Filter Content
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Meet the Staff
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- P & F News
- Student Awards
- Counsellor Corner with Madelyn Burns
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Term One Dates
Friday 11 February |
No tuckshop |
Monday 14 February |
Catholic Care Counsellor - Madi Burns Teaching staff COGLearn Professional Learning Tuckshop - Allison, Kia and Tressa |
Tuesday 15 February |
Year Five Art Focus Day VIRTUAL School Board Meeting 6pm |
Wednesday 16 February |
Kindergarten Rest Day VIRTUAL P&F Executive Meeting 2.30pm - |
Friday 18 February |
Opening Mass and Leadership Induction 9.30am Yrs 3-6 Gymnastics Program Tuckshop - Jackie, Mary-Ann and Maureen |
Introducing our 2022 Staff
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the 2022 St Mary's teaching and support team;
Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker and Mrs. Alison Cummins - Kindergarten (33 students)
Mrs. Susan Branson - Year One (18 students)
Miss. Annie Croker- Year Two (22 students)
Mrs. Rachael Croker - Year Three (17 students)
Mrs. Therese Skelly - Year Four (25 students)
Mrs. Linda Walsh - Year Five (20 students)
Mr. Larry O'Kane - Year Six (18 students)
Mrs. Nicola Spackman - Classroom Support Teacher
Mrs. Dorothea Hewitt - Teacher Librarian and ICT coordinator
Mrs. Alison Davies- Performing Arts Teacher
Mrs. Karen O'Keefe - Teacher release and Creative Arts Teacher
Mr.s Rie O'Brien - Japanese Support Teacher and Classroom Support Assistant
Mrs. Gwenda Romer - Classroom Support Assistant
Mrs. Elizabeth Webber - Classroom Support Assistant
Mrs. Shauna Hewitt -Classroom Support Assistant
Mrs. Belinda Tarlinton - Office Manager - Monday - Friday 8.30am - 3.30pm
Miss. Madelyn Burns - CatholicCare Counsellor - Each Monday 8.30am - 4.30pm
We are commencing the year with 153 students in total.
Swimming Carnival
I would like to thank all of the students who participated in our Swimming Carnival last Thursday in Goulburn. The students demonstrated terrific sportspersonship and the Pool Manager commented that their staff all agreed our students were the most polite and well-mannered that they have experienced. A huge compliment considering every school in the district uses their facility.
Swimming all strokes over the 50-metre distance certainly challenged many of our swimmers, however, not one child gave up, they all achieved their very best on the day.
The announcement of Age Champions and the winning house will be made at our student assembly next Friday.
I would like to thank Rachael Croker, our carnival coordinator, and all of the staff and parents who offered their support on the day. The carnival could not go ahead without your help.
The Northern Region Carnival will be held in Yass on Thursday 24 February and our Representative Sports Coordinator, Sally Croker will accompany the team. We are waiting for official information to come from Yass, however, the team wil be announced on Monday so families can make the required arrangements.
We have a few sports uniform items missing from the carnival. Can all families please check the names on the items you have at home.
Opening School Mass and Badge Blessing and Presentation
Our school Opening Mass and Blessing and Presentation of the Captains Badges will now be held on Friday 18 February at 9.30am due to a clash with Fr Laurie Blake's funeral in Goulburn and no available priests. Unfortunately, only our primary students and parents of the students receiving badges are able to attend. Due to restrictions, the morning tea that normally follows cannot proceed. However, we will take some photographs out the front of the school after the Mass and Presentation.
Newsletter and Social Media
A good way to stay abreast of what is happening, aside from this newsletter, is through our social media pages. Following or liking our pages will ensure you keep up to date with events, last-minute details and information.
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Instagram
Baby News
Welcome to the world Jemima Stephenson, Ashleigh Storrier and Jude Plumb!
School Counsellor
On Monday, Madi Burns commenced her position as Student and Family Counsellor for this term, taking over from Sharyn and Jaye. Madi has had a changeover meeting with Jaye and will have access to the current referrals.
Please read Madi's introduction in our Counsellor Corner section in this newsletter.
Drop-off and Pick-up
Please be aware that you cannot drop off or pick up your children in the Bus Zone at the front of the school. The Bus Zone is effective between 8.30am - 9.30am and 3.00pm - 4.00pm. This area is often monitored by the highway patrol.
After the signposted Bus Zone, near the bottom gate, there is a short area marked with a 'No Parking' sign. You must not park in this area between 8.30am - 9.30am and 3.00pm - 4.00pm. However, you can stop for less than 2 minutes if you stay within 3m of your vehicle if you are dropping off or picking up passengers or loading or unloading items.
School Hours
Students commence school at 9.00 am (first bell) and conclude at 3:10 pm (unless they are picked up from 3 pm). Morning Playground supervision does not commence until 8:40am. Please ensure your children are not at school before 8.40am. Afternoon supervision concludes at 3:30pm.
