Filter Content
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Child Safe Advocacy with Mrs Sally-Anne Croker
- P & F News
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- Creative Arts with Mrs. Karen O'Keefe
- Counselling Corner with Madi Burns
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Student Awards
- Community News
Wednesday 15 February |
Kinder Rest Day Year Five Art Focus Day School Board Meeting 7.00pm |
Thursday 16 February |
School Swimming Carnival at Goulburn Aquatic Centre - Years 2- 6 - Buses leaving at 9.00am Kindergarten and Year One remain at school |
Friday 17 February |
Tuckshop - Jane, Cass and Maureen Director of Education Mr Ross Fox visiting St Mary's |
Monday 20 February |
Tuckshop - Belinda, Cass and Tressa |
Tuesday 21 February |
Madi Burns School Counsellor |
Wednesday 22 February |
Kinder Rest Day Ash Wednesday - Mass 12pm Year One Gold Art Focus Day P & F Meeting & AGM in the Staffroom at 7pm |
Thursday 23 February |
Northern Region Swimming Carnival at Yass |
Friday 24 February |
Welcome Function - Family Bingo Night at the Crookwell Golf Club (see below) Tuckshop- Reané, Bec and Jenny |
Friday 24 March |
School Cross Country Carnival K-6 Crookwell Showground |
Thursday 6 April |
Stage Three Showcase of Learning |
Children's Crossing
We have been fortunate to receive an upgrade to our Wade Street Crossing over the holidays. We have now received our 'Children Crossing' flags. These warn drivers to keep an eye out for children. All parents dropping off or collecting students are to use this pedestrian wombat crossing. Please do not cross your child/ren in the Bus Zone. It is important to teach your children road safety practices.
You will also notice there is an allocated School Drop-off Pick-up Zone after the Bus Zone, in front of the Murphy Building (K/6 classrooms). This is perfect to use, if you are dropping off students in the morning, or picking them up in the afternoon. We will monitor this zone and send your children to you when we see you arrive.
Crookwell Show
On behalf of St Mary's Primary School staff and students, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you who made the Crookwell Show fundraising barbeque a huge success, especially our event coordinators Allison and Brendan Hewitt, Linda and Daniel Walsh, Craig and Elise Croker and Rechell Naughton.
Thank you to all who worked tirelessly over the weekend to prepare the food, serve customers, and set up and clean up after the event. Your unwavering support and dedication to our school is truly remarkable and we are proud to have such a supportive school community.
The event was a great opportunity for the school to raise funds and engage with the local community. The money raised will be used to support a variety of school initiatives, from purchasing new equipment and resources to supporting programs that enhance our students' learning experiences. Your contributions will make a lasting impact on our school, and we are grateful for your support. Your efforts demonstrate your commitment to our school and your belief in the importance of education.
We look forward to continuing to work together to create a bright future for our students.
I am also thrilled to share that once again, our school was well represented at the Crookwell Show, with many of you entering both animal and pavilion exhibits and competitions. Your hard work and dedication to your projects were truly evident, and your involvement in the show is a testament to your passion for agriculture and your commitment to showcasing the skills and talents that you have developed in and out of the classroom.
We would also like to extend special congratulations to those students who received awards and recognition for their exhibits.

Swimming Carnival
Tomorrow, Thursday 16 February, our Year 2 - 6 students will be participating in a Swimming Carnival at the Goulburn Aquatic Centre. There will be a range of competitive and non-competitive events catering for all abilities. The students are to wear their full SPORTS uniform to school. They may bring coloured items (such as t-shirts and hats) to support their house at the pool.
Our Kindergarten and Year One students will stay at school and participate in some water safety and water-themed activities. They are to wear their normal summer uniform (summer dress and grey shorts and shirts) to school.
I would like to thank Mrs Walsh, our School Sports Coordinator, and all of the parents who have volunteered to assist. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
On Friday, all students are to wear their SPORTS uniform to school.
Welcome Function
On Friday 24 February from 6pm at the Crookwell Golf Club, we invite all families to attend our welcome function, a fun family bingo night. This casual gathering will be a great opportunity for our new families to meet and socialise with our existing families and staff.
Bingo sheets will be available for purchase at $2.00 for 5 games. There will be a selection of prizes to be won.
Food and drinks are available from the club.
All family and friends of St Mary's are welcome to attend.
School Drive Subsidy
Did you know that the NSW Department of Transport have a School Drive subsidy? Where there is no public transport available, this subsidy partly offsets the cost for driving students to school or to the nearest transport pick up point, by car, motorcycle or boat.
