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- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- P & F News
- ADHD Awareness Month - Understanding a shared experience
- Student & Community Showcase
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Performing Youth Trophy Competition
- Community News
WEEK 1 |
Friday 14 October |
Northern Region Public Speaking Competition No tuckshop |
Sunday 16 October |
P&F Fundraiser Crookwell Community Fun Run 11am at the Crookwell Showground |
WEEK 2 | |
Monday 17 October |
Counsellor visit No tuckshop Kindergarten 2023 Enrolment Interviews commence this week |
Wednesday 19 October |
Pie Drive drop off |
Friday 21 October |
No tuckshop |
Welcome back!
It is absolutely wonderful to welcome everyone back this week. We have been very fortunate to commence the term with no restrictions or regulations in place.
The students started with a spring in their steps and smiles on their faces, and I have noticed that all classes knuckled straight down to work.
Please note the current dates for important events this term.
Tuesday 25 Ocotber |
Term 4 P&F Meeting in the Staffroom 7pm All welcome! |
Wednesday 26 October |
Arch Public Speaking Competition Croker/Gilbert Legends League Gala Day |
Friday 4 November |
Japanese Culture Activity Day |
Friday 11 November |
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Remembrance Day |
15-18 November |
Year 6 Camp |
18 November |
Kinder, Year One and Year Two Excursion Year 5 Social Justice Incursion |
Thursday 24 November |
Primary School Disco 6.00 - 7.30pm |
Friday 25 November |
Mission Day - Mufti clothing |
Monday 28 November |
Kindergarten 2023 Orientation Day |
Friday 2 December |
School Athletics Carnival at Todkill Oval |
Thursday 8 December |
Christmas Concert under the Sails |
Monday 12 December |
Year 6 Farewell Mass & Dinner and Awards Presentation |
Thursday 15 December |
End-of-Year Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony |
Friday 16 December |
Year 6 Final Assembly Final Day of the School Year |
Showcase of Learning
I would like to again publicly thank Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two and their teachers for a very entertaining and informative Showcase of Learning on the last day of Term Three.
I was enthralled to hear about some of the History, Geography and English learning that has taken place in our infants' classrooms during the first three terms.
Public Speaking Competition
On Friday 16 September we held our school public speaking competition. Those who presented did a fantastic job, with many clear, well-written, entertaining speeches delivered to the audience. Congratulations to each student who represented his/her class.
A special mention to Angus Foley for being the inaugural People's Choice recipient for 2022.
The following students will represent St Mary's on Friday at St Bede's Braidwood in the Northern Region Public Speaking Competition.
Year 3 - Grace McCormack and Jacob Hogan
Year 4 - Charlotte Crosbie and Sophie Culley
Year 5 - Chloe Bensley and Addin Grove
Year 6 - Toby Charnock and William Millet
The students who are successful at the Northern Region level will then speak at the Archdiocesan Competition hosted virtually by St Anne's Temora, on Wednesday 26 October.
Fun Run
Don't forget the Term 4 P&F Fundraiser, the Crookwell Community Fun Run, will be held this Sunday 16 October. Your support of this event will be greatly appreciated.
To sponsor the event, make a donation or buy tickets, please follow this Eventbrite link:
New Chromebooks
This week Year Four have been the lucky recipients of brand new touch screen Chromebooks. Each student will have access to a Chromebook for their daily Rocket Math activities, research and other online tasks.
With this purchase, each of our Year Four, Five and Six students now have an individual device to support learning.
In term 4, students wear their summer uniform. There is a 2-week grace period to allow for cold weather. If opting to remain in the winter uniform, this must be worn in full and not blended with the summer uniform.
Below is an outline of the summer uniform. All items must be purchased from the uniform shop.
2023 Kindergarten Enrolments
Enrolments for Kindergarten 2023 are due by the end of the term. If you would like an enrolment pack sent home, please contact Belinda.
Enrolment interviews will be conducted from 17 - 28 October.
The Kindergarten Orientation Day will be held on Monday 28 November.
