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- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Meet the Staff
- P & F News
- School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- Student Awards
- Trinity Catholic College
- Bus Pass Information
- Community News
Term One Dates
Friday 11 March |
Gymnastics Program Tuckshop -Maureen, Nicole and Jackie Mrs Lowe at Archdiocesan Principal's Conference Clean Up Australia Day - Bring a glove and bag |
Monday 14 March |
Three-Way Conversations Tuckshop - Sally G, Marguerite & Katherine Counsellor visit |
Tuesday 15 March |
Three-Way Conversations |
Thursday 17 March |
Year 3/4 Excursion to Canberra Years 2, 5, 6 Mass for St Patricks Day |
Friday 18 March |
School Cross Country Carnival at the Crookwell Showground approximately 11am - 1pm Tour De Cure - ride past |
Three-Way Conversations and Interim Reports
You are invited to attend a ten-minute face-to-face or telephone three-way (parent/student/teacher) conversation next week, Monday 14 or Tuesday 15 March. This conversation will provide you with an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled into the new school year, their social development and their engagement with learning.
At this meeting, the teacher will also provide you with your child's Interim Report. The Interim Report gives you an indication of your child's: enjoyment of and interest in learning new things, ability to ask and answer questions, perseverance with tasks, work habits, ability to avoid distractions, ability to follow school rules and collaborate with others.
Students in Years One - Six are to attend the meeting with their parents. Kindergarten students are not required to be part of the interview process.
If you have any concerns before these Three-Way Conversations, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
To book a time slot please use the link below. If you have trouble booking through the digital Session Keeper please contact Belinda. Likewise, if none of the appointment times suit, please contact Belinda to arrange a more suitable time.
At the end of Term Two, you will receive your child's Academic Report.
School Cross Country Carnival
Our Cross Country Carnival will be held next Friday 18 March at the Crookwell Showground. The students walk with their teachers and support staff to the Showground to commence at 11.00am. Students have morning tea at school, prior to leaving. The last event is around 1.00pm, enabling students to walk back to school for lunch. This means that the students only need to carry a drink bottle to the showground. There will be no Tuckshop available on that day.
All students participate in our Cross Country Carnival, competing over the following distances:
5/6/7 Years - 600m
8 Years - 1km
9/10 Years - 2km
11/12 Years - 3km
A full program of events is available in our School Sports section of this newsletter.
Tour De Cure
On Friday 18 March the Tour De Cure Signature crew will ride through Crookwell to raise vital funds to support the doctors and scientists who have dedicated their lives to uncovering a cure for cancer. The funds raised support the researchers, surgeons and clinicians who dedicate their lives to finding a cure.
The tour occurs over nine days and the participants travel from Geelong to Canberra, covering a total of 1355km from 10-20 March.
It is hoped that the cyclists will ride past St Mary's and we will line our students up to cheer them on.
If you would like to send in a donation for this course it will be given to Kent Bestwick from Bathurst, one of the cyclists, to help him achieve his fundraising goal. Please send donations marked in an envelope or zip lock bag prior to, or on, Friday 18 March.
For further information visit our School Sports section in the newsletter.
Local Excursion Consent
Last week you received a Local Excursion Consent Form. This general consent form allows your child/children to take part in local excursions. Examples of a 'Local Excursion' could include going to the showground for our Cross Country Carnival or Todkill park for our Athletics Carnival, a visit to the Senior Citizens centre, planting with Landcare at Kiamma Creek, and the like.
if you have not done so already, please complete and return the form to school as soon as you are able.
If you have some old lego at home you no longer need or use, we would appreciate it to top up the lego table for the children to play with.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
RESPECT - for our Environment

Tomorrow, St Mary’s will help to ‘Clean Up Australia.’ This annual event reminds us of our responsibility to respect God’s gift of creation. From the beginning of time, human beings have been tasked with being the ‘keepers of creation’.
‘So God created humankind in his image… God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.’ (Book of Genesis, New Testament)
The words subdue and dominion, do NOT mean that humans have the right to overpower the earth for their own ends. The author of Genesis was referring to stewardship. Our planet is fragile and it is Humankind’s role to care for it.
