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WEEK 8 |
Thursday 1 December |
Trinity Orientation Day |
Friday 2 December |
Athletics Carnival at Todkill Oval 9.05 - 3.10 BBQ and tuckshop- eftpos available All welcome! |
WEEK 9 |
Monday 5 December |
Year 5 Captains Speeches this week Final tuckshop - Pip, Claire, Maureen |
Thursday 8 December |
Christmas Concert in the Courtyard from 5.30pm |
Friday 9 December |
Year 5 Captains Student Voting |
Week 10 |
Monday 12 December |
Year 6 Graduation Mass, Dinner and Awards Presentation commencing at 5.30 pm |
Thursday 15 December |
Final Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony |
Friday 16 December |
Year Six Final Assembly 12.30 pm Last day of term 4 |
End-of-Term Fun
Over the past week, there have been many fun events for our students to participate in. After a long period of time with limited and modified events, it has been wonderful to see the joy that the activities have brought to our students.
The events continue until the end of term on Friday, 16 December. Please keep a close eye on the newsletter for details.
School Disco
A huge thank you to Year Six for their organisation and coordination of the School Disco last week. The students (and teachers), all looking fabulous in their Movie or TV Character costumes, had a lot of fun busting a move on the dance floor.
The infants' classes also enjoyed their mini-disco in the afternoon.

Mission Day
Last Friday, 25 November, the students had a fun afternoon raising funds for the Catholic Mission. The students found treasures at the White Elephant Stall, enjoyed delicious hot dogs, cakes and ice cream, enjoyed lucky dips, the haunted house, putt-putt, hair spray, face paint, popping balloons and more!
The most important part of Mission Day is the money we raise to send to fund vital work in Catholic Missions across the world. This year the students raised close to a whopping $1200. Congratulations, and thank you!

Athletics Carnival
The School Athletics Carnival will be held tomorrow, Friday 2 December. Students are asked to come directly to Todkill Oval on this day. The buses have been organised to drop off and pick up students from this venue.
A barbeque lunch will be available. This is the Year One 2022 fundraising event. Year One families are encouraged to contact Daniel Walsh, or Reané Strode if they are able to assist.
Please send your child with their school hat, sunscreen, water and something to sit on. As we know, there is no shelter available at Todkill Oval. Staff will be reminding students to reapply regularly during the day.
All families and friends of St Mary's are invited to share this fun day with us!
Christmas Concert
Next Thursday evening, 8 December, we will host our Christmas Concert and family picnic. The P&F will provide a barbeque dinner (steak and sausage sandwiches), and the canteen will be open for window sales from 5.30 pm. If you are able to assist with this, please contact Reané Strode, Daniel Walsh or Alison Hewitt.
The concert will commence after everyone is fed and settled in the sails area (weather permitting) at roughly 6.15 pm. Each class will present two songs within the nativity narrative presented by Year Six students.
We invite you to bring your own fold-up seats and eskys with your preferred refreshments. Drinks can also be purchased from the tuckshop.
Please face your chairs towards the MP Hall when setting up and leave the ramp and MP Hall verandah clear.
Community Christmas Carols
Our students have been invited to sing some Christmas Carols at the Taralga and Crookwell Community events.
On Sunday, 11 December, at 6 pm, the students, accompanied by Mrs Alison Cummins, will sing at Christ the King Church in Taralga.
On Saturday, 17 December, we have been invited to perform at the Crookwell Memorial Oval, at 6 pm. The students will be accompanied by Harriet Lowe.
If your child is able to participate in one or both of these events, can you please complete the eform below?
Christmas Carols Participating
Kindergarten 2023 Orientation Day
It was wonderful to welcome our new Kindergarten 2023 students and their families to St Mary's on Monday for their orientation day with Mrs Cummins.
The students all worked industriously and produced work that Mrs Cummins was amazed by.
We look forward to welcoming our new students and their families to the St Mary's Community in a full-time capacity next year.

End-of-Year School Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony
Our Year Five students are currently preparing to present themselves to our student body as possible School Captains and Sport Captains for 2022. The students will present their speeches next week from Monday to Thursday, with the voting to occur on Friday, 2 December. As is the long-held tradition, the Captains are student-elected, and staff do not vote.
The 2022 Captains will be announced at our End of Year School Mass and Changeover Ceremony held on Thursday, 15 December, at 9.30 am. Parents and carers are welcome to attend.
Please note the badges will be blessed and presented at our 2023 Welcome and Leaders Induction Mass at the beginning of Term One on Thursday, 2 February, at 9.30 am (TBC).
Sheep Muster - Thank you!
A huge thank you to all our families and supporters who donated to our sheep muster yesterday. We had 21 sheep, which sold well in a very tough market and raised over $3000.00.
Appreciation to our donors- J. Bain, K & T Croker, D & C Culley, A & C Doran, J & P Frost, B & M Lowe, A & C McCormack, J & T McCormack, D & B Tarlinton.
The wool proceeds will be totalled soon.
Thanks to Catherine Culley for coordinating our Sheep and Wool Muster for 2023.
Thanks to Elders Crookwell for facilitating the sale of the sheep at no charge.
These P&F funds will be contributing to the refurbishment of our Performing Arts room.
Below are photos of some of our donors:

School Fees are now due
For those families who are not on a regular direct debit plan, we ask that you kindly ensure your school fee account is up to date before the end of the year.
Reminder letters for outstanding amounts will be sent home shortly.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
A time of …watchful waiting, preparation, peace and justice
Getting our hearts and minds ready to celebrate Jesus at Christmas time
This Sunday marks the beginning of the second week of Advent. We light the second purple candle on the Advent Wreath. It is called the “BETHLEHEM CANDLE” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. This second candle represents “FAITH”. Mary and Joseph had tremendous faith in God and His plan for them. John the Baptist, who was Jesus’ cousin, also showed unwavering faith. He proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah, he baptised people, and he helped them open their hearts to welcome Jesus. We too are called to open our hearts in faith and welcome Jesus our Lord and saviour, into our lives. We are called to renew our faith in God during this special time of Advent.
10 ways to strengthen Faith this Advent
Put God first - Make Him important in your life.
Set aside a quiet time for prayer - Prayer is how we build a personal relationship with God (you don’t even have to say anything)
Trust God’s Plan - Look to God for guidance and peace even when times are hard.
Read the Bible - You have to listen to God's word to understand and to live in faith.
Share God’s Word - Tell others about God's love and Jesus' sacrifice.
Don't put too much value in material things - What's waiting in heaven is more important than on earth.
Resist temptation - Pray that God will help you be strong against sin.
Love others - Treat others with love and compassion.
Serve others - Honour Jesus by giving your time and energy to other people.
Say sorry and forgive – Let go of hurts and promote peace and harmony.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Congratulations to our students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation last Thursday during their retreat day at Trinity Catholic College, Goulburn. May they continue to receive God’s grace through this healing Sacrament.
Reconciliation (one of the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church) is a beautiful sacrament that brings peace and joy. It is all about God’s forgiveness and mercy. As human beings we are not perfect (Jesus was the perfect human being) but God loves every one of us all of the time anyway. God doesn’t stop loving us when we fail to be the best we can be, but we sometimes stop loving ourselves and others and God knows our human selves need a tangible experience of forgiveness and mercy to be put right again, to be at peace and start afresh.
Jesus gave authority to His Apostles and the priests to hear confessions and forgive sins in His name. “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them;” (John 20:23). When Catholics go to confession, they own their shortcomings, express their sorrow, and ask for forgiveness. They hear the priest say they are forgiven and experience God’s forgivingness, peace, and grace.
Our students replied…
- “It felt like a miracle was being done to me.”
- “I feel better than I did before.”
- “I feel great.”
- “It feels like I’m all clean.”
The famous psychiatrist Carl Jung was a great supporter of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He believed human beings have an instinctual need to confess their offences against themselves, fellowman, and God and that their sense of wholeness, integrity and community were impaired if wrongs were not confessed. He often recommended the’ Sacrament of Confession’ as part of his treatment.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Thank you to those who have already made donations to our St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal.
Let us do everything we can to help the less fortunate in our community and in the wider world this Christmas
K |
Cereals |
1 |
Snack foods e.g., biscuits, chips, and sweet treats |
2 |
Toys |
3 |
Tinned goods with a pull tag (not needing a can opener) |
4 |
Rice and pasta |
5 |
Soft drinks, long life juice, coffee, tea bags |
6 |
Toiletries e.g., shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothpaste, soap, hand towels, face washes, etc |
Please feel free to donate any item you would like. Eg…
- Toiletries
- Presents for children in need
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
2023 Canberra/Goulburn Sports Trials
This information has also been posted on our St Mary's School Facebook page and the CECG Sport Facebook page with updated links and information on the Canberra Goulburn Sport webpage.
Open to boys and girls from Years 3 to 5 in 2022. Closing date for registration is 5th Dec with the trial on 7th Dec at Lyneham ACT
Best of luck to Harley White as he attends the 2023 Canberra Goulburn Basketball trial tomorrow Friday 2 December 2022.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
School Athletics Carnival
Our athletics carnival is on tomorrow, Friday 2 December at Todkil Park, commencing at 9:00am and concluding by 2:45pm.
If your child catches the bus to school, they will be delivered to Todkil Park, and will be picked up from there in the afternoon.
If your child does not catch a bus, they will need to be dropped off to Todkil after 8:40am, and picked up in the afternoon at Todkil, from 3pm.
There will be a canteen and BBQ running available for students and families to purchase snacks and lunch.
Students need to ensure they have packed plenty of water, sunscreen and their school hat.
Age Champion for the 8yrs to 12yrs will be presented at school at our Friday morning school assembly on 9 December.
We are in URGENT need to the highlighted roles. If you can assist, please email the office as soon as possible.
We are asking for volunteers for the following roles:
- 8yr team manager- Bec Scott, Pip Frost
- 9yr team manager- Claire McCormack
- 10yr team manager- Rechelle Naughton
- 11yr team manager- Mrs Alison Davies
- 12yr team manager- Katie Price
- Timekeepers-Kayla Gann, Candice Millett
- Infants’ helpers- Cass Wicks, Kirsten Kennedy
Please be aware that there will be no borrowing for the rest of the term to enable a stocktake on the books in the library.
To assist with this, please ensure all library books are returned as soon as possible.
Thank you for your assistance.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Claudia Hills, Abby Kennedy, Adeline Millett, Archer Moloney
Yr. 1: Oscar Allport, Henry Butler, Mia Croker
Yr. 2: Charlie Beath, Rory Bensley, Beau Knight, Georgia Proudman
Yr. 3: Anna, Ruby Pappalardo
Yr. 4: Lily Coggan, Lucas Plumb
Yr. 5: Noah Edwards, Lauren Fraser
Yr. 6: Sommer-Lee Gann, Kaylee Skinner
Japanese Award
Awarded to Year Two. Well done!
Performing Arts Award
Awarded to Logan Anderson
School Spirit Awards
Angus Foley for offering service to others
Ava Hewitt for striving for excellence
Gabby Price for showing compassion to others
Athletics Carnival
** There will be eftpos facilities available as well as cash
Tuckshop Roster
Cheese Toastie and Ice cream Day
On Wednesday 14 December, we will be having a Cheese Toastie and Ice cream sale.
Orders can be placed via Qkr under the Canteen menu
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Multi Sport Day Flyers, including Dauntless MC Workshops and Performance
The Multi Sport Day has been rescheduled to Saturday 21st January 2023.
It will be a fantastic day with quality coaches, food, music, DJ, prizes and a free sports shirt.
The Golf Club will be open all day, Coffee cart, food stalls, local radio etc.
Students will rotate through each sport (30 min sessions), then watch a Performance by Dauntless MC at 4.45pm.
The Dauntless MC Hip Hop and Parkour Workshops are for 10 to 24 year olds.
A free sport shirt (see attached photo) is available for the first 300 registered. Registration is easy – using the QR code on the flyers.
Sports shirts will be available for pick up at Council Environment and Planning counter from 5 December until the event.