For more information or to apply, follow this link
School Fees
The Term 1 School Fees have been sent home yesterday by email as well as a paper copy sent home with the eldest student in each family.
Please be aware that the Catholic Education Office is implementing a new finance system from March 1, which will include how fees are distributed to families and will change how fees can be paid. More information will be sent to families when we receive it from our head office.
A reminder for those who have an existing payment arrangement in place, the 2023 school fees have increased slightly so you will need to ensure your regular payments are sufficient.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Belinda.
School Hours
Student supervision commences at strictly 8.40am and concludes at 3.30pm. The first morning bell rings at 9.00am, and the students are dismissed at the end of the school day, at 3.10pm. For students requiring earlier morning supervision, Morning Club is available from 8.00am in the Year Six classroom. Please complete the following booking form if your child will be attending Morning Club. Please note, Morning Club is not offered on Fridays.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Ash Wednesday – the beginning of the Church Season of LENT
Next Wednesday our school and Parish community gather for Ash Wednesday Mass in the Church at 12pm. We will receive either a cross symbol with ashes on our foreheads OR a sprinkle of ashes on our heads. The ashes remind us that we are God’s children, created out of nothing but the love of God, and that we are called to lead lives of love and peace. The ashes remind us that we are all only human… we all make mistakes. And that we need to ask God’s forgiveness; and we need to have a change of heart, so that we can live in good relationship with God and each other.
Following Ash Wednesday, the Church season of LENT begins.
Ash Wednesday begins the Church season of Lent which lasts for 40 days leading up to EASTER. The number 40 is special because it is how long Jesus fasted and prayed for in the desert (cf. Luke 4:1-13) to prepare for his mission to spread God’s Word. The word Lent means springtime. For Christians, the 40 days of LENT are a time for personal reflection and renewal: They might ask themselves… am I really trying to be like Jesus by being loving, kind, compassionate, merciful, forgiving, just and prayerful? For Christians, Lent is a time to turn back to God.
Catholics are asked to practise three things during Lent to get them back on track…
- PRAYING – Catholics believe in the need to become closer to God by praying, reading the Scriptures (Bible), going to Mass, and receiving the Sacraments. Praying is spending time with God.
- pray the ‘Our Father’ or ‘Hail Mary’ really thinking about the words in the prayer;
- Talk to God in your own words;
- reflect on the Scriptures;
- or simply take some time in a quiet place to just BE in God’s presence;
- experience His love and receive His blessing by attending Mass.
Two great free websites dedicated to short daily prayer and meditation are:
- 3 minute retreat; and Lenten Moments of Mercy
- Daily prayers and Scripture;
- FASTING – For Catholics, fasting is a reminder that food and material things alone cannot make us happy. Fasting from things we enjoy can build will-power for the times in our lives when we need it most.
Fast from… TV, computer time; or even things like…overindulgence, gossiping, selfishness).
- ALMSGIVING – Reach out to help the poor - support Project Compassion; look for works of love and mercy you can do every day; go out of your comfort zone, go over and beyond to spread Jesus’ message of hope, love and joy.
PROJECT COMPASSION … Showing RESPECT through Almsgiving
Lent marks the beginning of the annual Catholic fundraiser for the poor – the Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia to work with local communities around the world to alleviate poverty, hunger, oppression and injustice. As a school community, during the six weeks of Lent, we will be learning about the needs of these communities and giving to this appeal. You can learn more about Project Compassion here -
Our Mini Vinnies team will be working to help us answer Jesus’ call to give alms (almsgiving). Let us all support PROJECT COMPASSION through raising money for ‘the least of our brothers and sisters’.
Please support PROJECT COMPASSION by sending along ANY change you can spare for the classroom Project Compassion boxes.
School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
Date: Thursday 16 February
Classes: Years 2-6 (Compulsory for all Students)
Where: Goulburn Aquatic Centre (10am-2.00pm)
Uniform: Students are to wear their full sports uniform to and from school/carnival. Students may change into coloured house attire once there.
Students leaving from school will leave on the bus at 9.00am (after the last school bus arrives) and will be back at school by 3pm.
The forecast is hot and 30 degrees. Unfortunately, the pool no longer provides shade sails. If any families attending the carnival have any shade marquees/cabana’s, I would ask that you please bring them.
Please ensure your children have their hats, sunscreen, sun protection and plenty of water. Students should bring their own morning tea and lunch. The canteen will be available via the outdoor access window.
