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Principal Talk with Mrs. Croker
Term One Dates
Friday 1 April |
Tuckshop- Carina, Claire, Jenifer, Lesley |
Monday 4 April |
Counsellor visit NO tuckshop this week Kids on Keyboard Concert for parents 12:00pm Mackillop Swimming - Harry Price |
Friday 8 April |
Last day of Term Stage 3 Showcase of Learning- parent assembly 12.30pm |
COVID Update
Every day you should have been receiving a Covid update indicating cases of infection in our school. Please contact the front office if they are NOT coming through to you.
We ask that families remain vigilant with testing and hygiene procedures for the care and protection of all students and staff. We have seen a steady increase in staff and student case numbers again this week and are strongly encouraging all students to monitor for symptoms and sanitise regularly. We appreciate the rise is concerning and are asking for your cooperation to keep it under control.
Please do not send children to school with ANY flu-like symptoms and alert the front office of any positive cases as soon as you can.
With the lack of available casual staff, there will be the need to split some classes over the next week. All students will be supervised and provided with relevant tasks. Work from home packs are available for all students from the Front Office.
Kids on Keyboard Concert
Mr Binns will host a Term One Concert for parents next Monday 4 April at 12:00pm in the Library.
Showcase of Learning
This year we are pleased to be able to present our Stage 3 Showcase of Learning Assemblies. Our first assembly will be presented by Years Five and Six on the last day of term, Friday 8 April.
The parents and carers assembly will be held at 12.30pm. Please enter the Hall through the hall front doors, and sanitise before taking your seat.
End of Term
Next Friday, 8 April, is the last day of Term One.
Term Two will commence for students on Wednesday 27 April.
This year Anzac Day falls within our holidays on Monday 25 April. We invite all students to participate in the ANZAC Day events.
This year we have organised for St Mary's students to march and lay wreaths at both the Crookwell and Taralga ANZAC Day services.
Students participating in the Crookwell events are asked to assemble for the March in the RSL car park from 10.40am. The March will move down Goulburn Street to the Memorial Park for the ANZAC Day Commemoration Ceremony. Students remain assembled until this Ceremony concludes.
Our students who wish to participate in the Taralga march and Commemorative Service are asked to assemble at the Northern end of the Main Street, near Taralga Public School at 2.30pm. The children will march down the street to the cenotaph for the Commemorative Service and wreath-laying. After this, our assembled group will disperse prior to the Memorial Hall program.
Students are asked to come dressed in their full winter uniform.
It would be wonderful to see many of our students at either of these special ceremonies.
Please note, students return to begin TERM TWO on Wednesday 27 April.
Uniform Matters
As the term draws to a close, uniform pieces accidentally get mixed up between students. Please check all the uniform items you have at home to ensure they belong to your family as we have some students who have items missing which are clearly named.
Please also ensure you have all your children's uniform labelled.
Next term the students are to wear the full winter uniform, however, a two-week leeway is given if the weather is still warm enough for the summer uniform.
In preparation for the cooler months, you might like to order our school coat, which is a warm bottle green parka style coat, from our Uniform Shop. No other coats will be permitted, however, bottle green gloves and beanies may be purchased elsewhere.
Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs and no nail polish is to be worn to school.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Lent- A Time To Remember God's Love For Us
We are more than halfway through the Lenten season. Easter will soon be upon us and it is meant to be a joyful time when we celebrate God’s love for us.
In these troubling times it is sometimes difficult to remember just how much God personally loves each one of us. Where is God when we are suffering? Where is God in what is happening to Australia’s flood victims? Where is God in the war between Ukraine and Russia? God certainly isn’t the cause of any suffering …but we may wonder, if God truly loves us, why doesn’t He intervene?
Well… just imagine if He did. If God took away our free will and ‘fixed’ all of our bad choices, and intervened and stopped all suffering, there would be no such thing as compassion, empathy, forgiveness, courage, tolerance, patience, mercy, justice, solidarity … all of the things which make humanity beautiful. There would be no need for any of these in a perfect world! We would have no sense of empathy or responsibility, no feelings of joy that come from helping others, no deep relationships built on shared joys and sufferings.