We warmly welcome teachers, support staff, parents and carers to attend our disability networking event Ready-Set-Connect being held for the Goulburn region on 9 December.
Ready-Set-Connect is an informative (and fun!) event based on a speed dating format. It connects teachers, support coordinators, people with disability, and parents and carers with NDIS service providers.
National and local providers will be sharing information with you about their NDIS services and products.
This event will help you keep in touch and up to date with services in your local community. In the space of a little over two hours, you will build your connections and get to meet a variety of providers.
It's FREE for Attendees! Come and join us. Let us know you are coming and register as an Attendee by going to our website or using the link below.
Event details:
Goulburn Ready-Set-Connect |
Friday 9 Dec 2022 |
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM |
Goulburn Workers Club, 1 McKell Place, Goulburn, NSW. | |
Crookwell Twilight Christmas Fair
Carols in the Park
Hume Conservatorium
In 2023 The Hume Conservatorium has some exciting new offerings. We are a not-for-profit that exists to support schools to provide the very best music education opportunities available. Our mission is to mitigate the inequality in access to quality music education. We teach music in a manner that applies research-based pedagogies and supports well-being and a growth mindset.
We are providing the highest standard of instrument tuition from expert staff. We are adding new small group lessons to our offerings to allow students to try a new instrument at a more affordable rate whilst being a part of an exciting team that can learn together.
Ensembles. We offer a variety of programs that support students to form bands including, but not limited to, small string orchestras, wind groups (saxophones, flutes, trumpets, tubas etc.) guitar and ukulele ensembles, percussion groups and choirs. We can arrange the low cost hiring of instruments through the Creative Arts resource Library (CARL). Opportunities exist for Before and after school.
We look forward to an exciting 2023!!
Hume Conservatorium, Goulburn
Phone 02 4821 8833