The program including events and duty roster is attached. There will be programs available on the day. If there are any other volunteers available to help, please see me on the day.
Looking forward to a great day!
Mrs. Linda Walsh
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Where do I Find Trial Dates
The Canberra Goulburn Sports webpage now has the full calendar for Primary, Secondary and SSA events. Please click on the link below:
Upcoming Trials
- Canberra Goulburn U11’s and U12’s Rugby League Trials 2023
- Date: Tuesday 14 March 2023
- Venue: Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham
- Registrations close Monday 6 March
Students registered so far:
U11: Seb Cummins, Jaydan Costello, Harper Seaman
U12: Charlie Tarlinton
- Canberra Goulburn Netball Championships and Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date:Tuesday 14 March 2023
- Location: Southwell Park - CNA Netball
- Registrations close Monday 6 March
- Students registered so far:
Lauren Fraser, Chloe Bensley
- Canberra Goulburn Hockey Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date: Trial date will be confirmed based on registration numbers
- Registrations close Friday 10 March
Students registered so far:
Ollie Croker, Will Waldron, Seb Cummins, Chloe Bensley, Charlie Bensley, Tommy Picker, Henry Galland
Northern Region Swimming Carnival
Students who progress from our school swimming carnival on Thursday, will attend the Northern Region Swimming Carnival. Notes and information for this will be handed out on Friday.
Date: Thursday, 23 February 2023
Venue: Yass Olympic Pool, Laidlaw St Yass
Time: 9:00am – Carnival meeting (team officials, timekeepers etc.)
9:30am – Carnival commences (warm-up from 8:30am)
Cost: $7.50 per competitor (includes pool entry) Please pay via Qkr
Spectator entry fee $1 (paid at gate)
All events will be timed finals using the one start rule and the dolphin wireless timing system. All the competitors must be available to compete at the Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival on Tuesday, 7th March 2023 in Queanbeyan, if selected.
Child Safe Advocacy with Mrs Sally-Anne Croker
Our videos show how to stay safe on and around buses whether you're a driver, pedestrian, cyclist or passenger.
We all have a part to play
Be Bus Aware highlights the importance of bus safety for all road users. Buses are large, heavy vehicles and can’t stop quickly.
Bus Safety Week will run from Monday, 20 February to Sunday, 26 February 2023. The annual campaign raises awareness for all road users on how to stay safe on and around buses, helping to reduce injuries and fatalities.

Millions of trips
NSW has one of the largest metropolitan bus fleets in Australia. Almost 4000 buses operate in the Sydney area, while another 1000 buses service the Newcastle, Wollongong and Blue Mountains areas. In addition, more than 3000 bus services operate in rural and regional NSW.
Over the five-year period up to June 2020, a total of 34 people were killed in crashes involving buses in NSW. Of the 34 fatalities, 15 were pedestrians. During the same five-year period, 362 people were seriously injured in bus crashes, including 69 pedestrians and 18 bicycle riders.
Pedestrians are our most vulnerable road users and make-up half of all fatalities from bus crashes in metropolitan areas.
Bus Safety Week promotes safety for pedestrians, who should:
- Plan ahead and don't rush for the bus
- Obey traffic signals and cross with care
- Avoid being distracted by mobile devices
- Stand back from the kerb when waiting for a bus
- Wait until the bus has gone then use a safe place to cross the road.

Our Zero Emission Buses are helping us achieve our goals to respond to climate change. They're much quieter and reduce noise pollution, so remember to always stay alert when walking around buses and traffic.
Parents and carers
School-aged children might seem independent, but they still need a hand.
- Always meet your child AT school or the bus stop. NEVER wait on the opposite side of the road and call them across.
- Always supervise your child and hold their hand when walking to and from the bus stop or interchange and when crossing the road until they are at least 10
- Wait until the bus has gone then use a safe place to cross the road
- Encourage your child to take a seat quickly when they get on the bus and to buckle up if the bus has seatbelts.
Talk to your children about Stop! Look! Listen! Think! every time they cross the road:
- Stop one step back from the kerb
- Look continuously both ways
- Listen for the sounds of approaching traffic
- Think whether it is safe to cross and keep checking until safely across.
We know that because of their sheer size and mass, buses cause severe outcomes for other road users in crashes. Buses can't stop quickly and drivers should:
- Give way to buses
- Not merge too closely in front of buses
- Keep a safe distance from buses in front of you
- Slow down to 40km/h when bus lights are flashing, unless a lower speed limit applies
- Be aware of a bus’s blind spots at the front, rear and sides of the bus.