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office or can be downloaded from our website
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
JUSTICE and SERVICE at St Mary’s
Our school values for this term are JUSTICE and SERVICE, and they remind us that we are called to be…
- JESUS’ FEET – walking with others in the spirit of JUSTICE
- JESUS’ HANDS – offering SERVICE to others
World Mission Month - October 2022
All human beings are made in God’s image and are PRECIOUS and deserving of a ‘FULL’ life. Jesus said “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).
But we do not live in a just world in which ALL have life to the full.
Life these days is very busy for most families – work, family, and all the responsibilities that come with these. It can be a huge effort to juggle everything on our plates let alone think about those in our world who are unable to lead full lives.
This is why the Catholic Church has set aside the month of October as Mission Month, a time to focus our thoughts on our global brothers and sisters who, through no fault of their own, are living in poverty, sickness or fear. This includes those in war torn countries, and people in our own country whose lives have been devastated by floods.
St Mary’s students will be learning about the importance of working for justice and serving others. They will discover how, as part of the Church, they can engage in her mission to bring about a JUST world; and how they can serve others through their prayers and actions (including praying the rosary and Angelus, fundraising, Mission day, and Mini Vinnies Christmas appeal)
St Mary's Mission Day
St MARY’s MISSION DAY will be held on Friday 25 November (WEEK 7). Stayed tuned to hear more. Please clean out your cupboards and send items in for our hugely popular White Elephant Stall.
The school will be attending Mass next Thursday at 12pm to pray for justice and peace in the world. All are welcome to attend.

Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
2023 Canberra/Goulburn Sports Trials
This information has also been posted on the CECG Sport Facebook page with updated links and information on the Canberra Goulburn Sport webpage.
- The Canberra Goulburn Cricket Trials for the 2023 teams will be held on Friday 4 November 2022 with a closing date of the 28 October (Open to boys and girls from Year 3 to Year 5 in 2022).
- The MacKillop Cricket trials for 2023 will also be held in 2022 – Boys November 30 and December 1 and Girls November 30.
- Canberra Goulburn trials Friday 9 December – Open to boys and girls from Year 3 – Year 5 in 2022
- 2023 Canberra Goulburn Tennis and Basketball trials will be held on Friday 2 December 2022. This is open to students from Year 2 to Year 5 for TENNIS and Years 3 to 5 for Basketball.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Gala Day
You would have received an email this week informing you that the decision has been made to cancel the Boorowa carnival for 2022. As disappointing as this is for the students, it is not surprising given the extreme amount of rain that we have had.
We have plans to run our very own mini touch football and netball gala day, at school, next Friday 21 October for the students in Year 2-6.
Gilbert/Croker Legends of League Rugby League Gala Day
Thank you for the return of notes for students who are taking part on the day, as well as parents who have indicated that they can assist with coaching. Please see the team lists below:
Year 3 & 4 Team | Year 5 & 6 Team |
Eli | Chloe |
Jaydan | Patrick |
Hayden | William C |
Chase | Angus |
Thomas | Addin |
Quade | Lachlan P |
Jacob | Charlie T |
Riley | Toby |
Tommy | |
Flynn | |
Harper | |
Coaches | Coach |
Dan Costello & Cole Davis | Kim Croker |
Obviously, we are yet to receive confirmation that the day will go ahead, keeping in mind the weather and ground closures. Once final details come to hand, we will communicate this with families.
Book Club
The latest book club brochure has been distributed.
Orders are due by next Thursday 20 October.
Please order through LOOP. The web address is:
Pie Drive
Thank you to Rechell Naughton for her organisation of our annual Pie Drive!
Attached is the order form.
Order sheets and money must be back to the school office TODAY. Delivery will be after 10.30am on Wednesday 19 October. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE
Crookwell Community Fun Run
- Serving the barbeque lunch
- Registration desk and handing out race numbers
- Recording results
ADHD Awareness Month - Understanding a shared experience
Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural disorder with three key aspects, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It affects home life and school, and can have a significant impact on a child’s academic success and relationships.
According to data published by the National Institute for Health Care and Excellence (NICE), the global prevalence of ADHD in children is estimated to be around 5%. ADHD is more commonly diagnosed, and treated, in boys than girls.
