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Term Two Dates
Friday 3 June |
School Explorers Session 1 Tuckshop- Eleanor, Claire and Rebecca |
Monday 6 June |
Mrs Lowe at Oceania Evangelisation Leaders Program Year 6 Art Focus Day Tuckshop - Tennille, Pip, Lisa |
Tuesday 7 June |
Year 4 Art Focus Day |
Wednesday 8 June |
Kindergarten Group 1 Art Focus Day Catholic Care Counsellor - Madelyn Burns change of day this week only |
Thursday 9 June |
Mrs Lowe at Northern Region Principals Meeting at Mt Carmel Yass Athletics Carnival at Todkill Oval |
Friday 10 June |
Pupil Free Day |
Reconciliation Week
At St Mary's we acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is held annually from 27 May to 3 June and is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
This year's theme, “Be Brave. Make Change.” is a challenge to all Australians— individuals, families, communities, organisations and government—to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change for the benefit of all Australians.
This change can begin with brave actions in our daily lives – where we live, work, play and socialise.
Find out more about National Reconciliation Week
As part of our Reconciliation Week activities and leading into NAIDOC Week at the beginning of Term 3, our students will have the opportunity to plan and create a beautiful aboriginal mural for our Multipurpose Hall with local artist, and St Mary's mum, Jess Plumb.
Below are hands coloured in by all of our students, craftily displayed as a sea of hands in our foyer by Mrs Branson. The hands symbolise unity and togetherness as we celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's culture for Reconciliation week
Parent Session
Madelyn Burns, our School Counsellor, will run a parent session after school on Monday 20 June on developing and building resilience in our children. This session will be held in the library and your children can use the Computer Laboratory whilst the session is running. All parents, carers or interested people are welcome.
Tell Us What You Think
It is that time of the year again when you get a chance to tell us what you think about St Mary's Primary School via a survey.
Once again Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn has engaged the company, The Learning Bar, and their 'Tell Us What You Think' surveys for parents, students in Years 4 - 6, and staff.
The data we receive can help inform our Annual Improvement and Strategic Plans.
The survey window is open from today until Friday 10 June. To complete the survey visit the link below or paste it into your browser.
Please remember that we welcome direct feedback at any time and would hope that you would see your child's teacher or me immediately should any concerns arise.
The School Explorers
Tomorrow, Friday 3 June our school readiness program, The School Explorers Program, commences with our 'Move It' session at 2pm. The attending children will explore movement with our Perceptual Motor Program. We ask families to sign their children in at the school library prior to us moving to the Multipurpose Hall to commence our activities. Parents and carers are welcome to sign their child in and return to collect them at 3pm or to stay for the session.
All preschool students who are school-aged in 2023 are welcome to attend our school readiness sessions, regardless of school choice. Please spread the word.
Uniform and Uniform Shop
A reminder that the uniform shop is open on Tuesday and Thursday 12pm-1pm only. Any orders made through Qkr will be available for collection during these times or will be sent home with your children.
A reminder items must be paid for before leaving the uniform shop.
Winter items- we have a good supply of bottle-green raincoats with a warm lining. Please ensure students are only wearing the correct coloured jackets. There has been an increase of other colours during these cold days.
Beanies are available from the shop, however the advertised "one size fits most" is not quite correct, as they are very large. Please feel free to source bottle green (only) beanies, gloves and scarves elsewhere.
Enrolling Now
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office or can be downloaded from our website
School Hours, Morning Club and Teacher Contact Out of Hours
Students commence school at 9.00 am (first bell) and conclude at 3:10 pm. Morning playground supervision does not commence until 8:40am. Please ensure your children are not at school before 8.40am, unless registered to attend morning club. Afternoon supervision concludes at 3:30pm.
Morning Club is on Monday to Thursday only from 8.00am to 8.40am. Children must be registered to attend. The children will be able to take part in quiet activities, such as reading and drawing.
In recognising work-life balance for our teachers, St Mary's staff may not respond to emails between 4:30pm and 8am during the week and not at all on weekends. We hope you can respect and support our endeavour to promote a healthy work-life balance for our staff.
