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Term Two Dates
Thursday 16 June |
Year Three Art Focus Day |
Friday 17 June |
NR Athletics Carnival - Goulburn School Explorers Session 2 - 2pm Tuckshop - Mary-Ann, Elise, Jackie |
Saturday 18 June |
Kindergarten Street Stall |
Monday 20 June |
Tuckshop- Kia, Candice Counsellor visit Parent talk about building resilience with counsellor, Madelyn Burns 3.15pm |
Friday 24 June |
Tuckshop- Jenny W, Catherine F, Elizabeth E School Explorers Session 3- 2pm |
As I am sure you are aware, there are many illnesses going around at the moment with varying degrees of the severity of symptoms. I would like to ask you all to be vigilant with testing your children, even if they have the slightest sniffle. Regardless of the type of illness, we ask you to please keep your children home if they are unwell.
If you require some additional RATs please contact Belinda and these can be sent home.
Semester 1 Reporting
On Monday 27 June, your child will receive their Semester 1 Report and Work Samples Folder. Both items share learning and progress completed in both Term 1 and Term 2.
For Kindergarten students:
- Achievement in each subject will be reported using a four-point scale (Above Expectations, Meeting Expectations, Working Towards Expectations and Experiencing Difficulty).
For Year 1 to Year 6 students:
- Academic grades for each subject using a five-point scale from A-E will be reported using the NSW Common Grade Scale.
- Strand Achievement will be reported in English, Mathematics, Human Society and its Environment, PDHPE and Creative Arts using a five-point scale (Excellent, Thorough, Sound, Basic, Elementary).
For all students:
- Engagement with Learning statements, which are taken directly from the Australian Curriculum, will provide specific information about your child’s Critical and Creative Thinking, and Personal and Social Responsibility, using a three-point scale (Needs Improvement, Developing, Consistently)
- General Comment that may include information about your child's work habits, social skills, behaviour, contribution to class, achievement and goals.
Conversations are an important part of the reporting progress. Please do not hesitate to make an appointment with your child's teacher if you have any concerns.
Parent Session
Madelyn Burns, our School Counsellor, will run a parent session straight after school at 3.15pm on Monday 20 June, on developing and building resilience in our children. This session will be held in the library and your children can use the Computer Laboratory whilst the session is running. All parents, carers or interested people are welcome.
Lost Items
There are a large number of clothing items and food/drink items in the Office. If you have misplaced anything, please see Belinda.
Please also check all your uniform items before the end of term to ensure all items belong to you.
The School Explorers
Our next School Explorers session 'Solve It' will run on Friday 17 June at 2 pm. The students will participate in mathematics activities with our Year Five and Six students in the Hall.
Parents and carers are asked to sign their children in at the Library and are welcome to stay for the session or return to collect them at 3pm.
All preschool students who are school-aged in 2023 are welcome to attend our school readiness sessions, regardless of school choice. Please spread the word.
Tell Us What You Think - Closes tomorrow
It is that time of the year again when you get a chance to tell us what you think about St Mary's Primary School.
The survey window is has been extended until tomorrow, Friday 17 June. To complete the survey visit the link below or paste it into your browser.
Please remember that we welcome direct feedback at any time and would hope that you would see your child's teacher or me immediately should any concerns arise.
NCCD - Nationally Consistent Collection of Data
Please find attached information about collection of data regarding students in our school.
Enrolling Now
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office or can be downloaded from our website
A reminder to ensure your Term 2 school fee accounts are paid.
If you need a copy of the last statement, please contact Belinda in the Office.
There are plenty of options available for paying your fees, including direct debit, BPAY, Qkr, cash, cheque or setting up regular periodic payments. If you would like to know more about these, please ask Belinda.
Fee account reminders have been distributed this week.
Our school photo day is 26 July, next term.
Below is information regarding ordering of the packages. Envelopes will be sent home today as well.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Catholic Church Feast Day – Sunday June 19
CORPUS CHRISTI The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
This special day in the Church year is a time to remember the great gift of Eucharist in our lives. The Eucharist (Holy Communion) is a re-enactment of the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before his crucifixion. At the meal Jesus shared unleavened bread and wine (the staple food of the time) and he instructed his disciples to continue to do this to remember him.