Bicycle riders
- If you are overtaking a bus, avoid passing it when it is turning - buses can take up more than one lane when they turn
- Be aware of a bus’s blind spots at the front, rear and sides of the bus
- You may travel in a Bus Lane, Tram Lane, Transit Lane or Truck Lane but not in a Bus Only Lane
- Follow the rules and ride with care.
All bus passengers should:
- Press the button well before your stop to give the driver plenty time to stop safely
- Wait until the bus has stopped before you get out of your seat
- Buckle up if the bus has seatbelts.
If you are older, have a disability or are pregnant, try to sit closer to the front of the bus or in a courtesy seat and use the front doors, which can be lower and closer to the kerb.
Motorcycle riders
When riding a motorcycle, you need to take extra care near buses. Follow these helpful tips to keep you safe around buses:
- Be aware of a bus’s blind spots at the front, rear and sides of the bus
- Avoid lane filtering near buses
- Buses may be longer than expected. Take care when changing lanes around buses.
- Avoid trying to overtake a bus when it is turning. Buses are likely to need extra space and may take up more than one lane.
- Always follow the road rules and ride with care.
Bus safety for children
Bus safety for school students (PDF, 378Kb) has more information on how families can help keep children safe getting on and off buses.
The Safety Town website has activities you can do with primary school children to help them keep safe on and around buses. There is also a section for families on driving safely around buses, and getting children to and from the bus stop safely.
Our Agent Walker: Operation Safe Transit bus safety video was produced for school students in years 5 and 6, who are starting to gain independence, and their teachers, parents and carers.
Crookwell Show- BBQ
A big thank you to Brendan and Ally Hewitt, Rechell Naughton and Craig and Elise Croker for their organisation of the Crookwell Show BBQ last weekend. We appreciate all the parents and carers who turned up for their shifts. Not only is it a great way to help, but it is also a great way to meet other parents and families.
The first figures suggested we raised approximately $3070, which is another fantastic effort!
Our AGM and Term 1 meeting will be held next Wednesday 22 February in the Staffroom. We encourage everyone to come along and take part in the P&F Association.
Daniel Walsh
P&F President
Thermomix Raffle
The P&F Fundraising Termomix Raffle has now commenced. Tickets can be purchased for $10 from the School Office. Next week, each student will receive one ticket to sell. If you would like more tickets please contact Belinda. Please return unsold tickets.
Payment can be made in cash or via Qkr
The raffle will be drawn on the last day of Term One, Thursday 6 April.
Tuckshop Roster Term 1
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form. Tuckshop Helpers
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Library visits
All classes visit the library each week.
Term 1
Wednesday: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Kindergarten.
Thursday: Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6
Please ensure your child has a library bag to borrow.
A reminder to have access to the Information and Communication Technologies at St Mary’s, children in Years 3-6 are requested to read and sign the Acceptable Use by Students Policy Form sent home. Parents/Guardians please sign the Acknowledgement section and return to the office. This is an annual requirement.
Volunteers are needed to cover books for the Library. Plastic covering is supplied and you are able to do this at home in your own time. If you are able to assist, please complete the form via the following link
Thank you,
Dorothea Hewitt
Creative Arts with Mrs. Karen O'Keefe
Art Focus Day Term One
To all my amazing little artists at St Mary's, be prepared for your next art day with a medium sized cardboard box (look in your recycling bin! cereal box, tissue box)
Not too large or too small as we will be painting it!
Looking forward to sharing my latest artist with you all.
Mrs O'Keefe
Counselling Corner with Madi Burns
Back to School Tips for Parents
Every child faces challenges when heading back to school. The school environment demands many things that summer activities don’t — the ability to sit still; get organised; stay on task; and adapt to a new, highly structured daily schedule. School also requires kids to separate from their parents and interact with peers — enormously challenging tasks for any child with anxiety or other mental health issue.
Here are six tips for parents at the start of the school year:
- Mental health problems emerge at back-to-school time.
Some children require a lot of help learning how to manage a new schedule. As a parent, you can ease your child’s anxiety by modelling confidence and calm behaviour, and by maintaining structure in family life (mealtime, homework, and bedtime routines).
But if your child shows signs of extreme anxiety and has unusual difficulties in school, you should discuss your concerns with your child’s teachers as well as a mental health professional, someone who can advise on whether a child’s problems are normal and age appropriate or require further evaluation.
