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WEEK 5 |
Friday 11 November |
Grandparents and Special Friends Day No Tuckshop |
WEEK 6 |
Monday 14 November |
Counsellor visit Year 3 Art Day Tuckshop- Tennille, Candice & Elizabeth |
Tuesday 15 November |
Year 6 Camp Year 4 Art Day Beach to Bush Presentation 2pm |
Wednesday 16 November |
Year 6 Camp Kindergarten Art Day 2 (split) Reconciliation preparation 3:30pm |
Thursday 17 November |
Year 6 Camp |
Friday 18 November |
Year 6 return from Camp approx 5pm K/1/2 Excursion to Canberra Year 5 Leadership Incursion No Tuckshop |
WEEK 7 |
Monday 21 November |
Counsellor visit Year 5 Art Day Tuckshop- Rachael, Tash, Jenny |
Tuesday 22 November |
Year 6 Art Day |
Wednesday 23 November |
Year 2 Art Day Reconciliation Preparation 3.30pm |
Thursday 24 November |
Combined Goulburn Mission Reconciliation Reflection Day at Trinity 9.30am - 2.30pm School Disco Yrs 3-6, 5.30pm - 7.00pm |
Friday 25 November |
Mission Day |
Grandparents and Special Friends Day
Tomorrow, Friday 11 November, we invite you to join us for our 2022 Australiana-themed Grandparents and Special Friends Day.
The day will commence with Mass at 9.15am in St Mary's Catholic Church. If you would like to sit with your child/grandchild in the Church please collect them from their classroom at 9.00am.
Following Mass, morning tea will be served by our Parents and Friends Association in our Multi-purpose Hall. We request that all families send in a plate of food to share.
At 10.50am we will move into our Hall for our Remembrance Day Ceremony and Australiana-themed performance.
After the presentation, you are welcome to have a walk through the school buildings to view our recent developments.
Japanese Cultural Activity Day
Thank you, Mrs O'Brien, and all the teachers, for preparing and facilitating an informative and fun Japanese Cultural Activity Day last Friday.
In mixed-grade groups, the students cooked rice balls and yakitori, practised shuji calligraphy, listened to Japanese folktale stories, did Manga drawing, created Hokusai art, and made origami lanterns and fans.

2022 Australian Primary Principals Conference (APPA)
Last week I participated in the 2022 APPA Conference in Sydney. Alongside 700 Principals from all over Australia, I heard a large variety of guest speakers all sharing their amazing stories and messages on the theme of equity and diversity.
The engaging and thought-provoking sessions dug deep into inclusion and diversity and how this affects our families, communities, staff and students.
For me, some of the highlights included talks from Amna Karra-Hassan, founder of the first-ever women's AFL team in Western Sydney, Craig Foster AM Socceroo and Social Justice and Human Rights Activist, Dr Ricahel Harris OAM, Anesthetist and cave diver at the Thailand Tham Luang cave rescue, Mitch Wallis, Heart on your sleeve founder and mental health advocate and Hannah Dviviney leading Disability advocate. The event was hosted by ABC's 'Q&A' Stan Grant.
I would like to thank all the staff for filling my role in my absence, especially Mrs Therese Skelly and Mrs Sally-Anne Croker.
IEU Union Strike
I have been informed that some IEU (Independent Education Union) members will be participating in one hour of protected industrial action in the form of a work stoppage on Tuesday 15 November from 8.30am - 9.30am.
All students will come to school as normal that day. I will provide playground supervision and then will take the opportunity to practise some of the whole school Christmas concert songs.
School Disco
Our end-of-year school disco for Years 3-6 is scheduled for Thursday 24 November at 5.30pm to 7.00pm in the Old Hall. Year 6 organise and run the disco. This year, Year 6 have chosen the theme Movie or TV Character. Entry to the disco is $2.00 and drinks and snacks will be available.
Year 6 will run a mini disco for K-2 during the afternoon session.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
You might like to pause and say a prayer for the fallen and for peace when you hear the bell toll at 11am tomorrow.
God of love and peace,
We thank you for the peace and security we enjoy.
We remember those who faithfully served their country in time of war
and we pray for them.
We remember those who are still serving, and we pray for them and their families.
We pray for the day to come soon when there is no war, only peace.
This we pray in the name of Jesus who gave his life for the sake of the world:
Jesus Christ, our example of peace. Amen.
We are young and we are free,
we are brave, and we are strong in the face of any challenge.
We can truly make a difference.
We will strive to rise above.
We will make the most of the opportunity to live, to learn,
to spread kindness and love.
Let this be our commitment – to be the best that we can be
and strive for peace in our homes and our world.
