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Week 10 |
Friday 16 December |
Year Six Final Assembly 12.30 pm- all welcome Last day of term 4 |
Week 1 |
Monday 30 January |
Staff System Professional Learning Day 'Faith in Learning' at the National Convention Centre ACT. |
Tuesday 31 January |
Students from K - 6 commence |
End-of-Year Review
This is the last newsletter for the school year, it is hard to believe how quickly the year has gone.
I would like to acknowledge our hard-working staff. This year we have remained focused on our School Improvement Plan, and we have achieved a lot! We have been implementing High Impact Teaching Practices in our classrooms, and the content being taught has been very focused and deliberate.
Thank you to our students for their enthusiasm. This year they have remained on task and settled, each taking whatever came their way in their stride. I am very impressed to see what each student has achieved this year.
Thank you to our School Board members, the Parents and Friends Association, and everyone who has coordinated events, been involved with events, and volunteered in any capacity this year.
This week, we farewell our wonderful Year Six class and the Selmes, Peden, Nicholson, Blowes, Greenwood and Hearne families. We wish you all the best for the journey ahead.
Year Six, we pray that you relish the opportunities that come your way, be thankful for your families and always remember that your soul needs nurturing as much as your mind. We know that you will all continue to succeed.
To conclude, I would like to wish everyone a safe, happy and holy Christmas, and we will see you again when school resumes for all students on Tuesday, 31 January 2023.
2023 Planning
Our 2023 planning has commenced with the following school improvement goals and plans on the agenda:
To continue to improve student achievement in English (Literacy) and Mathematics (Numeracy) through the implementation of explicit teaching using evidence-based practices and Instructional Leadership.
To continue improving student achievement through implementing the new Religious Education Curriculum.
Our future improvement plans include the following:
- Painting the exterior of the Year 2 classroom (Old Meeting Room)
- Building a covered walkway to the Year 2 classroom
- Painting the Murphy Building classrooms, computer laboratory and library
- Installation of the PA and security system
- Toilet block at the bottom oval.
- Continued focus on the development of high-impact teaching practices
- Development of parent information sessions to support well-being and knowledge of school programs
- Continued relationship with Royal Far West and access to Telecare for Speech and Occupational Therapy – next year, we have attained five places.
Of course, other suggestions are welcomed.
This week we held teacher-teacher transition meetings, and our Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two classes enjoyed spending a session in their 2023 classroom with their new teacher.
Leadership Changeover
I would also like to recognise and thank our outgoing Year 6 class for the fine leadership they have provided the other students and the assistance and positive attitude that they have offered the staff. You can all be very proud of your time as a St Mary’s student - you have been wonderful students and leaders.
Twelve months ago, I announced Sophia and Finn as our School Captains. I thank them for their excellent leadership. I would also like to thank William, Toby, Sommer-Lee and Ava for their outstanding job as our Sports Captains. You have all provided fine role models to our Year Five students moving into these positions.
Last week, our Year Five students presented speeches outlining why they wanted to be our 2023 School and House Captains. The quality of speeches that the students gave in self-nominating for Captain positions was excellent. They showed insight into what leadership means and represents. The students were able to articulate why they felt they would be suitable candidates, and they also managed to engage their audience.
Thank you to all of the students who volunteered themselves for these positions. I am confident that each of you would make excellent leaders, and you will, regardless of the outcome, have opportunities for this next year.
On Friday last week, each student at St Mary’s voted for the students they would like to see fill our Captain’s roles. These roles are filled solely by the student vote; as usual, the staff did not vote.
Congratulations to the following students who will help lead our school in an official capacity next year.
School Captains- Ava Hewitt and William Croker
Lawrence Captains- Lauren Fraser and Addin Grove
Aloysius Captains- Chloe Bensley and Patrick Croker
We congratulate all the students who ran for roles and congratulate them on their wonderful display of sportsmanship and resilience.
Year Six Graduation Events
On Monday evening, we farewelled our Year Six class with a very special Mass and Graduation Ceremony, Dinner, Awards Presentation and Performance.