- Kids’ brains are changing dramatically.
Profound changes occur in the brains of children, particularly as they enter their teens. The teen brain starts “pruning”—strengthening some synapses and eliminating many others. A temporary imbalance of this pruning in certain areas of the brain has been linked to teens’ erratic and risky behaviours, as well as the onset of anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse.
It’s important to keep communication open at this vulnerable time, when teenagers are starting to look like adults, and think they are adults, but may not have the skills to manage stress. If you haven’t already started setting time aside each day to talk to your child about challenges and new experiences at school, now is the perfect moment.
- Anxious parents send anxious kids to school.
Anxiety disorders run in families. Plus, anxious people tend to marry other anxious people; children with two anxious parents are at especially high risk. But genetics are just one factor. Environment is another. Kids really are like sponges, absorbing the energy and adopting the behaviours around them.
One of the most helpful things you can do is model calm, confident behaviour, particularly while getting ready for school in the morning. A child usually starts school no calmer than their least-relaxed parent.
- Teachers matter, maybe even more than you think.
Teachers get to know a child’s family through the child’s eyes, and they get to know how a child behaves without their parent present. This means parents can get all kinds of information about a child from their teachers—information about learning difficulties and peer problems as well as academic achievements and close friendships. Teachers are allies, and you should talk to them regularly.
Good questions to ask include: How is my child doing? Do you have any concerns about their social or academic skills? Do you think they need my help with anything?
- Homework time is crucial.
Children with learning difficulties, as well as those without any documented problems, can benefit from their parents’ involvement during homework time. Parents should set aside time for a structured “homework session” each evening.
A good routine might start like this: Create space on a desk to work; help them clean out their backpack; review the day’s assignments; and discuss the homework as well as any questions about it. You can observe your child’s learning strengths and weaknesses this way while also reinforcing good study habits. Be positive and encouraging.
- Don’t jump to conclusions.
Kids grow and develop at different rates. Ideally, a child will acquire various skills within expected time periods, but they may develop more quickly in one area than another. But a lag in one area of development doesn’t mean a child has a disorder. If you think there might be a problem with your child’s development, talk to their teacher. A seasoned teacher can frame your child’s progress in relation to as many as 300 other kids. Good teachers are invaluable allies.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Natasha Polzin. Natasha works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
2023 Sacraments
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Harvey Kensit, Paddy Proudman
Yr. 1: Mason Allport, Laela McIntosh, Hugo Montgomery, Sully Stephenson, Hadley Reynolds
Yr. 2: Bridie McCormack, Lizzie Walsh
Yr. 3: Oscar Montgomery, Georgia Proudman, Aria White
Yr. 4: Anna, Riley O'Brien
Yr. 5: Charlotte Crosbie, Elkie Storrier
Yr. 6: Mia Butler, Joe Hayes
Japanese Award
Congratulations to Year Six on being the class of the week!
Performing Arts
Congratulations to Will Croker.
School Spirit Award
Thomas Culley for demonstrating respect for the feelings of others
Flynn Reeves for demonstrating compassion
Awards are presented at our Friday morning assemblies.
Luke McCue Memorial Cup
The annual Luke McCue Memorial Cup day began last year with the idea being to unite the Goulburn and Crookwell rugby communities and remember the tragic loss of young people from these communities. The day also aims to raise funds that can be accessed by players who are injured during the season.
All are welcome on the 18th March at Poidevin Oval in Goulburn, either as players or spectators. The program includes a junior game between Goulburn Fizzy Reds and Crookwell Pups, followed by a trial match between Goulburn Dirty Reds and Crookwell Dogs, then social rugby 7s rounds which are open to all codes of sport. Presentations to the winners will lead into live music, dinner stalls, raffles and auctions.
Click on the Facebook link for more details about the day and to register as a player.
Calling 10 - 12year old Girls & Boys
Interested in playing Netball??
We are hoping to field a Crookwell Netball team in the Goulburn Junior Competition this year!
Competition starts 29th of April 2023
Games are played on Saturday mornings at 10:20am in Goulburn.
Please contact: Reané (0439 785 746) or Katie (0417 025 967) if your child is interested in playing!
Crookwell Junior Green Devils
Registration is now open for the 2023 season
* Tackle & League Tag
* U6-U9’s Saturday
* U10-U14’s Sunday
* U16’s tackle Friday nights
* U16’s girls League Tag Sundays
⭐️Go to- ⭐️
If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact our FB page or email