Filter Content
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- Child Safe Advocacy with Mrs Sally-Anne Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
- Creative Arts with Mrs. Karen O'Keefe
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Friday 3 February |
Opening Liturgy in St Mary's Church 9.30am Sports Uniform No tuckshop |
Monday 6 February |
No tuckshop |
Tuesday 7 February |
Catholic Care Counsellor - Madelyn Burns recommences |
Wednesday 8 February |
Kinder Rest Day Year Six Art Focus Day |
Friday 10 February |
No tuckshop |
Saturday 11 February |
Crookwell Show - P&F Fundraising BBQ |
Sunday 12 February |
Crookwell Show - P&F Fundraising BBQ |
Monday 13 February |
Tuckshop resumes |
Wednesday 15 February |
Director of Education Mr Ross Fox visiting St Mary's Kinder Rest Day Year Five Art Focus Day School Board Meeting 7.00pm |
Thursday 16 February |
School Swimming Carnival at Goulburn Aquatic Centre - Years 2- 6 - Buses leaving at 9.00am Kindergarten and Year One remain at school |
Friday 17 February |
Tuckshop open |
Wednesday 22 February |
P & F Meeting in the Staffroom at 7pm |
Thursday 23 February |
Northern Region Swimming Carnival at Yass |
Friday 24 February |
Family Welcome Function - Bingo Night In the Old Hall |
Friday 24 March |
School Cross Country Carnival K-6 Crookwell Showground |
Thursday 6 April |
Stage Three Showcase of Learning |
Welcome to the 2023 school year!
Welcome back to the 2023 school year! I hope that you had a restful and enjoyable summer and that you are ready to embark on another exciting year of learning and growth.
This year, we are focusing on providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all of our students. We have made some changes to our facilities and classrooms, and updated our internet access over the holiday break. Thank you to Mick Cummins, Hudson Pratley, Anthony O'Connell, Scott Gamble, Lisa Barlow, Mel Grant, Andrew Kemp and Jarna Cooper for their work preparing the school during the break.
This year we are also emphasising the importance of strong relationships between teachers, students, and families. We believe that when everyone works together, we can achieve great things. We encourage you to stay involved in your child's education and to communicate with your child's teachers regularly.
In addition to our academic programs, we are also excited to offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and clubs that will give our students the opportunity to explore their passions and interests. From Pottery Club to STEM Club, there is something for everyone at our school. We are also continuing to provide a well-rounded education that includes art, music, performing arts, ICT, and physical education.
It was wonderful to welcome our students back on Tuesday. They have all had a settled start and have enjoyed getting to know their new teachers and exploring their new learning spaces.
This year we commence with 154 students. A very warm welcome is extended to the new families joining our school community; the Croker, Cummins, Montgomery, Burfitt, Riles, and Rogers families. We wish you all a happy and smooth transition into school life at St Mary's.
I would like to welcome a new member to our staff, Mr James Edwards, teaching Year Five. Mrs Webber has taken leave for this term and Miss Skelly will fulfil her duties each Monday and Tuesday.
We are excited about a great year ahead, and we are confident that our students will achieve great things. We look forward to working with you and your child.
Kindergarten 2023
Our Kindergarten class arrived at ‘big school’ on Tuesday looking very smart in their St Mary’s uniforms. They had a wonderful day, working well with Mrs Cummins and Mrs Romer/Miss Skelly. It was lovely to see them ready to engage in their learning so enthusiastically. We wish our new Kinder students a wonderful first year of school!
Opening School Liturgy
Tomorrow, Friday 3 February at 9.30am, we will hold our Opening School Liturgy in St Mary's Church. Currently, our Parish Priest, Fr Joshy, is away.
Families and friends are welcome to join us for our Opening Liturgy.
Upper Lachlan Shire Australia Day Awards
I would like to congratulate one of our talented ex-students, Bella Croker for receiving the 2022 Crookwell Junior Sports Person. Bella received this award for her outstanding sporting achievements.
Student supervision commences at 8.40am and concludes at 3.30pm. The first morning bell rings at 9.00am and the students are dismissed, at the end of the school day, at 3.10pm. For students requiring earlier morning supervision, Morning Club is available from 8.00am in the Year Six classroom. Please complete the following booking form if your child will be attending Morning Club.
Absence from School
If your child is away from school due to illness, an appointment or other pressing family necessity, you do one of the following: fill in the absentee form via the website or SZapp app, notify the Office via email or phone, or send in a note as soon as possible.
Change of Arrangement
Please notify our Office Manager Belinda via a phone call, email or note if there are any changes in routine, such as how your child is travelling home, day-time appointments, etc. This information will be passed on to your child’s teacher and placed in the 'Bus Book'. This notification can also occur via the Schoolzine (Szapp) app or Compass portal.
Over the holidays a team contracted by the Upper Lachlan Council has been busy building a wombat crossing on Wade Street. This pedestrian crossing will assist with safer movement between our playgrounds during break time and accessing parents' parked cars at drop-off and the end of the school day. We strongly encourage you to use this crossing with your children when moving to and from your parked vehicle each morning and afternoon. Crossing in the bus zone is very dangerous.