‘And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you (on the Cross); do this in remembrance of me.” … he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you (on the Cross). Do this in memory of me.”
Catholics believe that the piece of bread (host) that is "taken, blessed, broken and given" by the priest, becomes the life of Jesus which was taken, blessed, broken (on the cross) and given in sacrifice for us.
Although the bread and wine physically remain the same (they LOOK like bread and wine), when it is blessed during the Mass it is transformed beyond human comprehension into Jesus. This is called Transubstantiation (the real presence of Jesus in Holy Communion) and it is the most important act of worship.
We go to Mass to receive Jesus’ in Holy Communion just as he asked us to do. And by doing this we are united with each other and strengthened and nourished by Jesus himself for the journey of our lives.
After we receive Jesus at Mass, we are told by the priest to GO FORTH… This means that the Mass is only the beginning; that we are to take Jesus love and share it with all those we meet outside the Church.
Please pray for the children at our school and in our Parish who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion this Sunday.
All are welcome and encouraged to SHARE in this celebration as these children are welcomed more fully into the Faith community – a community to nourish and support them for life.
Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal
Many thanks to those who have donated so far.
Donations of the following items would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped to the school.
- Thick socks
- Gloves/mittens/beanies/scarves
- Coats
- Sleeping bags
- Blankets/doonas
- Non-perishable food items
(please make sure any used items are in reasonable condition)
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Northern Region Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to our NR Team. Although conditions were not ideal last week, teachers and students worked hard to do as many events as possible and create a team to compete this Friday.
An email was sent to all families of team members last Friday 10 June. That email included the information below as well as the Program for the day with each team member's nominated event. With such short notice it is very important that a reply to confirm or deny participation is given please.
- Date: Friday 17 June 2022 (if postponed, the carnival will be held the following Friday)
- Venue: Hudson Park, Bradfordville, Goulburn
- Start: 9.30am
- Entry Fee: $7.50 per student – paid via Qkr
- Parent consent: confirmation of attendance is required via email reply. Medical information and emergency contacts (registered at the Front Office during Term One) will be with the supervising teachers.
- Transport: Parent/private car.
- All track events are Timed Finals. In simple terms we will not being running finals at the conclusion of the day instead the representatives will be chosen from the fastest times in their respective races.
- Arch Diocesan selection: The fastest four qualifiers for the 100m and 200m and the TOP 2 competitors for all field events and 800m. The two fastest Relay teams will also qualify for the Archdiocesan Team.
- Spikes (in 100 and 200 only) or joggers are the preferred footwear. If the track is a little damp students may be asked to not wear football boots on the day.
- The school squad, student competitors and team managers will be sitting in the grandstand so please remind students to bring a blanket/cushion etc. to sit on.
- Ensure students, parents and teachers have suitable clothing as Hudson Park can be cold on the day.
- A canteen will be available.
Canberra/Goulburn Rep Sport
Girls (and boys) Tournament to be held at Blackheath Golf Course on Monday, 1 August -2 divisions
1. 18 Hole Tournament - serious stuff !! Must have golf link number and a golf handicap. The tournament will also be a selection trial for the MacKillop & Polding Golf teams to compete at the NSWPSSA State Golf Championships in September
2. 9 Hole Tournament - a participation event for beginners from 8 years old to 13 years old. Must have own golf clubs. For prizes and kudos.
Entries close 22 July. Prizes awarded.
- NSWCPS GIRLS 7 ASIDE RUGBY SELECTIONS - all Catholic primary schools in NSW
Girls trial for selection in the MacKillop and Polding teams to compete at the NSWPSSA State Girls 7 A Side Rugby Championships are on Tuesday, 9 August @ Santa Sabina College, Strathfield.
Registrations close 30 July 2022
Classroom Support with Mrs. Nicola Spackman
PP Meetings
The PP Meetings are scheduled for Week 3 on 1/3/4 August.
