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WEEK 7 |
Thursday 24 November |
Combined Goulburn Mission Reconciliation Reflection Day at Trinity 9.30am - 2.30pm School Disco Yrs 3-6, 5.30pm - 7.00pm |
Friday 25 November |
Mission Day - Mufti Day No tuckshop |
WEEK 8 |
Monday 28 November |
Kindergarten 2023 Orienration Day 9.15pm - 3pm Meet and Greet in the staffroom at 2pm Catholic Care Counsellor at school Tuckshop - Rechell, Elise and Kia |
Tuesday 29 November |
Crookwell High School Orientation Day Riding with the Disabled |
Wednesday 30 November |
Kindergarten Crookwell Library visit |
Thursday 1 December |
Trinity Orientation Day |
Friday 2 December |
Athletics Carnival at Todkill Oval BBQ available |
2023 Staffing
As we near the end of the term, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the staffing I have put in place for 2023.
Kindergarten - Mrs Alison Cummins
Year One (1) - Mrs Sue Branson
Year One (2) - Miss Annie Croker
Year Two - Mrs Linda Walsh
Year Three - Mrs Therese Skelly
Year Four - Mrs Sally-Anne Croker
Year 5 - Mr James Edwards
Year 6 - Mrs Nicola Spackman
Performing Arts - Mrs Ashlee Picker
Executive (AP/REC) Release - Mrs Karen O'Keefe
Teacher Librarian - Mrs Dorothea Hewitt
Classroom Support Assistants - Gwenda Romer, Elizabeth Webber, Shauna Hewitt, Rie O'Brien and Bradley Hayes
Next year we welcome Mrs Rachael Croker into the Classroom Support Teacher (CST) Role. I would like to thank Mrs Alison Davies and Mrs Lyndall Whittle for very capably filling that role over the past semester. Mrs Croker will also take on the Representative Sport Coordinator Role and Early Career Teacher Release position.
I would like to thank Sally-Anne Croker for her time and effort in managing the Representative Sports programs and Rachael Croker for managing the School Sports programs, over many years. We welcome Linda Walsh to the School Sports Coordinator role next year.
I would like to thank Nicola Spackman for teaching Year Six this semester. Nicola filled the CST role for over fifteen years at St Mary's and she has a huge wealth of knowledge and experience in that area. Nicola will continue to be a great support to our current and future CSTs. We are thankful and blessed that Nicola has decided to remain in a classroom teaching position for 2023.
Mr. O'Kane has decided to extend his Long Service Leave into 2023. We welcome Mr. James Edwards to St Mary's. James is relocating from Willoughby to the Laggan area during the holiday break. James has been teaching for six years and currently teaches at St Thomas Primary School in Willoughby. He has a particular interest in Touch Football, Cricket and Rugby Union.
I would also like to congratulate Miss Annie Croker on achieving a permanent contract. Annie has had a wonderful first year of teaching. She works extremely hard and is always willing to take on new learning opportunities.
Next year our Year One classes will sit side by side in the Mercy Building and our Year Two class will be located in the newly refurbished Parish Meeting Room.
I would like to thank our Classroom Support Assistants (CSAs) for their hard work this year. Molly Skelly, Grace Cummins and Vickie Searle have all jumped on board to fill absences due to long service leave and illness and Stephanie Knight has delivered the Intensive Learning Support program, achieved with additional COVID learning support funding. We look forward to continuing to work with all of these very competent and efficient CSAs in a causal capacity next year.
I would also like to thank our dedicated team of casual teachers, Jayme O'Brien, Claire McCormack, Jenny McCarthy, Jenny Evans, Madison Leonard, Issy Davis, Ellie Picker, Megan Picker, Dorothea Hewitt, Karen O'Keefe and Brian Howard. Having an experienced and consistent casual team makes the transition during teacher absence much easier for all.
We are excited about 2023 and look forward to a year full of learning and success.
School Fees 2023
On behalf of our school community, I wish to provide you with information regarding our 2023 School Fees and thank you for your continued support of our school. Despite the disruptions wrought by the covid pandemic, we appreciate families meeting their financial obligations in 2022 to ensure our school continues to thrive.
We are very mindful of the impacts any fee increase incurs on families and have therefore carefully considered what would be most appropriate for the year ahead. In setting 2023 fees, we have worked hard to strike an effective balance between our essential work of providing an excellent education for our students and keeping any increase manageable for families – especially given the current economic environment.