COVID-19 and RAT Distribution
NSW Health has provided advice on testing and isolation recommendations for the community following exposure to COVID-19. Staff and students of the specified class or cohort, do not need to isolate, however, they are encouraged to monitor for symptoms and use the provided RAT kits.
You are reminded that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If symptoms occur at any time, your child should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If a rapid antigen test is positive you/your child should isolate and report this to NSW Health and the school. If you cannot access a rapid antigen test, you get a PCR (nose and throat swab) test.
Advice and further resources are available on the NSW Health website including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets for People who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19. Additional resources are also available on the NSW Government website.
The safety and wellbeing of our staff and students are paramount at all times. As such, we will continue to ensure that all necessary health advice is closely followed.
Absence from School
A reminder that any time your child/ren are away from school, you do ONE of the following: fill in the Schoolzine absentee form, send in a note as soon as possible or notify the Office via email or phone 48321592.
Introducing Mrs Alison Davies
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
RESPECT at St Mary’s
This term, our school will be focusing specifically on our school value RESPECT.
The dictionary meaning of the word ‘RESPECT’: to take notice of; to regard with honour and special attention; to regard as worthy of special consideration; hence, to care for; to heed.
As a Catholic school, we follow the following ‘Catholic Social Teaching’ themes – which are all about RESPECT
- Life and the Dignity of the Human Person. ...We are made in God’s image so we each have a God-given dignity…every person is precious
- Family, Community, and Participation. ... All people are called to participate in family and community. The role of people in power is to look after the good of all.
- Rights and Responsibilities. ... All people have a duty and responsibility - to one another, to family, and to society to make sure human dignity is protected and a healthy community achieved
- Preferential Option for the Poor and vulnerable. ...We live in an amazing world with enough resources for everyone. Yet, many miss out. It is our responsibility to help them.
- The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers. …Work has DIGNITY. It is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of participation in Gods creation.
- Solidarity. ... We should commit ourselves wholeheartedly to the good of all, to stand in solidarity with our one human family.
- Care for our common home. … We are responsible for looking after the world we live in and the people who live in it
During this term, your children will be learning that Christians are called by Christ to value and respect ourselves, each other and all of creation; and they will be learning what this ‘looks like’ in their lives.
Every person is made in the image of God.
Every person is the clearest reflection of God among us.
Every life is created by – and belongs to – God, and so…
Every life is holy and sacred.
Every aspect of creation is holy and sacred.

School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Swimming Carnival
We were blessed with great weather for our swimming carnival last Thursday.
The students participated enthusiastically, really challenging themselves to swim longer distances, to swim strokes they may not have previously, and to simply have a go. We were blown away by the encouragement the students showed to each other.
We must say a very big thank you to our army of helpers on the day, the biggest number of helpers we have had. The time that you gave to volunteer is greatly appreciated.
Age champion medals, the winning house shield and ribbons will be handed out at our assembly on Friday of Week 3.
Save The Date
School Cross Country- | When: Friday 18 March |
Time: 11am-1pm | |
Where: Crookwell Showground | |
Who: K-6 | |
School Athletics Carnival- | When: Friday 6 May |
Time: 9am-3pm | |
Where: Todkill Park | |
Who: K-6 |
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Sport Trials
- Mackillop Touch Trial - Congratulations To Ava Nicholson (Yr 6) who travelled to Lyneham yesterday (Wednesday 9 Feb) to compete for a spot in the Girls Mackillop Touch Team. Competition was very high and unfortunately Ava was not selected to progress. We applaud all students who 'have a go' and give it their best to challenge themselves against others.
- Mackillop Cricket Trial is scheduled for March 11 in Gundagai. Nominations close 4 March. Registered students to date include: Sophia Galland, Henry Galland, Saxon Greenwood and Toby Charnock
- Mackillop Hockey Trial is paper only at this stage. Nominations close 10 March. Registered students to date include: Henry Galland, Sophia Galland.
- Mackillop Rugby League Trial is scheduled for April 1. Nominations close 10 March. Registered students to date include: Saxon Greenwood.
- Mackilllop Soccer Trial is scheduled for March 14. Nominations close March 7. Registered students to date include: Saxon Greenwood.
Representative Swimming (Northern Region)
Northern Region Swimming date will now be Thursday 24 Feb. As noted in other reports, the details for this event will be communicated to team members and parents as soon as we receive them officially.
Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Personalised Plan Meetings
Each semester, and sometimes more often depending on student need, we hold scheduled Personalised Plan meetings for students with a disability or an additional need requiring intervention or adjustments.
These meetings will occur in Week 4, February 21st and February 22nd. You will be able to choose a date and a time suited to you online, via Schoolzine. Further information will be sent out later.
Resources: Visuals for RAT
Library visits
All classes visit the library each week.