Jesus (God born into our world as the perfect human) displayed all of the best human qualities. Yet even He suffered cruelly by allowing himself to be crucified for our sins. God knows first-hand about our human suffering! Jesus’ crucifixion shows us that even in the midst of suffering, God’s love is ever-present. Jesus died because of God’s love for us. And Jesus’ death shows us that life and love ultimately triumph over suffering and death. Just as Jesus rose to new life at Easter, God promises us life after death.
In these remaining days of Lent, may we take time to really know this in our hearts:-
- God loved us into being.
- We are God’s most precious creation.
- God sent us Jesus and he died for us.
- God never stops loving us... regardless of what we do or even whether we love Him back!
- We are unconditionally and eternally loved every minute of every day
- Even through human pain and suffering, there is God’s love
If Lent has slipped us by and we haven’t opened our hearts to God’s love, it is not too late.
PRAY your way through Your day… Say a little prayer whenever someone or something makes life difficult; when someone does you a favour; when you experience great service; or when something joyful happens. This habit will make you aware of God’s constant presence in your life and bring you peace.
We may not be able to physically attend Mass, but the Scriptures are a great way to pray and reflect on God’s loving presence in our lives.
GIVE of Yourself as Jesus did.
Weave moments of service into even the busiest moments of your daily life. In this way you open your heart to God. Listen to others. Reach out in kindness. Help someone. Give encouragement to the doubting. Give praise to the insecure. Be kind to someone who could use a friend. Give thanks to those whose services often go unappreciated. Give attention to someone who simply wants to be noticed. Smile at everyone you meet.
FAST - Have you ‘fasted’ this Lent?
Fast every day from… self-doubt, intolerance, impatience, criticism, gossip, judging others, or passing on rumours.

School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
School Athletics Carnival
As per last week's newsletter, the new date for the Athletics Carnival is Friday 13 May. The carnival will be held at Todkill Park from 9am-3pm. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will take part in both track, field and modified events over the course of the day.
We will be asking for volunteers who may be able to assist with the following roles:
• Time keeping
• Age group team manager- 8,9,10,11,12
• Assisting with the Infant activities
If you would like to be involved, please email me before the end of the term at,
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Mackillop Swimming

Congratulations HARRY PRICE on being selected in the MacKillop Swimming Team. He will compete at the NSWPSSA Swimming Championships next Monday, 4 April. Harry's event is the BOYS SENIOR FREESTYLE MULTI -CLASS 50m. He is due to swim in event 48 which will be Monday afternoon. A link to the livestream will be available on Monday via our School Facebook page.
Cheer as loudly as you can!! We sure will be!
Canberra/Goulburn Rep Sport Trials
- Mackillop Cricket Trials are next Thursday 7 April in Gundagai. Best of luck to our students, Sophia Galland, Henry Galland, Saxon Greenwood, Ava Nicholson and Toby Charnock.
- Mackillop Hockey Trial is paper only at this stage. Nominations are now closed. Registered students: Henry Galland, Sophia Galland and Naomi Picker
- Mackillop Rugby Union Trial is scheduled for 30 May. Registered students to date include: Finn McCormack, William Millett.
- Golf - NSWCPS18 Hole Tournament (Pathway to MacKillop Selection) and 9 Hole Tournament (non-pathway participation). Register through the portal. Monday 1st August at Blackheath. (Ages 8 - 13)
Northern Region Cross Country.
St Mary's NR Team Members.
