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WEEK 8 | |
Thursday 8 September |
St Mary's Feast Day - Children come to school wearing blue clothes, Mass 9.30am and themed activities |
Friday 9 September |
Tuckshop- Pip, Jodie and Mary-Ann - LAST TUCKSHOP FOR TERM 3 CHS Taster Day 9am-2pm |
WEEK 9 |
Monday 12 September |
Counsellor visit NO tuckshop |
Wednesday 14 September |
Year Three Art Focus Day |
Friday 16 September |
School Public Speaking Competition 9.10am NO tuckshop |
WEEK 10 | |
Monday 19 September |
Counsellor visit NO tuckshop |
Wednesday 21 September |
Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two Showcase of Learning Assembly 12.15pm Last day of Term Three |
Thursday 22 September |
Pupil Free Day |
Friday 23 September |
Pupil Free Day |
St Mary's Feast Day
Today we celebrated our St Mary's Feast Day on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the birthday of the mother of Jesus. Mary is the patroness of our school.

CWA Project Awards
Riding with the Disabled
Public Speaking Competition
On Friday 16 September, we will host our school Public Speaking Competition in the Old Hall. Five representatives from grades three to six will present their speeches to the whole school. The speech topics this year are:
Year 3: If I had anything I wished for it would be (2 minutes)
Year 4: My favourite silly family story is (2 minutes)
Year 5: Why I should be Prime Minister (3 minutes)
Year 6: If I could talk to anyone it would be (3 minutes)
Each staff member present will adjudicate the speeches and the two top scorers in each class will move to the Northern Region level, to be held at St Bede's Braidwood on Friday 14 October.
Following that, selected students present at the Archdiocesan level on Wednesday 26 October at St Anne's Central School, Temora.
Showcase of Learning
On Wednesday 21 September, the last day of term three, Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two will present their Showcase of Learning. Parents and friends are very welcome to join us for the 12.15pm performance in the Old Hall.
We encourage visitors to wear a mask and to refrain from attending if they are feeling unwell.
Catholic Education Commission
From time to time the Catholic Education Commission (CEC) seeks new members to cover any gaps or to fill vacancies. If you would like to express your interest in joining the Commission, please complete the following Expression of Interest EoI New Commissioners.
The CEC explores the practical meanings of Synodality – the Commission is one of the instruments through which members of the Archdiocese can co-operate with the Archbishop in our evangelising ministry.
Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child
Each year, St Mary's supports the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Box by asking for donations to help fill shoeboxes with various items such as gifts, clothes, something for school and hygiene products to send to children overseas.
If you are able to help with donating items, or a few dollars to assist with the postage of the boxes, please send these items in with your child.
We are very thankful to our Parents and Friends Association for running a school tuckshop for the students and staff. You may have noticed in the calendar above that tomorrow is the last session for the term. The number of rostered tuckshop days is dependent upon how many volunteers we have. If you have been considering going on the Tuckhshop Roster, I would encourage you to give it a go. You can choose the day, Monday or Friday, that suits you best and how many times a term, once or twice. It is a great way to meet other parents and carers and to be involved with our school. Mums, dads and grandparents are welcome.
To put your name down for Term Four please complete the form in the P&F section.
2023 Kindergarten Enrolments
Enrolments for Kindergarten 2023 are due by the end of the term. If you would like an enrolment pack sent home, please contact Belinda.
Enrolment interviews will be conducted from 17 - 28 October.
The Kindergarten Orientation Day will be held on Monday 28 November.
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office or can be downloaded from our website
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
The SACRAMENT of CONFIRMATION (Sunday 11 September, 9am)
At weekend Masses over the next two weeks, Year 6 students in our Parish will receive the Sacrament of CONFIRMATION. They will be confirmed in their faith.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic faith (the other two being Baptism and the Eucharist, or Holy Communion). The Sacrament of the Eucharist can be received every day, but the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation are only received once in a lifetime. Confirmation completes (or confirms) the grace given by God in Baptism. During Confirmation Catholics renew their promises to follow Jesus in their lives, and they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen them on their faith journey.
Jesus’ apostles were the first to receive this special outpouring of the Holy Spirit when they were gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem in fear of being persecuted after Jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus fulfilled His promise to be with them ALWAYS – and His Holy Spirit descended upon them, enlightening and strengthening them for the task of spreading His message of love, peace, hope, and the promise of the Kingdom of heaven…
26 “I will send you the Helper[a] from the Father. The Helper is the Spirit of truth[b] who comes from the Father. When he comes, he will tell about me. 27 And you will tell people about me too.
We pray that our young people, filled with the Holy Spirit, will continue Jesus’ work bringing love, peace, and justice to our world. We pray that they will deepen their personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, the Eucharist, a life committed to the moral values of the Gospel, Reconciliation, and a life of service, especially to the poor and needy.
“Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” (Jn 20:21)
“Send your Holy Spirit upon them
to be their Helper and Guide.
Give them the spirit of wisdom
and understanding,
the spirit of right judgment
and courage,
the spirit of knowledge
and reverence.
Fill them with the spirit
of wonder and awe in your presence.
Remember, the Holy Spirit is there for all of us. God sent His only Son Jesus, who died so that the sins of humanity could be forgiven. Jesus rose to new life and with the help of His Spirit, all people may experience God’s Kingdom of heaven. The gifts of the spirit can help all to follow in Jesus’ footsteps to bring about the Kingdom.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Mackillop Golf Team 2022
Congratulations to Jaydan Costello and Henry Galland who have been representing the MacKillop Golf team over the past three days at the NSWPSSA Golf Championships.
On day one they were divided into two MacKillop Teams and one combined Polding/MacKillop team to play in the Ambrose event.