The students conducted themselves with the utmost maturity and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company and that of their family and the staff over the night.
Congratulations on presenting an engaging performance.
Thank you to all the people who worked to create such a memorable event; Mrs Spackman, Donna McGeechan, Tash McCormack and the other parent helpers.
I would also like to thank the Crookwell Services Club for providing a terrific venue.
Tree Planting
On Monday, Year Six, in the company of Year Five and staff, planted their gift to the school, a beautiful Bradford Pear tree.
I expressed to Year 6 that for us, this tree symbolises the strength of character they have displayed during their time at St Mary’s; it represents each of their individual natures and the nurturing they have shown the younger students at St Mary’s.
At the same time, Ava Nicholson and her family planted a special tree to commemorate the tenth anniversary of her brother, Jake's passing.
Our new trees symbolise togetherness. They serve as a reminder that we are never alone or isolated but rather that we are connected to the world.
We promise to care for these trees and allow them to grow, providing shelter and beauty for many decades of St Mary’s School students and staff.
Final Assembly
The Year Six class will present their Final Assembly on the last day of school, Friday, 16 December, at 12.30 pm. The recipients of Awards will be re-acknowledged at this Assembly. This will be a repeat of the Monday evening performance.
All are welcome.
Christmas Concert & Community Carols
It was lovely to see so many families here last Thursday night for our Christmas Concert and family picnic. Thank you for braving the cold to support your children and school.
A special thank you to Mrs Picker for preparing the children and to all the parents, our parents and carers who prepared costumes and our P&F Association volunteers for feeding us all.
On Sunday night, over thirty children went to Christ the King Church in Taralga to perform two Christmas carols. The students, accompanied by Mrs Cummins, Ruby, Sophie, Thomas, Lachlan and Mary-Ann, sang beautifully, filling the attendee's hearts with the joy of Christmas!
On Saturday, 17 December, a small group of St Mary's students will be singing two Christmas Carols in the park at 6.00 pm.
Participating students are asked to report to Mrs Lowe at Memorial Park at 5.45 pm, wearing Christmas-coloured clothing.
Athletics Carnival
Uniform Shop
The uniform shop will be open for new students on Mondday, 24 January, by booking only. Please click on the link below to book a time.
Mrs Tarlinton will be in the office on Monday 30 January if that date is not suitable.
School Fees are now due.
For families not on a regular direct debit plan, we ask that you kindly ensure your school fee account is up to date before the end of the year.
Reminder letters for outstanding amounts will be sent home today.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
During this final week of Advent, we rejoice in the endless love that God has for us, which is made apparent in the birth of his Son. The fourth candle on the Advent wreath is lit. It is called the ‘Angel’s Candle’ and it represents LOVE. We reflect on the good news of God's love brought to us from the angel Gabriel.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
- John 3:16
During the Christmas season most of us like to rejoice by spending more on presents, food, decorations etc. It is a time for spending, partying and lots of giving. Our God was extremely giving when he gave us the gift of Jesus… but Jesus came in plain wrapping—he was the infant of two poor migrants. (Who very likely would be turned away from Australian shores in this day and age!) There was no designer cot for Jesus; not even the comforts of home. But the gift of that child was so rich and fine, that poor shepherds and educated wise men from far countries were all drawn to him with tears of joy. And over the following 2022 years countless others, like Mary Mackillop, have been drawn to His message of peace and love.
So perhaps this Christmas we could think about giving ourselves in addition to giving ‘stuff.’
What kind of presence am I to those I love? How can I give myself as a present to others? Am I aware of God’s presence in my life? We tend to forget that God’s presence is enough to meet our innermost desires. This Christmas season is a great time to spend more time in God’s peaceful presence; and more time exploring the power and wonder of our own presence with others. What better present can we give to our Lord and each other!