9 Years 2km
Boys |
Girls |
Riley O’Brien |
Charlie Bensley |
Jacob Hogan |
Imogen Hewitt |
Flynn Reeves |
A’dee Reynolds |
Tommy Picker |
Elsie McIntosh |
Alex Storrier |
Elkie Storrier |
Logan Anderson |
Ruby Pappalardo |
10 Years 2km
Boys |
Girls |
Henry Galland |
Sienna Gann |
Hayden Tarlinton |
Sophie Culley |
Jaydan Costello |
Alice Frost |
Eli Cooper |
Tahlia Naughton |
Thomas Walsh |
Olivia Millett |
Emmett McIntosh/ William Waldron |
Emilee Salt |
11 Years 3km
Boys |
Girls |
Archie Foran |
Chloe Bensley |
Charlie Tarlinton |
Amelia O’Brien |
Will Croker |
Lauren Fraser |
Addin Grove |
Brianna Blowes |
Lachlan Pascoe |
Ava Hewitt |
Riley Haynes |
Mia Butler |
12 Years 3km
Boys |
Girls |
William Millett |
Ava Nicholson |
Xavier Stallard |
Sophia Galland |
Toby Charnock |
Naomi Picker |
Jack Peden |
Sommer Lee Gann |
Rorey Hearne |
Tahlia Anderson |
Saxon Greenwood |
Caitlyn Hogan |
Finn McCormack |
Northern Region Cross Country Carnival.
Venue: Crookwell Showground
Date: Friday 29 April 2022 (Week One Term Two)
Time: 9:20am Team Manager meeting
9.30am Walk the course
10.00am First event
Division/Distances/Approx run times
10:00am 9 years girl [2013] 2000m
10:20am 9 years boy [2013] 2000m
10:40am 10 years girl [2012] 2000m
11:00am 10 years boy [2012] 2000m
11:20am 11 years girl [2011] 3000m
11:45pm 11 years boy [2011] 3000m
12:15pm 12/13 years girl [2010/2009] 3000m
12:40pm 12/13 years boy [2010/2009] 3000m
Children will compete in their school sport uniform.
Cost: $7:50 paid via Qkr App.
Archdiocesan Carnival: 6 competitors from each age group will progress to the Archdiocesan Carnival, which will be held at Stromlo Park on MONDAY 9 MAY
Canteen Facilities will be available.
Please bring clothing appropriate to the weather forecast. The carnival will go ahead even if it is raining. It is suggested competitors bring extra shoes and socks as the track may be wet if there is rain leading up to or on the day.
We are asking for parent volunteers to assist with the running. If you are available to offer any time for any job (checkpoint, first aid, recording) please let Belinda know or contact me directly via email-
Northern Region BBQ/Canteen
The Year 2 fundraiser for this year is running the BBQ and canteen at the Northern Region Cross Country next term. If you are able to volunteer, please contact Reané Strode on 0439 785 746.
Crookwell Community Fun Run
Class Awards:
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are..
Kindergarten: Mason Allport, Gracie Hannan, Jack Lowe, Laela McIntosh, Bailey Reeves
Year 1- Abigail Crosbie
Year 2- Harry Day, Connor Plumb
Year 3- Grace McCormack, Owen Moorby
Year 4- Eli Cooper, Chase Lucock, Alex Storrier, William Waldron,
Year 5- William Croker, Addin Grove, Lachlan Pascoe
Year 6- Finn McCormack, Harry Price
Japanese Award:
The class of the week is: Year Two
School Spirit Award:
Mason Allport - Caring for our environment
Khloe Pickett - Caring for our environment
Jaydan Costello - Being a WEST person and a great role model on the playground.
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Parish Associate: Sr Rosemary Hart
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Crookwell Heated Pool Campaign
We ask you to consider signing the petition to have our new pool enclosed and heated at
Cystic Fibrosis 65 Roses Charity Dinner
A child with CF is born every four days and whilst medical research is improving – there is no cure. For 50 years our dedicated team of volunteers has been providing financial assistance to local families affected by Cystic Fibrosis to help with ongoing treatment costs and equipment expenses. We also continue to raise awareness and contribute to much-needed medical research to help reach our goal of ZERO LIVES AFFECTED BY CYSTIC FIBROSIS.
ON SATURDAY 28th MAY 2022, we are hosting our annual major fundraiser:
Drawing and Pottery Classes
Vacation Care
Easter in the Shire