The two Genesis stories of Creation are not historical, scientific truths but, rather, deep religious truths about God, the meaning and purpose of the cosmos and the role of humanity. They are Sacred Myths. Catholics believe that although the world was not created in six ‘24-hour days’, the creation stories reveal to us these divine and sacred truths:
- All of creation stems from an original act of God. God said ‘Let there be … light, day, night, sun, stars, moon, land, sea, nature, creatures and humankind…’
- God intended creation to be GOOD (‘And God saw that it was good’ – this phrase is repeated 6 times in Genesis 1)
- God placed the responsibility of managing it and caring for it on humankind.
Human beings are ‘made in God’s image’; and each one has a spirit, the capacity to love, a conscience and unbound intelligence. The Catholic Church teaches that all humans have a responsibility to the land and all living beings, including fellow humans.
Please help us support the ‘least of our brothers and sisters’ this Lent by sending in money for our Project Compassion Boxes. There is a Project Compassion box for donations in each classroom.
2022 Sacramental Dates
If you did not attend the meeting last night in Crookwell, you will need to attend the session in Goulburn on 16 March. Attendance is compulsory for sacramental enrolment.
Sacramental Program datesParish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Introducing Mrs Therese Skelly
Hello to our wonderful St Mary’s School community. A bit about myself …
Having grown up the eldest of five sisters and playing ‘schools’ on weekends, I always wanted to be a teacher. In fact, I wanted to be a teaching nun like my aunties. Well … I didn’t become a nun. I married a local ‘Crookwell lad’ and now have two adult children. But of course … I did become a teacher, graduating from Signadou Teachers College in Canberra (now ACU) in 1989. I have been teaching at St Mary’s ever since and I love it. It’s not a job, it’s a passion.
I have taught all grades and, as you can imagine, many, many children over the years. And I have heard many, many ‘stories’. I take great delight in hearing a friendly “Hi Mrs Skelly. Remember me?” from ‘grown-up’ ex-students when out and about socially. I always remember them … and have to persuade them to call me ‘Therese’. These days I am teaching the ‘kids of the kids’ I taught ... and some still call me Mrs Skelly ?. This never makes me feel OLD! On the contrary, it makes me proud that I am still as passionate about kids and teaching and learning as I was 30 years ago. I love every single one of the kids I meet. For me, teaching is a work of HEART. I consider it a sacred responsibility to be entrusted with a child’s education, growth, development and well-being. I’m a firm believer in the positive power of fun and laughter and never miss an opportunity to create or share a laugh. You should see my ‘costume/props’ cupboard.
‘Teachers have 3 loves: Love of learning, love of learners, and love of bringing the first 2 loves together!’
Along with my teaching role, I am the Religious Education Coordinator for St Mary’s, which I absolutely love as it allows me to live my faith more deeply and share it with others.
You may have heard that my other love is … The Canberra Raiders. It’s a family trait. I have managed to recruit many a child to the Raiders’ fan club over the years. If anyone ever finds themselves with unused free tickets to games, I can always put them to good use? ? ?
Volunteers needed!
Tuckshop is a great way to get involved and contribute to St Mary’s and we are always in need of volunteers.
Once a term would be great – twice a term terrific! Mondays or Fridays – whichever suits you best.
Let us know if you would like to team up with someone in particular and we will put ‘newbies’ on with someone experienced.
Fridays are in particular need of volunteers as we really need 3 people to get the orders out on time. In the future, if we are unable to have 3 people on Fridays, we will be forced to cancel tuckshop for that day.
If you have any questions we are happy to help.
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
School Cross Country Carnival
Thank you to our families who have offered to assist at the carnival. As we have extra staff attending the carnival, there is no longer the need for volunteers.
Please see below the timetable for the carnival. Please note that these times are purely a guide and are not exact.