You also will notice that the fees look a little different this next year. The names associated with our school levies will change across Catholic Education Canberra and Goulburn (CECG). This is to ensure consistency across all schools in support of the rollout of a new finance system which is expected to be deployed to St Mary's next March.
Our fee for a single student in 2023 will be $597 per term. Included in this amount are both Tuition and School Levies. This amount represents an increase of 5% in the Tuition Fees and up to 3.25% on our local levies, in line with rising salaries and costs required to ensure our school continues to deliver quality education. Please see attached the schedule of 2023 fees, including sibling discounts, for further detail.
We are committed to our policy in the Archdiocese that no student should be refused enrolment, excluded, or disadvantaged because of their inability to afford the fees. If you are experiencing financial hardship and the 2023 fees concern your family, I encourage you to arrange a meeting with me to discuss how we can help and the financial assistance available. Any discussion on fees would be strictly confidential.
The School Board has approved the following fee structure for 2023.
Family per term CEO fee |
$ 357.00 |
Family per term CEO fee-if older child/ren attends Trinity |
$ 178.50 |
Family per term- Utilities/Maintenance/Building Levy |
$ 174.00 |
Student per term- IT Levy |
$ 33.00 |
Student per term– Student Resource Levy |
$ 33.00 |
If you have any questions regarding school fees for 2023, please contact me.
No Morning Club on Fridays
Just a reminder that there is no Morning Club held on Fridays. Please ensure that your children do not arrive at school before 8.40 am, in time for the commencement of morning playground supervision.
Mission Day
This Friday, 25 November, we will be holding our Mission Day. This day allows us to raise funds for the Catholic Mission, whilst also having fun!
The Mission Day timetable will be as follows:
9:05am – Mission Prayer Celebration
11.15am – Lunch - Hot dogs ($2) Poppers ($1) Icecreams ($1)
1:00pm – 1.15pm – Second Break - K/1 Cake Stall (50c) Icecreams ($1)
1:15pm – 2.30pm - Mission Day activities
Kindergarten/Year One - Donations of cakes, please
Yr 2 – Lucky Dip
Yr 3 –Ice-creams *available at lunch and from 2nd break onwards
Yr 4 - White Elephant Stall
Yr 5 – Lunch and novelty activities
Yr 6 – Novelty activities including the Haunted House, Hair Spray, Nail Polish, Obstacle Course, Putt-Putt Golf and more!
Activities range from 20c to $1. Please send in small change (10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2) with your children. All money raised goes to Catholic Missions.
It is a uniform-free day. If possible, we encourage staff and students to come on this day 'Dressed by Vinnies.' We look forward to seeing the stylish and wacky treasures students can find at our local and nearby St Vincent de Paul stores. This could be a full outfit, part of an outfit or an accessory. No thongs or shoestring straps are permitted. If you are unable to organise this, mufti clothing is fine.
It's not too late; donations of pre-loved items in very good condition for the White Elephant Stall and new small toys and treats for the Lucky Dips would be appreciated.
Week 6 Excursions
Last week we had many of our students out and about experiencing wonderful things.
Year Six spent an action-packed week at Narrabeen Academy of Sport with Mrs Spackman, Mrs Tarlinton and Mr Price. Their instructor for the program was Molly Davies, one of our ex-students and Mrs Davies' daughter. From all accounts, the students had a fantastic time.
Please stay tuned for some Year Six Camp recounts and photographs in next week's newsletter.
Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two students enjoyed their picnic in Victoria Park and played on the Adventure Playground, after the disappointing news that the performance of 'Edward the Emu' at the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre was cancelled due to one of the puppeteers contracting COVID. Regardless of this, the students still had a great day.
Last Friday our Year Five students participated in an incursion at the St Mary's Parish Centre. The day focused on developing some of the necessary skills for leadership. I would like to thank Mrs Walsh for her planning and coordination of this event.
Athletics Carnival
The School Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday 2 December. Students are asked to come directly to Todkill Oval on this day. The buses have been organised to drop off and pick up students from this venue.
A barbeque lunch will be available. This is the Year One 2022 fundraising event. Year One families are encouraged to contact Daniel Walsh and Reané Strode if they are able to assist.
Sheep Muster
As you will read in the P&F section, if any families have a sheep they are able to donate to be sold at SELX next Wednesday 30 November, please contact Catherine Culley. We appreciate any assistance you can provide with this fundraiser! P&F funds this term will be contributing to the refurbishment of our Performing Arts room.
