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Term Two Dates
Friday 24 June |
Tuckshop- Jenny W, Jackie B, Elizabeth E School Explorers Session 3- 2pm |
Monday 27 June |
No tuckshop Kids On Keyboards Concert 12pm |
Tuesday 28 June |
Indigenous Art Workshops |
Wednesday 29 June |
End of term Mass 9.30am Conservatorium Music students concert 2pm |
Thursday 30 June |
Industrial Action - STOP WORK |
Friday 1 July |
Stage 2 Showcase of Learning - 12.15pm No tuckshop Final day of Term Two |
As you are aware, Mr O’Kane has applied to take Long Service Leave for the second semester. Over Mr O’Kane’s many years of service at St Mary’s, he has accumulated a lot of leave and up until recently, has not taken any of this. We wish Mr O’Kane a restful and fulfilling break.
I am very pleased to announce that Mrs Spackman will be teaching Year Six in a full-time capacity for the remainder of the year. Mrs Spackman is excited to be working with the Year Six children.
I would like to thank Mrs Davies for her work with our students in the Performing Arts learning areas. Mrs Picker returns from her maternity leave and will re-commence in that position next term. Mrs Davies will move into the Classroom Support Teacher role for two days each week. She will continue the student intervention programs that have been facilitated by Mrs Spackman.
Please forward all classroom support related paperwork and requests to me.
This week we farewelled Madison Leonard. Madison completed her final teaching placement with Year One and Mrs Branson. In her final week, she was required to teach various classes. We thank Madison for her work and wish her all the best for the conclusion of her studies.
Congratulations to our students, Madeleine, Olivia, Thomas, Sophie, Elsie, Patrick, Lily, Emmett, Gabby, Leo, Tahlia, Charlie, Chloe, Sienna, Alex, and all the other children, who made their First Communion in Taralga, Crookwell and Goulburn last weekend. The children took part in the special Mass celebrations very reverently.
Thank you, Mrs Skelly, Sr Rosemary and Fr Joe for preparing our students for this very special event.
Congratulations to our students who competed in the Northern Region Athletics Carnival last Friday. From all accounts, our students all tried their best and achieved outstanding results.
The students who have been selected to be part of the Athletics Carnival team are listed in the Representative Sports section of this newsletter.
Congratulations to our Kindergarten families, coordinated by Tennille McIntosh, on their hugely successful P&F Street Stall fundraising event. These much-appreciated funds allow us to provide the best learning resources and environment possible for your children.
Term Three Clubs
Next term we will re-commence our lunchtime clubs, and we have some fantastic clubs on offer!
Monday | Mindfulness and Yoga Club |
Tuesday | STEM Club |
Wednesday | Origami Club |
Thursday | Calligraphy Club |
Friday | Garden Club |
The students will be asked to 'sign-up' for the club they are interested in attending and, depending upon numbers, will be able to attend each week or on a roster.
Clubs will commence in Week 2.
Morning Club will continue in Term 3, with Mrs Spackman in the Year Six classroom from Monday - Thursday.
Semester 1 Reporting
Next Monday 27 June, children in Kindergarten to Year 5 will your receive their Semester 1 Report and Work Samples Folder. Please note that Year 6 will receive theirs on Wednesday 29 June. Both items share learning and progress completed in both Term 1 and Term 2.
For Kindergarten students:
- Achievement in each subject will be reported using a four-point scale (Above Expectations, Meeting Expectations, Working Towards Expectations and Experiencing Difficulty).
For Year 1 to Year 6 students:
- Academic grades for each subject using a five-point scale from A-E will be reported using the NSW Common Grade Scale.
- Strand Achievement will be reported in English, Mathematics, Human Society and its Environment, PDHPE and Creative Arts using a five-point scale (Excellent, Thorough, Sound, Basic, Elementary).
For all students:
- Engagement with Learning statements, which are taken directly from the Australian Curriculum, will provide specific information about your child’s Critical and Creative Thinking, and Personal and Social Responsibility, using a three-point scale (Needs Improvement, Developing, Consistently)
- General Comment that may include information about your child's work habits, social skills, behaviour, contribution to class, achievement and goals.
Conversations are an important part of the reporting progress. Please do not hesitate to make an appointment with your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Parent Session
Thank you to our School Counsellor, Madelyn Burns, for her input in our parent 'Resilience Building' workshop last Monday. We are aware that some parents could not attend this due to other commitments. Madelyn has kindly offered to run this workshop again via zoom one afternoon at 5.30pm for interested parents. If you would like to take part in this workshop please let Belinda know. A date will be scheduled if there is enough interest.
Further Industrial Action
On Thursday 30 June 2022, some IEU members will be participating in a full day of protected industrial action in the form of a work stoppage.
As a result of this action, we may experience staff shortages. It may be necessary to ask that your children remain home on Thursday, 30 June 2022.
On, or prior to, Tuesday 28 June 2022, I will advise you about the specific arrangements for St Mary's. This may include changes to the learning program, consideration of whether only supervision can be provided, or whether the school will need to be closed.
The School Explorers
Our last Term Two School Explorers session, 'Discover It', will run tomorrow, Friday 24 June at 2 pm. The students will participate in science activities with our Year Three students in the Hall.
Parents and carers are asked to sign their children in at the Library. At the commencement of the student activities, I will take the attending parents on a tour of the school.
All preschool students who are school-aged in 2023 are welcome to attend our school readiness sessions, regardless of school choice. Please spread the word.
Semester One Professional Learning
This semester the staff have participated in Trauma and Attachment training through Online-Training Australia. The course provided staff with information and strategies relating to managing students with various attachment issues and trauma backgrounds. The training, facilitated by Mrs Spackman, involved online modules, examining case studies, writing goals and interventions and contributing to forum posts. There were many strategies mentioned in the training that are suitable to be used with all students displaying concerning behaviours. The program looked closely at behaviour as a reflection of a need.
Lost Items
There are a large number of clothing items and food/drink items in the Office. If you have misplaced anything, please see Belinda.
Please also check all your uniform items before the end of term to ensure all items belong to you.
2022 Census Privacy Notice
Enrolling Now
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office or can be downloaded from our website
Our school photo day is 26 July, next term.
Below is information regarding ordering of the packages. Envelopes have been sent home.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
First Holy Communion
It was a special, joyful occasion last weekend for the children who received the Sacrament of Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time at Masses in Taralga, Crookwell and Goulburn. May the ‘life’ of Jesus (in the form of the bread and wine) continue to bring them peace, joy, inspiration, strength, and courage throughout their lives.
We will be celebrating Mass next Wednesday at 9:30am to give thanks for this Sacrament and for the school term we have had. All are welcome to attend.
WHY should you go to Mass?
- Going to Mass and receiving Communion is about saying YES I BELIEVE in Jesus. I believe he loves me and died for me.
- We hear God’s WORD speaking to us through the Scripture readings telling us how much we are loved and cherished and guiding us to lead good lives.
- We hear and remember the ‘Jesus story’. We learn how to follow in his footsteps to bring peace and joy to our fractured world.
- We relive Jesus’ last supper where he spoke about his death and resurrection,
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you (on the Cross); do this in remembrance of me.” … he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you (on the Cross). Do this in memory of me.”
- The Holy bread and wine we receive at Mass become Jesus Himself. In this way Jesus nourishes and strengthens us with Himself.
When we share communion we become joined as one community…. And nourished for life’s journey, taking Jesus to others and making our world a better place