Introducing Mrs. Sue Branson
I love travelling, learning by listening and experiencing the lifestyle of “the locals.”. I love the wisdom shared by the old and wise and the spontaneity of small children. I appreciate the challenges faced by living on the land. If all of these are stirred together, perhaps they explain why teaching became my career and how I “arrived” at Saint Mary’s:
I began my teaching career 'a long time ago’, having graduated with a Bachelor of Education.
Initially, I was employed in the Broken Bay Diocese. I taught for eight years in Catholic Schools on the North Shore of Sydney. I spent many happy years at Our Lady of Dolours Primary, at Chatswood.
From there, I was very fortunate and was offered a teaching position overseas: I taught at Saint Mary’s Infant’s School in North Kensington, in London for two years. This was a very rewarding experience professionally. However, I yearned to return to the lifestyle of Australia.
After a few more years in Sydney, I successfully applied for a position at Saint Joseph’s Catholic School in Goulburn. I worked there for three years. During that time frame, I was living some distance from Goulburn. Commuting each day became a challenge due to kangaroos and wombats. So when a position at Saint Mary’s in Crookwell was advertised, I was quick to apply.
I have been at Saint Mary’s “a long time.” Over the years, the network of connections that have grown from my experiences within this workplace has satisfied my desire for a sense of “community.” I appreciate our school being encompassed by honest, open Australian rural living. I also appreciate the history of the school and the way in which the Catholic ethos is embedded in its existence.
Saint Mary’s school is full of positive energy. I believe the staff, students and parent body combine to provide an educative environment of the highest order.
I feel blessed to be a member of this successful “community.”
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Pentecost Sunday
The Season of Easter concludes with the celebration of Pentecost at this weekend’s Mass. After His death and Ascension into heaven Jesus appeared to the disciples. He came to them when they were terrified of being caught and persecuted for following Him. Jesus breathed His Spirit into them and filled them with a deep peace and joy – a sense that through faith, hope and the unconditional love of God, everything would be okay (even in the midst of their struggles).
With the help of the Holy Spirit, the scared and uncertain apostles became courageous and passionate preachers of God’s love for us. They continued to ‘GO OUT’ and continue the work Jesus began (spreading his message about peace, love and goodness) right up until it led to the martyrdom of every single one of them.
Pentecost is the birthday of the CHURCH - it sparked the movement of believers to carry on Jesus’ life-giving mission.
On Pentecost we pray in a special way for the Church – the people of God - throughout the world. We pray that Jesus’ Spirit may fill the hearts of all so that love, hope, faith, justice, joy, and peace may spread far and wide. As a Catholic School we are called to be Jesus’ Good News in our own place and time. When we allow ourselves to be open to the gifts of the Spirit, we can truly be GOOD NEWS for others.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for all of us. We can all use these special gifts of the Holy Spirit to: bring us closer to God; fill our lives with a sense of meaning and purpose; guide us through life; help us make wise decisions; help us understand things and people better; give good advice, have courage in tough times
PLEASE HELP…singers needed
Some of our students will be making their First Holy Communion in two weeks at 9am Mass (Sunday 19 June). I would like to organise a choir to sing at this special celebration. Parents, friends and students welcome. We will practice over the next couple of weeks during school hours. Please let the school know if you are able to help.
Year 4 Eucharist Retreat
Yesterday, Goulburn Mission Youth Minister Gerard Tang, and a Catholic Youth Group of Trinity Catholic College students came to St Mary’s to run a Eucharist retreat for Year 4. What a wonderful faith-filled experience it was for our children! They learnt about the ongoing daily presence of God in their lives and the positive difference this can make when they are open to recognising and accepting God’s Spirit. They also learnt about the meaning and importance of the EUCHARIST (Holy Communion) for Catholics.
Catholics believe that Jesus is fully present in the EUCARIST, that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into Jesus. Catholics believe when they receive the Eucharist at Mass, they are taking Jesus into themselves; they are filled with Jesus’ life and spirit to strengthen and sustain them in living in faith, hope and love.
Gerard and the Trinity students, through their enthusiasm, friendliness and openness about their personal faith journeys, made a beautiful impression on our Year 4 students, who were inspired to share their own faith experiences and questions about God and Jesus.