Please remember to help us support CATHOLIC MISSION
PRAYER –pray for the poor and marginalised.
DONATIONS –help us to raise money for those who are much less fortunate than ourselves.
WHITE ELEPHANT– Many thanks for the new and used items donated thus far. If you haven’t cleaned out your cupboards, there is still time: Eg: toys, games, books, kitchenware, clothes/shoes, drawing/sketching materials, jewellery, purses/bags/wallets etc.)
SOCK BALL materials (for our Mission Day home-made soccer balls activity)
- Old socks
- Bubble wrap
- Plastic bags
- Styrofoam
- Old T-shirts/light material clothing
- String or similar
“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
2023 Canberra/Goulburn Sports Trials
This information has also been posted on our St Mary's School Facebook page and the CECG Sport Facebook page with updated links and information on the Canberra Goulburn Sport webpage.
Open to boys and girls from Year 3 – Year 5 in 2022. Closing date for registration is 5th Dec with the trial on 7th Dec at Lyneham ACT
BASKETBALL Years 3 to 5 for Basketball.
- 2023 Canberra Goulburn Tennis and Basketball trials will be held on Friday 2 December 2022.
- Registered students to date : Harley White
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
School Athletics Carnival
We are really excited to be able to finally hold our Athletics Carnival, after the COVID restrictions and weather issues.
The date is set for Friday 2 December at Todkil Park. The day will be run as an official carnival, with distances measured and races timed. We will also present age champions for our 8yrs to 12yrs age groups.
Our Infants students will attend and take part in running events, as well as modified field events as rotation groups.
Thank you to those who have already volunteered for roles on the day.
We are in URGENT need to the highlighted roles. If you can assist please email the office as soon as possible.
We are asking for volunteers for the following roles:
- 8yr team manager-
- 9yr team manager- Claire McCormack
- 10yr team manager- Rechelle Naughton
- 11yr team manager-
- 12yr team manager- Katie Price
- Time keepers
- Infants helpers
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Grandparents Day
Sheep and Wool Muster
The sheep sale is Wednesday 30 November. Sheep will be collected on Tuesday 29 November
All sheep will be accepted- lambs, ewes, rams, wethers
Wool: all donations can be dropped directly to Bryton's at any time and they will purt aside until it is all received. Please note, do not include dags/dirty wool, no black wool, no shedding sheep wool (Dorpers, etc)
Thanks to Catherine Culley for coordinating our Sheep and Wool Muster for 2023.
Thanks to Elders Crookwell for faciliatating the sale of the sheep for no charge.
Tuckshop Roster
If your allocated date doesn't suit, it is your responsibility to please try and find a swap from someone on the list and then let Belinda know.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Lucas Charnock, Tommy Culley, Gabby McDonald, Tilda McIntosh
Yr. 1: Cooper Sims, Jack Strode
Yr. 2: Harry Day, Vinnie Moloney, Payton Selmes
Yr. 3: Jacob Hogan, Harper Seaman
Yr. 4: Sophie Kilborn, Olivia Millett, Madeleine Strode
Yr. 5: Kaitlin Francis, Ava Hewitt
Yr. 6: Briana Blowes, Saxon Greenwood
Performing Arts Award
William Millett for a fantastic effort in Performing Arts
Japanese Award
Awarded to Year Four and Year Six. Well done!
Appreciation Award
Awarded to Tahlia Anderson for wearing our St Mary's Primary School uniform with pride
School Spirit Award
Pat Croker for offering service to others
Emilee Salt for always showing compassion to others
Madeleine Strode for offering service to others
Running for Premature Babies- "Premmie Marathon Challenge"
Current kindy parents, Amber and Stuart are taking on the Premmie Marathon Challenge for the charity "Running for Premature Babies", the charity which helped their baby boy survive.
Nix (who starts Kindy at St Mary's next year and joins his brother Hendrix here) was born nine weeks early on the 17th November 2017, coinciding with Annual World Prematurity Day. Nix spent his first days at newborn intensive care unit at royal Women's Hospital, Randwick, with the aid of equipment that was funded by the Running for Premature Babies Foundation. Without the aid of this equipment, he may not have survived.
This year, Stuart is going to celebrate all that Nix has overcome, and to raise more needed funds for premature babies, he will run from their home in Laggan to Goulburn and as far back as he can physically and mentally handle. His goal is to raise $10,000.00 for a charity that has given their family so much.
To donate to their cause:
(Excerpt taken from the Upper Lachlan Gazette)
Vicar Of Dibley- CADS performance
Charlotte's Web Performance
Triple P Parenting Program
The last disco for the year will be 25 November.