Crookwell Junior Green Devils
Registration is now open for the 2023 season
* Tackle & League Tag
* U6-U9’s Saturday
* U10-U14’s Sunday
* U16’s tackle Friday nights
* U16’s girls League Tag Sundays
⭐️Go to- ⭐️
If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact our FB page or email