Some of our Year 4 and 5 students are eagerly preparing to receive the Eucharist for the first time in two weeks.

Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal
So far, we have one donation. Many thanks for the donation of the warm coat.
Donations of the following items would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped to the school.
- Thick socks
- Gloves/mittens/beanies/scarves
- Coats
- Sleeping bags
- Blankets/doonas
- Non-perishable food items
(please make sure any used items are in reasonable condition)
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
School Athletics Carnival
Next Thursday is our Athletics carnival. This will go ahead unless it is wet or the ground is closed. In this instance, the backup day is Tuesday 14 June.
If you can assist on the day in the following roles, please email me directly at ASAP.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Canberra/Goulburn Rep Sport Trials
Golf NSWCPS18 Hole Tournament (Pathway to MacKillop Selection) and 9 Hole Tournament (non-pathway participation). Register through the portal. Monday 1 August at Blackheath. (Ages 8 - 13)
Mackillop Girls Football
CONGRATULATIONS to Ava Nicholson who was successful in becoming a member of the Mackillop Team at the Archdiocesan trials last week. It has been noted that it's been well over 25 years since St Mary's has had a student make this team!!
Ava has been selected as a striker and will compete at the Girls Football PSSA in Bathurst from August 2-4.
Mackillop Girls and Boys Hockey
Book Club
Please order through LOOP by TODAY Thursday 2 June 2022.
The web address is:
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Gabriella McDonald, Archer Moloney, Bailey Reeves, Alexander Wicks
Yr. 1: Mia Croker, Digby Price
Yr. 2: Jesse Costello, Harry Day, Harry Frost
Yr. 3: Harper Seaman, Flynn Reeves
Yr. 4: Sophie Culley, Alice Frost
Yr. 5: Addin Grove, Ava Hewitt, Riley Haynes
Yr. 6: William Millett, Ava Nicholson
School Spirit Award
Alexander Wicks for caring for our environment
Japanese Awards
Kindergarten are the winners of the Japanese class award. Well done!
Ex-students shine!
Congratulations to Isabelle Galland and Bella Croker for being selected in the U15 NSW Field Hockey Team and also the NSW AAP Hockey Squad. What an amazing achievement!
The Wonderful World of Coding
A special report by G. Foley
Ever wonder when you’re playing a video game, ‘How is it all strung together?’. Well, look no further than THIS article. Coding is the process of transforming ideas, solutions, and instructions into the language that the computer can understand – that is, binary-machine code. Coding is how humans can talk with computers. Before I tell you about the magnificence of coding, I am going to teach you the 4 steps of creating software.
Step one: Plan the purpose of your software. Pretty straightforward step.
Step two: Design your software. Create the attributes that you’re going to use in your software.
Step three: Code your software. Put those attributes to work.
Step four (optional): Release it to the masses and wait for the MONEY$ to start rolling in.
Now, the world of coding is awesome. It’s so advanced, that I haven’t learnt it all yet. But at the time I’m typing this (which is before you are reading this), I’m going to have my next lesson this afternoon. But I’m going to tell you all about what I know so far: There are two ways to code, block-based and text-based. Block-based is easier to code, while text-based is more advanced.
Wish me luck on all my future lessons.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
The RCIA is an opportunity to learn more about the Catholic Faith. The program is open to all and is particularly designed for those interested in exploring the idea of becoming a Catholic or receiving the Sacraments for the first time. The sessions will begin in August. If you are interested, please contact Fr Joshy (0412 358 222) - before 14th July 2022.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email. Alternatively, call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Council of Catholic School Parents Parent Webinar- Helping Kids Thrive Online
Free Child Restraint Safety Check- This Saturday
CADS (Crookwell Amateur Dramatic Society) Performance
Go 4 Fun- Healthy Active Happy Kids
BABLE Support Coordination
If you or someone in your family has an NDIS Plan, and you need support to utilise and understand it,give Brydie a call at BAble 0403 563 576 or email:
B Able are supporting disabled Australians to live in an inclusive world, by coordinating reasonable and necessary supports, to enable to control over their everyday lives and informed choice of their supports.