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- Free Webinar- A Safety Guide to Popular apps
- Student Sharepoint
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- Student Awards
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- P & F News
- Bus Pass newsletter
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- 1 Day Parent/Carer Workshop in Goulburn- Autism
- Community News
Free Webinar- A Safety Guide to Popular apps

Learn about TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube to help your children stay safe online.
In partnership with the eSafety Commissioner the Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT will run a free webinar for parents and carers of students.
Wednesday 26 October 7.30-8.30pm
Or scan QR codeNicholas Wye and his visit to the PLC Gifted Program
Last Saturday, Nicholas Wye went to PLC Sydney to attend a gifted program where we he got to know the teachers and meet children that are in Kindergarten and year 1 from other schools. Nick had a wonderful time at PLC today. We can't wait to hear all the things he learnt!
WEEK 2 | |
Friday 21 October |
No tuckshop |
WEEK 3 | |
Monday 24 October |
Tuckshop resumes - Marguerite, Cassandra, Katherine Counsellor visit |
Tuesday 25 October |
Term 4 P&F Meeting in the Staffroom 7pm All welcome! |
Wednesday 26 October |
Archdio Public Speaking Competition Croker/Gilbert Legends League Gala Day |
Thursday 27 October |
Catholic Leaders Day - Mrs Lowe in Canberra |
Friday 28 October |
Archdiocesan/Regional Principals Meetings - ACT Tuckshop - Tania, Jackie, Maureen |
High Praise!
This week, I received three emails from people congratulating me on our students' behaviour, manners and capabilities. I expressed to the students today how proud I am of them. They have had a settled start to the term and are working industriously.
Yesterday, we had two teachers from Trinity Primary School, Harden-Murrumburrah visit St Mary's. The visitors watched Spelling Mastery, Connecting Math Concepts and Reading Mastery lessons. They were amazed by the level our students are working at. Mrs Rebecca Cooper commented,
Northern Region Public Speaking Competition
Congratulations to all of our students who participated in the Northern Region Public Speaking competition last Friday, 14 October.
The results were as follows:
We wish Chloe and Toby the best of luck at the Archdiocesan Competition hosted virtually by St Anne's Temora, next Wednesday, 26 October.
Fun Run
Unfortunately, our Term 4 P&F Fundraiser, the Crookwell Community Fun Run, was cancelled due to insufficient numbers. The decision was made on Thursday evening after it became evident that it was mostly only the coordinating committee's children who were registered to participate, along with two other families - a total of fifteen children.
I would like to thank the organising committee and their helpers for the time and effort they put into preparing, advertising and organising this event. I would also like to thank the families that made a donation or offered to sponsor the event - Great Divide Landscapes, Heli Ag Aviation and B Hewitt Constructions.
Next week on Tuesday 25 October at 7 pm in the staffroom, we will hold our Term Four Parents and Friends Meeting. All parents and carers are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting.
Next week we ask all children to begin wearing into their Summer Uniform. A hat will be required for the next two terms. If you would like to order one, please order via QKR or contact Belinda. There will be no spare hats available for students to use. If students do not have a hat they will be asked to sit or play in a shady place.
If we get a stretch of cold weather, your child may still wear their full winter uniform.
Kindergarten 2023
It has been lovely to commence the formal Kindergarten 2023 interviews this week. I really enjoy this opportunity to get to know our new students and their families. These interviews allow us to put in place everything that is required to best support our students.
If you have not made an appointment yet, please follow the link in the email or contact Belinda on 48321 592.
The Kindergarten Orientation Day will be held on Monday 28 November, 9.15am - 3.00pm.
Online enrolments are still open -
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office or can be downloaded from our website
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Justice and Service
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).
We continue to reach out and help others to live life to the full as we try to be…
- JESUS’ FEET – walking with others in the spirit of JUSTICE
- JESUS’ HANDS – offering SERVICE to others
Catholic Mission Month – SOCKTOBER – ‘Sock it to Poverty’
The word SOCKTOBER represents the words ‘Soccer’, ‘Socks’, and ‘October’.
Soccer is the world’s most popular sport and is played in almost every country in the world. No other sport in the world has such metaphorical power to represent the bonds we can form with our brothers and sisters with whom we may share little else in common.
The Sockball
When Pope Francis was a boy in Argentina, he played soccer in the streets of Buenos Aires with his friends using a ball made of recycled materials like rags tied together with string. It is fitting that the iconic symbol of Socktober is a tattered, misshapen ball made of recycled material like socks, t-shirts and plastic bags, tied together with string. It represents what Socktober is all about.
Praying and working for justice with our HEADS, HEARTS, HANDS and FEET
As part of our St Mary’s Mission Day in week 7, the students will create their own SOCKBALLS, and in using them to play soccer, will have the same experience as the millions of other children from other cultures, past and present who have had to ‘make do’ with LESS. Experience leads to empathy, and empathy to action. As well as working for justice, we continue to pray each day in our school assemblies and classrooms for justice and peace around the world.