Mini Vinnies Social Justice at St Mary's
‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.’
However, not everyone in the world is as fortunate as us and many people struggle to survive from day to day, while we live in comfort, with three meals a day and a bed to sleep in each night. It can be easy to remain unaware of actual people who are experiencing an injustice like homelessness.
The St Vincent de Paul Society is very active in social justice advocacy. They not only support people who are experiencing hardship but also work to eliminate the problem. They attempt to do this by researching the problems to learn more about them and educating the wider community.
Last week Years 5 and 6 considered themselves very fortunate to take part in a St Vincent DePaul social Justice workshop. They were shocked and concerned about the facts on homelessness in Australia that Youth Workers Mat and Tia presented. They got to see ‘close-up’ the inside of a Night Patrol van and learn about the nightly assistance given to the homeless of Canberra.
Not only have our students learned about the injustice of homelessness in our own country, but they have been inspired to do more than just ask for donations for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Stay tuned to hear more.

Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal
Many thanks to those who have donated so far.
Donations of the following items would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped to the school.
- Thick socks
- Gloves/mittens/beanies/scarves
- Coats
- Sleeping bags
- Blankets/doonas
- Non-perishable food items
(please make sure any used items are in reasonable condition)
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Save the Date
Gilbert/ Croker Rugby League Legends Shield
Tuesday 13 September 2022
- Optional for Years 3-6 students
- We will be sending a Year 3/4 tackle team and a Year 5/6 tackle team
Boorowa Touch Football Gala Day
Friday 21 October 2022
- Compulsory for Years 2-6 students
- We have entered teams in each class group
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Northern Region Athletics Carnival