School Disco
Our end-of-year school disco for Years Three-Six is scheduled for tonight - Thursday 24 November from 5.30pm to 7.00pm in the Old Hall. Year Six organised and run the disco. This year, Year Six have chosen the theme Movie or TV Character. Entry to the disco is $2.00 and drinks and snacks will be available.
Year Six will run a mini disco for Kinder-Two during the afternoon session.
Next Monday, 28 November, we look forward to welcoming our new 2023 Kindergarten students to St Mary's for a full Orientation Day.
The children are to arrive at 9.15am dressed in play clothes with a packed lunch, drink bottle and hat. Upon arrival, the students will go to the Kindergarten classroom where they will be greeted by their Year Six buddy and Mrs Cummins. They will then have a short morning play before moving to the classroom for learning activities.
At 2pm parents and carers are invited to attend a ‘Meet and Greet' afternoon tea in the Staffroom. During this, our Parents and Friends Association (P&F) Secretary, Reané Strode, will present some information about the P&F Association and how you can get involved.
At 2.40pm parents are invited to attend an information session in the Kindergarten classroom before departing at 3.00pm.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
St Mary’s School Values: JUSTICE and SERVICE
We will be working for justice at our St Mary’s School Mission Day tomorrow. Students in Years 3,4,5 and 6 will be taking part in acts of service to raise funds for the poor and underprivileged in our world. A very BIG Thank You for your support of our Mission Day in sending in donations and materials.
Getting our hearts and minds ready to celebrate Jesus at Christmas time
The season of ADVENT, which leads us to Jesus’ birthday at Christmas, begins this Sunday.
Advent is a time for us to stop and reflect on our lives and our relationships (with God and each other). It is a time for us to consider the HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE Jesus can bring to our lives if we invite Him in and let Him reign in our hearts. The first of the Advent candles, signifying the first week of Advent, is the candle of HOPE. Are we waiting and preparing with a hopeful heart for Jesus’ birthday and for the time he will ‘come again’? Are we in touch with our loving God, who gives us the will and the strength to be the best people we can be for each other? Make some time in your day to reflect on these questions:
- Do we give real time to God in order to KNOW this deep love? What about attending Mass?
- Are we aware when and how God blesses our day/our lives? Do we give thanks?
- How do we treat others? Could we listen more carefully, be more tolerant or understanding, more patient, more honest, kinder, or less selfish?
- Do we need to say sorry and make things right?
We will be having a whole school Advent prayer in the school hall on Monday morning at 9am
We are continuing to open our hearts to God by striving for justice throughout this Advent. Please help us support St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal and bring a little joy and peace to those in need in our community. Items may be placed in baskets in the foyer.
K |
Cereals |
1 |
Snack foods e.g., biscuits, chips, and sweet treats |
2 |
Toys |
3 |
Tinned goods with a pull tag (not needing a can opener) |
4 |
Rice and pasta |
5 |
Soft drinks, long life juice, coffee, tea bags |
6 |
Toiletries e.g., shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothpaste, soap, hand towels, face washes etc |

Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
2023 Canberra/Goulburn Sports Trials
This information has also been posted on our St Mary's School Facebook page and the CECG Sport Facebook page with updated links and information on the Canberra Goulburn Sport webpage.
Touch Football
Open to boys and girls from Years 3 to 5 in 2022. Closing date for registration is 5th Dec with the trial on 7th Dec at Lyneham ACT
Open to boys and girls from Years 3 to 5 in 2022.
- 2023 Canberra Goulburn Tennis and Basketball trials will be held on Friday 2 December 2022.
- Registered students to date: Harley White
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
School Athletics Carnival
Our athletics carnival is on Friday 2 December at Todkil Park, commencing at 9:00am and concluding by 2:45pm.
If your child catches the bus to school, they will be delivered to Todkil Park, and will be picked up from there in the afternoon.
If your child does not catch a bus, they will need to be dropped off to Todkil after 8:40am, and picked up in the afternoon at Todkil, from 3pm.
There will be a canteen and BBQ running available for students and families to purchase snacks and lunch.
Age Champion for the 8yrs to 12yrs will be presented at school at our Monday morning school assembly on 5 December.
We are in URGENT need to the highlighted roles. If you can assist, please email the office as soon as possible.