I would like to thank Daniel Walsh, President of the St Mary's P&F Association, for pursuing government funding for this work.
Today you received the first school newsletter for the year. Newsletters will be emailed out each Thursday afternoon and are also available on the website and SZapp app, however, if you would prefer a print copy, please contact Belinda.
If you require instructions on how to download our SZapp app, please see Belinda.
We love to share our school community's news and events. Please email the office with photos and updates for inclusion in the newsletter.
Back-to-School Vouchers
You can now use the NSW Back-to-School Vouchers at our school uniform shop. To use the vouchers, simply bring them to the uniform shop when you are ready to make your purchase. Belinda will be happy to assist you in finding the right items for your child. The uniform shop is open each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12.00pm – 1.00pm, or other times by arrangement. Orders can also be placed through the QKR! app at any time however, they will only be filled during opening hours.
Teachers are your first port of call for questions and queries pertaining to the classroom. Appointments can be made with your child's classroom teacher by calling the Office.
I am also happy to support you in any way I can. Typically problems that are addressed quickly, in partnership, are the easiest to solve. I will be available on the school phone (48321 592) for calls usually from 8.30am - 4.30pm daily or via email within similar hours. The email address to be used to contact any staff member is
Emails sent out of hours may not be responded to until the following day.
If you wish to make an appointment to see me, please contact Belinda in the Office.
2023 Term Dates for Students
Term 1: Tuesday 31 January to Thursday 6 April
Term 2: Wednesday 26 April - Friday 30 June 2023
Term 3: Tuesday 18 July to Friday 22 September
Term 4: Monday 9 October to Friday 15 December
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly

In 2023 let us all strive to keep up St Mary’s tradition of being a welcoming community.
Go out of your way to smile or wave or say G’DAY
Our School Vision, Motto, mission and values remind us to always reach out to each other and to others with a warm, welcoming and loving heart.
Our Vision:
Jesus Christ calls us as an inclusive community to
live our faith,
engage in quality learning
and enrich our world for the future.
Our Motto: TOGETHER AS ONE in TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE encourages us to work together for the good of all
Our Mission is to be…
- Jesus’ hands - offering SERVICE to others
- Jesus’ eyes - seeing the needs of others with COMPASSION
- Jesus’ heart - sharing RESPECT for everyone
- Jesus’ feet - walking the road of JUSTICE
- Jesus’ mind - persevering and striving for EXCELLENCE
Welcome Back Prayer Celebration
All are welcome to join us for our ‘Welcome Back’ Prayer Celebration tomorrow at 9.30am in St Mary’s Church.
Child Safe Advocacy with Mrs Sally-Anne Croker
I would like to introduce myself and let you know a little about this role. I have been trained and am familiar with the Child Safe Standards which have been designed by the Office of the Children's Guardian. This role is close to my heart and sits comfortably with my role as AP and Yr 4 teacher. Please reach out if you would like more information or have any concerns or issues you would like to discuss
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (the Royal Commission) shone a spotlight on thousands of cases where organisations in Australia failed to protect children in their care from abuse. It highlighted that abuse that occurs within an organisational context is not just a problem of the past, it continues today. Many victims and survivors were motivated to tell their stories to the inquiry, to prevent harm to children now and into the future.
The Child Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission provide a framework for making organisations safer for children. They have been accepted by the NSW government. Based on extensive research and consultation, the Standards provide tangible guidance for organisations to create cultures, adopt strategies and act to put the interests of children first, to keep them safe from harm.
The Standards have been designed to:
• help drive cultural change in organisations
• be principle-based and outcome-focused
• be flexible enough that they can be adapted by
organisations of varying sizes and characteristics
• avoid placing undue burden on organisations
• help organisations address multiple risks
• balance caution and caring
• be a benchmark against which organisations
can assess their child safe capability and set
performance targets
• be of equal importance and interrelated.
A child safe culture is a set of values and practices that guide the attitudes and behaviour of all staff.
Good leaders champion these values and embed them in organisational governance.
The following values should be at the heart of any approach that prioritises
children’s safety:
• The best interests of children and their protection from harm is paramount.
• Child abuse is not tolerated and must not happen.
• Children’s rights are understood and respected.
• Concerns about child safety raised by children and their parents and carers are acted on.
• Reporting abuse is not obstructed or prevented.