Canberra/Goulburn Rep Sport
Girls (and boys) Tournament to be held at Blackheath Golf Course on Monday, 1 August -2 divisions
1. 18 Hole Tournament - serious stuff !! Must have golf link number and a golf handicap. The tournament will also be a selection trial for the MacKillop & Polding Golf teams to compete at the NSWPSSA State Golf Championships in September
2. 9 Hole Tournament - a participation event for beginners from 8 years old to 13 years old. Must have own golf clubs. For prizes and kudos.
Entries close 22 July. Prizes awarded.
REGISTERED STUDENTS INCLUDE - Jaydan Costello, Henry Galland.
- NSWCPS GIRLS 7 ASIDE RUGBY SELECTIONS - all Catholic primary schools in NSW
Girls trial for selection in the MacKillop and Polding teams to compete at the NSWPSSA State Girls 7 A Side Rugby Championships are on Tuesday, 9 August @ Santa Sabina College, Strathfield.
Registrations close 30 July 2022
Classroom Support with Mrs. Nicola Spackman
PP Meetings
The PP Meetings are scheduled for Week 3 on 1/3/4 August.
More information will be supplied at a later date for those families.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Bridie Anderson, Jack Lowe, Adeline Millett, Evelyn Pappalardo
Yr. 1: Jack Strode
Yr. 2: Charlie Beath, Luca Morning
Yr. 3: Jacob Hogan, Ruby Pappalardo
Yr. 4: Eli Cooper, Lucas Plumb
Yr. 5: Will Croker, Archie Foran, Lauren Fraser
Yr. 6: Tahlia Anderson, Kaylee Skinner
Certificate of Appreciation
Awarded to Finn McCormack in Year 6 and Macie-Lee Charnock in Kindergarten for wearing our St Mary's Primary School uniform with pride.
New Fridge Required
Unfortunately, due to a change of circumstances, the tuckshop will require a fridge. If you have a commercial size, full fridge with shelves only (no comparments) and single glass door you no longer require, or you know where we can get one from, please get in contact with Allison Hewitt or Pip Frost.
We will require one before the start of Term 3.
Please spread the word!
Kindergarten Street Stall and Wood Raffle
A big thank you to Tennille McIntosh for her coordination of this!
On Saturday we had our Kindergarten P & F fundraiser event. It was a great success raising a total of $2,411.00
Congratulations to the wood raffle winners: 1st prize Kim Croker, 2nd prize Brendan Rutter and 3rd prize went to Mel Haynes.
Special mention to the McWilliam family, Josh Hewitt, Adam McIntosh and the McDonald family for our three loads of firewood and also to everyone that kindly donated all the delicious goodies to sell on the day.
A massive thankyou to the volunteers who gave up their time to help out on Saturday and also make the day a success. They were Catherine & Dave Culley, Josh & Casey Hewitt, Adam & Kirsten Kennedy, Allison & Brendan Hewitt, Todd & Jodie Charnock, Nicole Moloney, Jenny Evans and Adam McIntosh, along with the St Mary’s students that also helped on the day you did a fantastic job.
Many Thanks, Tennille McIntosh
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
The RCIA is an opportunity to learn more about the Catholic Faith. The program is open to all and is particularly designed for those interested in exploring the idea of becoming a Catholic or receiving the Sacraments for the first time. The sessions will begin in August. If you are interested, please contact Fr Joshy (0412 358 222) - before 14th July 2022.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Free Holiday Workshops at the Hume Conservatorium
- Drum Line with Thomas Dawson- 2 July 10am - 2pm
Hosted by Thomas Dawson and will be looking at drumline practice and performance. They will need to bring their sticks and a snare if they have one.
- Strings Workshops with Deb McConnell
5 July 10am -11am Beginners strings
5 July 11am -2pm Deb will run a strings ensemble and solo performance prep.
6 July 10am -10.30am Preschool Violin. 6 July 11am -2pm Deb will run a strings ensemble and solo performance prep.
- Rock Guitar Orchestra with Garth Prentice- 11- 12 July from 10-2pm.
Play some awesome rock tunes for the day and they will need an electric guitar and amp. If they do not have an electric guitar but are very enthusiastic in your lessons they are also welcome.
- Glee Club with Richard Lane -13 July 10am - 2pm
If you love to sing come along to Glee Club and have fun singing in groups or solo, learn singing techniques with a professional singing coach.
- Strings Ensemble with Wanda- 13 & 14 July 10am -2pm
For intermediate and advanced students. Join Wanda for two days of ensemble workshops developing technique and performance practice. Learn and try out new and interesting things/aspects about solo/group performance and technique with your instrument that you are presently not aware if. Or write your own instrumental piece!
- Beatboxing with Connor Malanos- 13 July 2pm - 3pm
Join Beatboxing champion Connor Malanos and explore your own voice and innate musicality through sounds and rhythm.
Email: to secure a place.
These workshops have been supported by the Office of Regional Youth Holiday Break program and Music in the Regions.
Crookwell Library Holiday Activities

Upper Lachlan Winter Youth Holiday Program

Crookwell Neighbourhood Holiday Program