In preparation for SOCKTOBER Day, please collect and send in the following recycled materials:
- Old socks
- Bubble wrap
- Plastic bags
- Styrofoam
- Old T-shirts/light material clothing
- String or similar
Please clean out your cupboards and send items in for our hugely popular White Elephant Stall.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Lachlan Foran, Gracie Hannan, Sasha Wicks
Yr. 1: Oscar Allport, Henry Elsley-Mattox, Lucinda Fannin
Yr. 2: Donovan Francis, Harry Frost
Yr. 3: Spencer Charnock, Quade Haynes
Yr. 4: Sophie Culley, Sophia Foran, Sienna Gann
Yr. 5: Noah Edwards, Addin Grove, Emilee Salt
Yr. 6: Toby Charnock, Sophia Galland
Japanese Award
Congratulations to Year Three for being our class of the week!
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
2023 Canberra/Goulburn Sports Trials
This information has also been posted on the CECG Sport Facebook page with updated links and information on the Canberra Goulburn Sport webpage.
- The Canberra Goulburn Cricket Trials for the 2023 teams will be held on Friday 4 November 2022 with a closing date of the 28 October (Open to boys and girls from Year 3 to Year 5 in 2022).
- The MacKillop Cricket trials for 2023 will also be held in 2022 – Boys November 30 and December 1 and Girls November 30.
- Canberra Goulburn trials Friday 9 December – Open to boys and girls from Year 3 – Year 5 in 2022
- 2023 Canberra Goulburn Tennis and Basketball trials will be held on Friday 2 December 2022. This is open to students from Year 2 to Year 5 for TENNIS and Years 3 to 5 for Basketball.
Last week on the 10th October I went to Dubbo for the PSSA Cricket Championships. It was actually hot and good cricket weather.
I was in the Mackillop Invitational side and was a 4th change bowler and fourth drop batter. I am a left arm pace bowler.
In our first game we versed Sydney North and I got 17 runs and 0/11.
In our second game we versed Sydney East and lost.
In our third game we versed North West and lost.
Our last game was called off due to the wet weather.
I had a great week and am looking forward to trying again in 2023
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Gilbert/Croker Legends of League Rugby League Gala Day
Thank you for the return of notes for students who are taking part on the day, as well as parents who have indicated that they can assist with coaching. Please see the team lists below:
Year 3 & 4 Team | Year 5 & 6 Team |
Eli | Chloe |
Jaydan | Patrick |
Hayden | William C |
Chase | Angus |
Thomas | Addin |
Quade | Lachlan P |
Jacob | Charlie T |
Riley | Toby |
Tommy | |
Flynn | |
Harper | |
Spencer | |
Coaches | Coach |
Dan Costello & Cole Davis | Kim Croker |
GAME 1 10:30AM v ST JOEY’S 2 |
GAME 1 10:10AM v ST JOEY’S 4 |
GAME 3 1:10PM v ST GREGORY’S 2 |
GAME 3 12:10 v ST GREGORY’S 4 |
GAME 4 1:10 v ST JOEY’S 3 |
Please arrive by 9:15am to ensure that you have all gear required.
Supervising Teacher:
Mrs Walsh will be the teacher in charge for the day.
Required to Pack:
*Headgear and mouthguard- NO PLAY POLICY WITHOUT THESE
* Plenty of water
* School shorts or Crookwell Green Devils Shorts
* We will supply socks- handed out on the day
* School jerseys will be handed out on the day
* Hat and sunscreen
* Plenty of food
From the slips returned, everyone has organised their own transport for the day.
Book Club
The latest book club brochure has been distributed.
Orders are due TODAY Thursday 20 October.
Please order through LOOP. The web address is:
Sheep and Wool Muster
Thanks to Catherine Culley for coordinating our Sheep and Wool Muster for 2023.
This year wool will also be included.
Thanks to Elders Crookwell for faciliatating the sale of the sheep for no charge.
Tuckshop Roster
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
1 Day Parent/Carer Workshop in Goulburn- Autism
It is for parents, full-time carers and grandparents. Join other local families to learn more about autism and ways to strengthen the home-school partnership.
Learn about:
The diversity of autism
- examines parents' knowledge of autism and how autism directly impacts their child at home and school
- investigates a range of practical strategies to use at home and school to improve learning outcomes
Understanding behaviour
- examines the function/purpose of behaviours
- recognising that understanding behaviour is the key to supporting children on the autism spectrum
- explores tools and strategies for Positive Behaviour Support
Working together
- examines ways for parents to strengthen partnerships between home, school and community
- increases awareness of support and services for families and how they can be accessed
- explores ways parents can advocate more effectively for their child’s needs
- helps parents develop a plan for moving forward
Crookwell Community Garden Trivia Night
Upper Lachlan Health and Wellbeing Expo- Saturday 22 October

Crookwell Junior Cricket Registrations
Crookwell Junior Cricket registrations are now live for the upcoming season. The following link will take you to the under 10 and 12 registration link. This season if you use the active kids voucher, there is no additional fee.
The following link is for U14 and U16 rego;!!Ax-PnKpllFIIgPxB!iQbUualOQR3mmjjUHO_7D2H-BN-dR0sqbl3AgvrJFt1QOavpYRPWCMH76ajr0kyFPgZlAAKp1bSspbvdF0zkjaA02eB72ag6CnQ$
U10 Girls wanted for Goulburn Touch Competition
Get Creative in Crookwell Workshops
See the attached PDF for upcoming workshops being held by Get Creative in Crookwell.