A few suggestions for loving gifts:
A warm welcome
Time for a phone conversation
A firm handshake to a shaky soul
A kind word to a lonely person
A warm smile to the disheartened
A sincere concern for someone troubled
Compassion for the neglected
Comforting words for the bereaved
A word of witness to help a seeking soul
A patient and non-judgemental listening ear
Dear Jesus, may the light of your love always shine in our hearts. As Christmas draws closer, we marvel at your great love for us. Let your love transform every aspect of our lives and touch everyone we encounter. Our hearts are open to you, Jesus. Amen.
Wishing you all joy and peace this Christmas season
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Many thanks to those who supported our St Vinnies Christmas appeal. St Vinnies staff were overwhelmed by the generosity of St Mary’s School community this morning when they received our donations.
In Appreciation
St Mary’s School Community wishes to thank Fr Joshy, Fr Joe and Sr Rosemary for their wonderful nurturing support and for guiding us on our Faith journey this year. We also wish Fr all the best and many blessings in his new position as Parish Priest at Tumut/Gundagai.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
The Full 2023 Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available
Archiodiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Junior Sportsperson of the Year Awards
The Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Sportsperson of the Year Awards were presented to both our winners in the Junior Boy's category and the Junior Girl's category last Friday with both recipients being from St Mary's in Crookwell. We will firstly acknowledge our Junior Girl winner.
Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Sportsperson of the Year 2022 - Junior Girl's Category
Sophia Galland
Hockey and Cricket
Sophie has excelled in both Hockey and Cricket this year. She also had some success in cross country as she represented Northern Region at the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Cross Country Championships coming in at 8th place and narrowly missing out on a position in the Canberra Goulburn team. This is the second year running that Sophia has won this award and has achieved even more this year than last year so is once again a worthy recipient of this award.
In 2021 Sophia was selected in the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn cricket side to play at the MacKillop trials but was unable to progress any further due to the cancellation of the MacKillop trials. This year she was able to go one step further as she was initially selected to represent the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn for the MacKillop trials and had great success as she gained selection in the MacKillop team to compete at the NSWPSSA Cricket Championships that were to be held in Barooga in October. But it was not to be again as the 2022 Girl’s NSWPSSA Cricket Championships were cancelled due to the floods.
Sophia has once again proven herself to be one of the best field hockey players in NSW. She represented the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn at the MacKillop trials in Canberra and she, along with seven of her Canberra Goulburn teammates were successful in their bid for selection in the MacKillop team and were to play at the NSWPSSA Championships in Tamworth from Tuesday the 31st May through until Friday the 3rd June.
At the NSWPSSA Championships Sophia was further honoured by being named the captain of the team. She led the MacKillop team to the Gold medal and the right to be called the NSW Champions. The MacKillop team did not have a single goal scored against them in the whole tournament. They won all seven of their games defeating Sydney South West 2-0, Hunter 4-0, Sydney West 9-0, Sydney North 4-0, Sydney East 5-0, CIS 2-0 and South Coast 2-0. From the NSWPSSA Championships a NSW team was to selected to compete at the School Sport Australia National Championships. Sophia, along with three MacKillop teammates (All Canberra Goulburn Girls) were not only members of the NSW Championship winning team but also gained selection in the NSW team to play at the School Sports Australia Championships that were to be held in Canberra from the 21st through until the 26th of August.
Sophia was once again given the honour of captaining her team which is an outstanding achievement. The NSW team had wins in five of their six games for the championships. They defeated Western Australia 2-0, Tasmania 1-0, Australian Capital Territory 2-0, Victoria 4-0 and South Australia 3-0. Unfortunately, they went down to Queensland 1-5 but came away with a National Silver medal – what a fabulous achievement and one to be celebrated.
Congratulations on your Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Sportsperson of the Year Award in the Junior Girl’s category Sophia. You have certainly achieved a lot this year and we are sure that you will have continued success as you move on into high school.
The winner of the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Sportsperson of the Year Award in the Junior Boy's category has had a fabulous year in sport and is only in Year 4!
Congratulations to;
Henry Galland
Hockey, Cricket , Golf and Cross Country
Henry has had an outstanding year achieving more representative success in year 4 than most students could ever dream of. He was successful in a variety of sports this year with his successes ranging from representing Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop through to NSW.