10:15am-10:40am |
10:45am Sunscreen application and hat check |
EVENT 1: 12YR B/G 3000M |
Approx. 11:00am |
EVENT 2: 7YR B/G 600M |
Approx. 11:20am |
EVENT 3: 6YR B/G 600M |
Approx. 11:30am |
EVENT 4: 5YR B/G 600M |
Approx. 11:30am (Run with the 6yrs) |
EVENT 5: 8YR B/G 1000M |
Approx. 12:00pm |
EVENT 6: 9YR B/G 2000M |
Approx. 12:10pm |
EVENT 7: 10YR B/G 2000M |
Approx. 12:25pm |
EVENT 8: 11YR B/G 3000M |
Approx. 12:40pm |
1:15pm Sunscreen application and hat check |
1.30pm - 2.15pm |
## We are planning on being back at school by 1:20pm so that we can be ready for the Tour de Cure ride by (see below)
Tour de Cure Signature Cycling Tour 2022
Tour de Cure has one mission, to cure cancer and change lives while doing this. They do this through their inspirational events where they raise funds to support the researchers, surgeons and clinicians who dedicate their lives to finding a cure for cancer
The 2022 tour is the Surf Coast to Capital tour starting from Geelong, travelling to Canberra, a mammoth effort. In previous years, the Tour team would visit local schools and deliver an educational program, however COVID has restricted this in 2022.
Crookwell is very lucky to have the Tour de Cure teams stopping for lunch on Friday 18 March. We have been able to work with the team to arrange them to do a cycle past the school before they leave town, so our school and community can show our appreciation for the amazing work they do and cheer them on for their final 2 days of cycling.
We encourage students to bring along a coin donation on Friday 18 March, and we will present this to the group as they cycle by.
Special mention is that Mark Beretta from Sunrise, Channel 7 will be a part of this group.
For any further information, please contact Mrs Rachael Croker at
Save The Date
School Athletics Carnival- | When: Friday 6 May |
Time: 9am-3pm | |
Where: Todkill Park | |
Who: K-6 |
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Archdiocesan Swimming
Great news from Sophie at the Archdiocese Swimming Carnival in Queanbeyan this week. She achieved a PB when swimming her 200IM by taking 15 seconds off her qualifying time as well as taking time off her 50m Butterfly.
Huge Congratulations to you Sophie, you never know what you can achieve until you have a go!!
Sport Trials
- Mackillop Cricket Trial was scheduled for this Friday March 11 in Gundagai. Parents of nominated students should have received an email this week alerting them to a need to postpone. The new date is now 7 April at Gundagai. Parents are asked to reply to Sheree's email to confirm they are aware of the change of date.
Registered students: Sophia Galland, Henry Galland, Saxon Greenwood, Ava Nicholson and Toby Charnock.
- Mackilllop Soccer Trial is scheduled for March 14. Nominations have closed. Registered students are Saxon Greenwood and Ava Nicholson
- Mackillop Hockey Trial is paper only at this stage. Nominations close TODAY 10 March. Registered students to date include: Henry Galland, Sophia Galland and Naomi Picker
- Mackillop Rugby League Trial is scheduled for April 1. Nominations close TODAY 10 March. Registered students to date include: Saxon Greenwood.
- Mackillop Rugby Union Trial is scheduled for 30 May. Registered students to date include: Finn McCormack
- Golf - NSWCPS18 Hole Tournament (Pathway to MacKillop Selection) and 9 Hole Tournament (non-pathway participation). Register through the portal. Monday 1st August at Blackheath. (Ages 8 - 13)
Book Club
Orders must be completed online through LOOP only, TODAY Thursday 10 March.
We are NOT accepting CASH payments.
The web address is:
Class Awards:
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are..
Kindergarten: Thaddaeus Camilleri, Tilda McIntosh and Evelyn Pappalardo
Year 1- Abigail Crosbie, Digby Price and Cooper Sims
Year 2- Bodi Cooper, Beau Knight and Max Strode
Year 3- Quade Haynes and Tommy Picker
Year 4- Jaydan Costello and Olivia Millett
Year 5- Joe Hayes and Charlie Tarlinton
Year 6- Rorey Hearne and Ava Nicholson
Japanese Award:
Year 4 for great participating in all class activities
School Spirit Award:
Riley Plumb for demonstrating maturity and leadership on the playground
Emilee Salt for always seeing a need and doing something about it