We are asking for volunteers for the following roles:
- 8yr team manager- Bec Scott, Pip Frost
- 9yr team manager- Claire McCormack
- 10yr team manager- Rechelle Naughton
- 11yr team manager-
- 12yr team manager- Katie Price
- Timekeepers-
- Infants’ helpers- Cass Wicks
Art Focus - Frida Kahlo:
Frida Kahlo has become an icon for her art, love of Mexican culture and courage in the face of adversity.
This term our children have all had an insight into the life and art of Frida.
We discussed some of her paintings and many of her self-portraits. The children experimented with the technique of collage, making a flower crown for Frida. The process and appreciation of art is much more important than the finished product, but this time the results were quite stunning!
I absolutely love teaching the children about the "groundbreakers" of the art world.
Year 5 Leadership Retreat 2022
Last week on Friday, the 18th of November, Year 5 had their Leadership Retreat Day. We all walked over to the St Mary’s Parish Meeting Room ready for a day full of fun. We started off with a prayer, as usual, and prayed for the day to go smoothly. All of us went outside to play a couple of team games, including knots. Knots is a game where you have to connect hands with someone opposite you and you have to get untangled. We also played a game called keepy-uppy, everyone knows what that game is, but we had to hold hands and cooperate with the team to keep the balloon off the ground.
After playing some fun games, we headed back inside to do some booklet activities. The activities included, skills, qualities, personalities, leadership skills, and what we want for our future. The morning had already ended, and it was time for lunch! Mrs Walsh ordered some yummy hot chips from Paul’s Cafe, including a popper of our choice.
After lunch we headed back over to school to do a Mini Vinnies zoom meeting. After a little chat with Matt and Teah (the hosts of the Mini Vinnies chat), we split up into break out rooms to talk with other schools.
When the meeting was over, we headed back to the Meeting Room to do some more booklet work. We got given a sheet of all the roles and responsibilities we would have to take care of if we became a captain. We finished the day playing more team games, like; all over, Band-Aid tag, chain tag, skipping, and a trust game.
I couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable day! Thank you, Mrs Walsh, for all your hard work to organise it.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Thaddaeus Camilleri, Laela McIntosh, Hadley Reynolds, Jack Lowe, Flynn Pascoe
Yr. 1: Lizzie Walsh, Joshua Fraser, Digby Price
Yr. 2: Evelyn Waldron, Max Strode, Jobe Seaman
Yr. 3: Tommy Picker, Owen Moorby
Yr. 4: Henry Galland, Chase Lucock, Charlotte Crosbie, William Waldron
Yr. 5: Joe Hayes, Lara McCulloch
Yr. 6: Rorey Hearne, Harry Price
Japanese Award
Awarded to Year One. Well done!
Performing Arts Award
Awarded to Tahlia Naughton
We warmly welcome teachers, support staff, parents and carers to attend our disability networking event Ready-Set-Connect being held for the Goulburn region on 9 December.
Ready-Set-Connect is an informative (and fun!) event based on a speed dating format. It connects teachers, support coordinators, people with disability, and parents and carers with NDIS service providers.
National and local providers will be sharing information with you about their NDIS services and products.
This event will help you keep in touch and up to date with services in your local community. In the space of a little over two hours, you will build your connections and get to meet a variety of providers.
It's FREE for Attendees! Come and join us. Let us know you are coming and register as an Attendee by going to our website or using the link below.
Event details:
Goulburn Ready-Set-Connect |
Friday 9 Dec 2022 |
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM |
Goulburn Workers Club, 1 McKell Place, Goulburn, NSW. | |
Crookwell Twilight Christmas Fair
Charlotte's Web Performance
Triple P Parenting Program
The last disco for the year will be 25 November.
Sheep and Wool Muster
The sheep sale is Wednesday 30 November. Sheep will be collected on Tuesday 29 November
All sheep accepted: lambs, ewes, rams, wethers
Wool: donations can be dropped directly to Bryton's at any time and they will purt aside until it is all received. Please note: do not include dags/dirty wool, black wool or shedding sheep wool (Dorpers etc.)
Thanks to Catherine Culley for coordinating our Sheep and Wool Muster for 2023.
Thanks to Elders Crookwell for faciliatating the sale of the sheep at no charge.
Tuckshop Roster
If your allocated date doesn't suit, it is your responsibility to please try and find a swap from someone on the list and then let Belinda know.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)