In Cross Country Henry came across the line in 5th place at the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Cross Country Championships representing the Western Region. His run qualified him to compete at the MacKillop Cross Country Championships as a member of the Canberra Goulburn team. He improved upon his result at our championships as he was the 4th Canberra Goulburn runner to cross the line, finishing the race in 25th place of the 56 competitors.
The MacKillop Golf team was selected from the competing players at the NSWCPS 18-hole Golf Championships that were held in Blackheath. From these championships Henry, along with two other Canberra Goulburn boys were successful in their bid to gain selection in the MacKillop team and was on his way to the NSWPSSA Championships to be held across two locations – Moorebank and Barden Ridge from the 5th until the 7th of September. At the NSWPSSA Championships the MacKillop team were the runners-up in the Association Nett Comp and Henry as an individual completed the championships with results of 199 Stroke and 147 Nett.
Henry's success continued as he was selected in the MacKillop Invitational cricket team after his fabulous performance at the MacKillop trials in Wagga Wagga. The MacKillop Invitational team played at the NSWPSSA Cricket Championships that were held in Dubbo from the 11th until the 14th of October. Although the MacKillop Invitational team didn’t have any wins at the championships it was a great experience for all involved and Henry was impressive over the 4-day tournament.
Henry had another fabulous year in field hockey. He represented the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn at the MacKillop trials in Canberra impressing the selectors and being named in the MacKillop team that was to compete at the NSWPSSA Championships to be held in Tamworth from the 31st of May until the 3rd of June.
At the NSWPSSA Championships the MacKillop team got off to a rocky start losing their first game to Sydney West 0-7. They then found some form as they had a nil all draw with Sydney North then three wins in a row defeating Sydney East 2-0, Riverina 9-0 and Sydney Southwest 5-0. They then had two close losses to North Coast 0-1 and Western 1-2. From these results the MacKillop team finished the NSWPSSA Championships in third place. The NSWPSSA team was selected from these championships and Henry was the only MacKillop team member that was successful as he was announced as a team member for NSW. The NSW team was to play at the School Sport Australia national championships to be held in Canberra from the 21st until the 26th of August.
At the School Sport Australia Championships, the NSW team were crowned the National Champions as they took home the Gold medal. The NSW team had a draw with Queensland in their first game 2-2 and then went on to have wins against Australian Capital Territory 2-0, Tasmania 1-0, Western Australia 2-0, Victoria 2-0 and South Australia.
Congratulations on your Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Sportsperson of the Year Award in the Junior Boy’s category Henry. To have achieved so much as a year 4 student is an exceptional accomplishment and one to be ultra-proud of. We can’t wait to see what you achieve over the next two years of your primary school years.
Return of Books
Please ensure all library books are returned as soon as possible.
Thank you for your assistance.
Thank you
Thank you to Candice Millett and Lisa Barlow for their help with covering our library books.
Tuckshop Roster
Cheese Toastie and Ice cream Day
Wool Muster
Thank you to the O'Brien family, Kylie & Steve Ward, Grove family and the McDonald family for their donation of wool. This raised another $705.40. Thanks to Bryton's for their donation and help.
Again, a thank you to Cat Culley for her organisation of this fundraiser!
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Secretary via email.
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: ** NEW PHONE NUMBER ** 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Multi Sport Day Flyers, including Dauntless MC Workshops and Performance
The Multi Sport Day has been rescheduled to Saturday 21st January 2023.
It will be a fantastic day with quality coaches, food, music, DJ, prizes and a free sports shirt.
The Golf Club will be open all day, Coffee cart, food stalls, local radio etc.
Students will rotate through each sport (30 min sessions), then watch a Performance by Dauntless MC at 4.45pm.
The Dauntless MC Hip Hop and Parkour Workshops are for 10 to 24 year olds.
A free sport shirt (see attached photo) is available for the first 300 registered. Registration is easy – using the QR code on the flyers.
Sports shirts will be available for pick up at Council Environment and Planning counter from 5 December until the event.