More information will be supplied at a later date for those families.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Thaddaeus Camilleri, Gracie Hannan, Laela McIntosh, Sullivan Stephenson
Yr. 1: Henry Elsley-Mattox
Yr. 2: Joe McCormack, Jobe Seaman, Payton Selmes
Yr. 3: Imogen Hewitt, Tommy Picker
Yr. 4: Hayden Tarlinton, Thomas Walsh
Yr. 5: Pat Croker, Phoebe Fannin
Yr. 6: Saxon Greenwood, Marli Selmes
Japanese Awards
Year 2 are the winners of the Japanese class award. Well done!
Certificate of Appreciation
Awarded to Cooper Sims in Year 2 and Olivia Millett in Year 4 for wearing our St Mary's Primary School uniform with pride.
School Spirit Award
Jobe Seaman for caring for others
New Fridge Required
Unfortunately, due to a change of circumstances, the tuckshop will require a fridge. If you have a commercial size, full fridge with shelves only (no comparments) and single glass door you no longer require, or you know where we can get one from, please get in contact with Allison Hewitt or Pip Frost.
We will require one before the start of Term 3.
Please spread the word!
Kindergarten Street Stall and Wood Raffle
STFA Soccer
Saxon Greenwood competed in Nowra over the long weekend in the Country Cup Soccer Championship with his respective under 12 teammates from the Southern Tablelands representative team. Over the 2 days, the team had 2 wins, 1 draw and lost 1 game, which got them into the final. They ended up being runners up, going down 3-2 to Griffith.
Ava Nicholson played in Bathurst for the under 12 Southern Tablelands team. They lost 3, won 2, resulting in 3rd place overall. Ava scored 6 goals.
Well done to you both!
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
The RCIA is an opportunity to learn more about the Catholic Faith. The program is open to all and is particularly designed for those interested in exploring the idea of becoming a Catholic or receiving the Sacraments for the first time. The sessions will begin in August. If you are interested, please contact Fr Joshy (0412 358 222) - before 14th July 2022.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Go 4 Fun- Healthy Active Happy Kids
What is Go4Fun®?
Go4Fun® is a free NSW Health program for children aged 7 to 13 who are above a healthy weight, and their families.
Run by trained health and community professionals, it is a fun way to build self-esteem, learn about eating well, staying active and living a healthy life. Go4Fun® aims to encourage healthy behaviour change early, to ensure healthy habits are maintained in to adulthood.
Go4Fun® runs once a week over a 10 week school term. Each session is 2 hours.
The first hour involves interactive learning and discussions around healthy behaviours, the second hour is a fun play based session which aims to build confidence, get active and make new friends.
Go4Fun® benefits schools by ensuring children who may need extra support around healthy choices and self-esteem, are not left behind. Best of all, it is completely free!
What Go4Fun® Offers
Each Go4Fun® session is unique and benefits families in a number of ways
Getting active and setting achievable goals
Healthy eating and changing behaviours towards food
Reducing screen time Tips to break away from TVs and games during family time
Setting sleep routines How to get a good nights sleep
Bullying and tips to become more resilient
Public speaking encouraging children to participate in discussions
Go4Fun® also takes families on a supermarket tour in week 6. The purpose is to seek out healthy foods and then, as a group discuss the labels and learn about hidden fats and sugars. Leaders also give tips on meals and how to build a healthy lunch box.
For families who cannot make it to the face to face sessions, Go4Fun® Online is available.
Go4Fun® Online runs over 10 weeks and includes weekly online activity sessions, weekly phone coaching with a health professional, resources delivered to your door and email and text message support. The online program also links families with an online community to chat and share experiences.
GPAC Circus Workshops and Wolfgangs Magical Musical Circus

Goulburn University School Holiday Program

PCYC July School Holiday Activities
Weet-Box Active Bands
It's week 3 of the Weet-Bix Active Bands 6-week PUMA giveaway. It is so easy to WIN a $200 PUMA voucher! Simply log a total of at least 3 activities in the Weet-Bix Active Bands app for your registered wristband(s) before 11:59pm Sunday, June 12th and you'll go in the draw. What gear would you buy? T&Cs apply <LINK T&Cs to:>