Celebrated every October, ADHD Awareness Month is organised by the ADHD Awareness Coalition in partnership with ADHD Awareness Europe. ADHD Awareness Month aims to educate the public about ADHD by disseminating information informed by evidence-based research. This year’s theme is ‘Understanding a shared experience‘.
This ADHD Awareness Month, we will share with you some information and resources that will help us build a shared experience about young people with ADHD.
What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex neuro-developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to exert age-appropriate self-control.
It is characterised by persistent patterns of inattentive, impulsive, and sometimes hyperactive behaviour, and is frequently accompanied by emotional regulation challenges.
People with ADHD have little control over these behaviours as they stem from underlying neurological differences. They arise due to an impaired ability to inhibit and regulate attention, behaviour and emotions; to reliably recall information in the moment; to plan and problem solve; to self-reflect and self-monitor; and to self-soothe.
ADHD can cause significant functional disability throughout the lifespan and in all areas of life, and without appropriate intervention can lead to significantly unfavourable outcomes.
However, with evidence-based treatment and support, people with ADHD can embrace their strengths and interests, learn to manage their challenges and live a full and rewarding life.
ADHD affects one in twenty five Australians, that’s around one million people, but is frequently misunderstood and contrary to prevailing myths is under-diagnosed.
These myths are both unhelpful and not evidence-based. There is no evidence that ADHD is caused by poor parenting, watching too much TV, eating sugar, family stress or traumatic experiences. It is also untrue that children with ADHD are simply ‘naughty children’. We would encourage you to get the 'ADHD Facts' and take a closer look within our researched evidence sections of our website.
Fishing Champion
Well done to Year 4 student, Leo Knight, who during the holidays was awarded the following awards for the Crookwell Junior Fishing Club:
** Do you have any news or achievements to share? If so, send them to Belinda.**
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Performing Youth Trophy Competition
Performing Youth Trophy Competition, Saturday, 15th October 2022, 1.30pm, Dome Pavilion, Crookwell Showground.
Primary School performers can win a trophy or medal for the following categories: singing, a musical item or a poetry/drama recitation. There is also a trophy for Band, which can be awarded to either a Primary or High School Group. There is a trophy for a Rising Star, and as well as medal winners, a performer does not have to be the best to go home with a prize. The Judges will.award the Champion Trophy to the best performance in the competition, Primary and High School.
All contestants will receive a Certificate and the Judges assessment sheets with their score results and comments on their performance.
For the students who will be using a music backing for their performance, more information will be available regarding 'plug and play'.
Poetry and Drama contestants can either read or recite and there are no points lost for reading. Stands adjusted to individual heights will be available to place your paperwork on. Quite often a performer holding the written work is looking down, so it is best to read from a stand. Judges can then clearly see facial expressions and gestures.
Upper Lachlan Shire Mayor, Mrs Pam Kensit, will be officiating the prize giving and Certificates.
Our Committee and Friends look forward to celebrating our local young performer's talent at this event, whether they are just starting out, or have excelled in their field.
Crookwell Mary Gilmore Festival

Crookwell Junior Cricket Registrations
Crookwell Junior Cricket registrations are now live for the upcoming season. The following link will take you to the under 10 and 12 registration link. This season if you use the active kids voucher, there is no additional fee.
The following link is for U14 and U16 rego;!!Ax-PnKpllFIIgPxB!iQbUualOQR3mmjjUHO_7D2H-BN-dR0sqbl3AgvrJFt1QOavpYRPWCMH76ajr0kyFPgZlAAKp1bSspbvdF0zkjaA02eB72ag6CnQ$
U10 Girls wanted for Goulburn Touch Competition
Goulburn Touch are currently looking for players to form an Under 10 Girls team in our Junior Competition which commences on Tuesday 18 October. If you would like to play Touch and were born in 2013 or 2014, please head to the link below and register your interest. For more information contact Goulburn Touch at
Upper Lachlan Health and Wellbeing Expo- Saturday 22 October

Moon Hack- Scratch Coding Workshop at Crookwell Library
TAFE course- Statement of Attainment in Introduction to Community Services
Get Creative in Crookwell Workshops
See the attached PDF for upcoming workshops being held by Get Creative in Crookwell.