Our school shares a responsibility with everyone working in NSW to care for and keep children safe. In this space I plan to share strategies and tips as to how you can keep your children safe from harm.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Where do I Find Trial Dates
The Canberra Goulburn Sports webpage now has the full calendar for Primary, Secondary and SSA events. Please click on the link below:
Upcoming Trials
- Canberra Goulburn/ Wollongong AFL Trials- Boys, Year 5 and 6
- Date:Tuesday 21st February, 2023
- Venue: South Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow
- Registrations close Friday 3rd February
- Canberra Goulburn U11’s and U12’s Rugby League Trials 2023
- Date:14 March 2023
- Venue: Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham
- Registrations close Monday 6th March
- Canberra Goulburn Netball Championships and Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date:Tuesday 14th March 2023
- Location: Southwell Park - CNA Netball
- Registrations close Monday 6th March
- Canberra Goulburn Hockey Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date: Trial date will be confirmed based on registration numbers
- Registrations close Friday 10th March
How To You Register Your Child for Trials
If you had an account on the previous website ( type in the new website login address Once you are on this page click on ‘Forgotten Password’, enter your email address and a link to reset your password will be emailed to you.
If you have NOT previously had an account you will be required to set one up to be enabled to register your child for both Canberra Goulburn AND NSWCCC/CPS sporting events and trials. 1. Type in the website address
- Click on Register which is located in the blue box on the top right-hand side of the page
- Click on Setup Parent Account
- Complete all of the fields and click on Create Account. You will receive a confirmation email
- Click on Add Child
- Complete all fields. Click Next
- Complete all fields on the next page then click on Add Child
- Once logged in scroll to your child’s Profile
- Click on Register for a Sport
- Select the Sport you are registering for from ‘Available Sport Registration’ -
This will be the registration process for Canberra Goulburn Trials/ Championships/Carnivals
- Click Next
- Review your child’s details and if they are correct tick the ‘Acknowledgement’ box then click Next
- Sport Specific Details—These will display the Diocesan events your child has previously attended. Click Next
- Consent to Participate—Complete all fields and click on Finish
Once these steps are completed an email will be generated and sent to your school Principal for approval.
School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
Date: Thursday 16 February
Classes: Years 2-6 (Compulsory for all Students)
Where: Goulburn Aquatic Centre
A permission note for the 2023 school swimming carnival has been sent home with students in Years 2-6 today.
The form outlines all the important details such as student transport (private car or bus), procedure for entry into events, list of events, canteen facilities and availability of family helpers on the day.
Please complete this permission note and return with the student’s entry money ($3.50) by Monday 6 February. This will provide us with student numbers requiring transport on the day.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this. Looking forward to a great day!
Mrs. Linda Walsh
Creative Arts with Mrs. Karen O'Keefe
Art Focus Day Term One
To all my amazing little artists at St Mary's, be prepared for your next art day with a medium sized cardboard box (look in your recycling bin! cereal box, tissue box)
Not too large or too small as we will be painting it!
Looking forward to sharing my latest artist with you all.
Mrs O'Keefe
Library visits
All classes visit the library each week.
Term 1
Wednesday: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Kindergarten.
Thursday: Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6
Please ensure your child has a library bag to borrow.
Book Club
Scholastic Book Club will be distributed twice each term.
Book Club will need to be ordered online through LOOP.
We are NOT accepting CASH payments.
The web address is:
LOOP enables parents to order and pay for your child’s order online using a credit card or voucher if you have one. Catalogues will still be handed out at school and books will be distributed at school. The school will continue to receive rewards.
- For a quick start, just click on ORDER
- OR Register first to save your details for next time
- Select your school and your child's class
- Add your child's first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue
- Follow the instructions for payment and submit
- All orders are sent directly to the school for submission to Scholastic. Books will still be delivered to your child's classroom if you order by the close date.
Please contact me if you experience any difficulties.
To have access to the Information and Communication Technologies at St Mary’s, children in Years 3-6 are requested to read and sign the Acceptable Use by Students Policy Form sent home. Parents/Guardians please sign the Acknowledgement section and return to the office. This is an annual requirement.
Volunteers are needed to cover books for the Library. Plastic covering is supplied and you are able to do this at home in your own time. If you are able to assist, please complete the form via the following link
Thank you,
Dorothea Hewitt
Crookwell Show- BBQ
Each year, the P&F have a BBQ at the Crookwell Show. Each family is rostered on for a time to help on the BBQ.
This roster has been sent out in a separate email. Please check the roster carefully and let Craig Croker know ASAP if you need to swap your day/time.
This is a great fundraising opportunity for the school, so we appreciate your assistance.
Tuckshop Roster Term 1
Tuckshop is open on Monday and Friday throughout the term. Orders are placed by the Qkr! app.
Please note- hot food must be ordered and can't be bought over the counter. This ensures we do not have food wastage.
Over the counter cash sales can be placed for dry food items (packets of chips, eucalyptus drops, etc) and cold food (icecreams, zooper doopers,etc) and drinks.
If you require assistance with the Qkr app, please see Belinda.
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form. More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Natasha Polzin. Natasha works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
2023 Sacraments
Calling 10 - 12year old Girls & Boys
Interested in playing Netball??
We are hoping to field a Crookwell Netball team in the Goulburn Junior Competition this year!
Competition starts 29th of April 2023
Games are played on Saturday mornings at 10:20am in Goulburn.
Please contact: Reané (0439 785 746) or Katie (0417 025 967) if your child is interested in playing!