Days two and three saw them compete as individuals with the MacKillop team score coming from the individual efforts.
The boys finished the tournament with the following scores;
Mackillop Cricket Trials.
Sophia was successful in gaining a spot in the Mackillop Girls Cricket Team and will attend the NSWPSSA Girls Cricket Championships from Monday 24 - Thursday 27 October, 2022 in Barooga.
Henry was chosen as a member of the Mackillop Invitational Team and will attend the NSWPSSA Boys Cricket Championships from Tuesday 11 - Friday 14 October 2022 at Dubbo.
Well done to both Saxon and Toby for making it through to the Mackillop selection and to both Sophia and Henry for yet another Mackillop Team success!!!
Canberra/Goulburn Sports Trials
This information has also been posted on the CECG Sport Facebook page with updated links and information on the Canberra Goulburn Sport webpage.
- The Canberra Goulburn Cricket Trials for the 2023 teams will be held on Friday 4 November 2022 with a closing date of the 28 October (Open to boys and girls from Year 3 to Year 5 in 2022).
- The MacKillop Cricket trials for 2023 will also be held in 2022 – Boys November 30 and December 1 and Girls November 30.
- Canberra Goulburn trials Friday 9 December – Open to boys and girls from Year 3 – Year 5 in 2022
- 2023 Canberra Goulburn Tennis and Basketball trials will be held on Friday 2 December 2022. This is open to students from Year 2 to Year 5 for TENNIS and Years 3 to 5 for Basketball.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Touch Football Program
Over the past three weeks, students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have enjoyed weekly touch football skills sessions with Natalie from NSW Touch. This program has focused on skills of movement, catching, passing and game play structures.
We cannot wait to see our Year 2 to Year 6 students put what they have learnt into action on the field at Boorowa next term.
Stop Press!!!
We have been informed this morning that the Gilbert/Croker Legends Rugby League Gala Day has been moved to Term 4. It was originally set for this term, however COVID restrictions stopped us from being able to attend.
This will lead to great excitement amongst our Year 3 to Year 6 students. We will be entering one Year 3/4 team and one Year 5/6 team, pending numbers.
An EOI will be sent home with the students who are interested, as well as coaches on Monday of Week 9, and will be due back on Friday of the same week.
Library News with Mrs. Claire McCormack
As we approach the end of term, could you please have a look around your child's room for any library books that need to be returned please? It is important that all outstanding books are returned promptly.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
Pie Drive
Thank you to Rechell Naughton for her organisation of our annual Pie Drive!
Attached is the order form.
Order sheets and money must be back to the school office by 13 October. Delivery will be after 10.30am on Tuesday 18 October.
Crookwell Community Fun Run
- Serving the barbeque lunch
- Registration desk and handing out race numbers
- Recording results
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Ivy Hewitt, Jack McCulloch, Flynn Pascoe, Bailey Reeves, Nicholas Wye
Yr. 1: Denzill Hills, Jack Strode
Yr. 2: Charlie Beath, Harry Day, Flynn Storrier
Yr. 3: Jacob Hogan, Flynn Reeves
Yr. 4: Eli Cooper, Elsie McIntosh, Olivia Millett
Yr. 5: Patrick Croker, Riley Haynes
Yr. 6: William Millett, Kaylee Skinner
Japanese Award
Congratulations to Year Five for being our class of the week!
Performing Arts Award
Samantha Fraser for a fantastic effort in Performing Arts
Certificate of Appreciation
Awarded to Joshua Fraser and Ava Hewitt for wearing our St Mary's Primary School uniform with pride.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Performing Youth Trophy Competition
An update on Performing Youth Trophy Competition, Saturday, 15th October 2022, 1.30pm, Dome Pavilion, Crookwell Showground.
Primary School performers can win a trophy or medal for the following categories: singing, a musical item or a poetry/drama recitation. There is also a trophy for Band, which can be awarded to either a Primary or High School Group. There is a trophy for a Rising Star, and as well as medal winners, a performer does not have to be the best to go home with a prize. The Judges will.award the Champion Trophy to the best performance in the competition, Primary and High School.
All contestants will receive a Certificate and the Judges assessment sheets with their score results and comments on their performance.
For the students who will be using a music backing for their performance, more information will be available regarding 'plug and play'.
Poetry and Drama contestants can either read or recite and there are no points lost for reading. Stands adjusted to individual heights will be available to place your paperwork on. Quite often a performer holding the written work is looking down, so it is best to read from a stand. Judges can then clearly see facial expressions and gestures.
Upper Lachlan Shire Mayor, Mrs Pam Kensit, will be officiating the prize giving and Certificates.
Our Committee and Friends look forward to celebrating our local young performer's talent at this event, whether they are just starting out, or have excelled in their field.
Crookwell Mary Gilmore Festival
Crookwell Junior Cricket Registrations
Crookwell Junior Cricket registrations are now live for the upcoming season. The following link will take you to the under 10 and 12 registration link. This season if you use the active kids voucher, there is no additional fee.
The following link is for U14 and U16 rego;!!Ax-PnKpllFIIgPxB!iQbUualOQR3mmjjUHO_7D2H-BN-dR0sqbl3AgvrJFt1QOavpYRPWCMH76ajr0kyFPgZlAAKp1bSspbvdF0zkjaA02eB72ag6CnQ$
Crookwell Mary Gilmore Festival
Crookwell Library Spring Holiday Activities
Gallop Away Equine Therapy- Horse Empowered Master Minds holiday workshop
Upper Lachlan Multi Sport Day 8 October
First 300 registered students receive a free t-shirt!
Vacation Care September holidays
Get Creative in Crookwell Workshops
See the attached PDF for upcoming workshops being held by Get Creative in Crookwell.