Term 1
Wednesday: Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
Thursday: Kinder, Year 1 and Year 2
Please ensure your child has a library bag to borrow.
Book Club
Book club was distributed to all children today. Orders must be completed online through LOOP only, by Thursday 17 February.
We are NOT accepting CASH payments.
The web address is:
LOOP enables parents to order and pay for your child’s order online using a credit card or voucher if you have one. Catalogues will still be handed out at school and books will be distributed at school. The school will continue to receive rewards.
- For a quick start, just click on ORDER
- OR Register first to save your details for next time
- Select your school and your child's class
- Add your child's first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue
- Follow the instructions for payment and submit
- All orders are sent directly to the school for submission to Scholastic. Books will still be delivered to your child's classroom if you order by the close date.
- Afterwards, there's no need to return paper order forms or payment receipt details back to your school!
Please contact me if you experience any difficulties.
To have access to the Information and Communication Technologies at St Mary’s, children in Years 3-6 are requested to read and sign the Acceptable Use by Students Policy Form sent home last week. Parents/Guardians please sign the Acknowledgement section and return to the office.
The link to the policy mentioned in the form is:
Please ensure your child has returned your form as soon as possible.
Volunteers are needed to cover books for the Library. Plastic covering is supplied and you are able to do this at home in your own time. If you are able to assist, please complete the form via the following link
Access a free online Library-Borrowing SORA Ebooks and Audio Books!
You can now borrow e books and Audio books using a new app called SORA.
Below are the steps to install on your device.
Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day was celebrated this week throughout Australia.
The aim of this week is to help Australians have safer and more positive experiences online.
Years 3-6 engaged in a live Virtual Classroom webinar to help students to know how to use their voice online to keep themselves and others safe.
Ideas discussed were:
- identifying what is important when creating and sharing content
- understanding the impact that posts and comments can have on themselves and others
- how to develop help-seeking and reporting strategies.
Years 5 and 6 also viewed a video that showed three top Australian athletes share their tips about how to play it safe and fair online.
The eSafetyparents website has some very useful information for parents and carers.
Crookwell Show- BBQ
Each year, the P&F have a BBQ at the Crookwell Show, which is this weekend. Each family is rostered on for a time to help on the BBQ.
This is a great fundraising opportunity for the school, so we appreciate your assistance.
Please see the roster below and let Craig know ASAP if you need to make any changes.
Tuckshop Roster Term 1
Please note all volunteers must be double-vaccinated and will be asked for proof upon signing in.
Please note, there will be no over-the-counter sales to eliminate interaction with students to remain Covid safe.
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
As you know students are encouraged to wear masks to school. One of our very clever friends of St Mary's has made some St Mary's school masks in the girl's summer tunic fabric. If you would like one of these please contact Belinda in the Office. There are two varieties and they are suitable for boys, girls and adults. Masks will be $2 each as we would like to gift our generous helper some money back to cover her costs.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are..
Kindergarten: Gabby McDonald, Sullivan Stephenson and Nicholas Wye
Year 1- Henry Butler and Henry Elsley-Mattox
Year 2- Rory Bensley and Jesse Costello
Year 3- Logan Anderson and A'dee Reynolds
Year 4- Charlie Bensley, Sophia Foran and Madeleine Strode
Year 5- Mia Butler and Archie Foran
Year 6- Toby Charnock and Xavier Stallard
Japanese Award:
Year 3 for focusing on their tasks
Counsellor Corner with Madelyn Burns
Let me introduce myself, my name is Madi, and I am the new school counsellor at St Mary’s and I am so excited to join such a beautiful school community. I am available each Monday of the school term to support all students, families and staff. Through CatholicCare Canberra Goulburn, I offer a free and confidential service. Through brief intervention, counselling can provide fundamental skills for implementing positive change and nourishing growth.
Counselling can respond to a large variety of needs; developing social skills, understanding family/relationship dynamics, curricular challenges, grief and loss, self-esteem, modifying behaviours and reshaping negative thoughts.
A little about me. I graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work and currently completing a Master of Autism. I was previously working in Acute Mental Health in Central West NSW before joining CatholicCare Canberra Goulburn.
I am committed to delivering a warm and person-centred service that focuses on building self-esteem, resilience, independence and identity. I look forward to engaging with the St Mary’s community throughout 2022 and hope you will reach out no matter how big or small your concern may be. Please utilise the link to submit referrals.
Warmest regards,
Madi2022 Sacramental Dates
Sacrament enrolment night Wednesday 9 March
Sacramental Program datesFlower Donation and Arranging Volunteers
The Parish is looking for new volunteers to make the flower arrangements for the Church for the weekend Masses. Anyone who is able to be placed on a roster to donate and arrange flowers for the Church is welcome. Flower arrangers work in pairs, so bring a friend. Training will be provided. Please contact Rhonda Writer, Dorothea Hewitt or Sarah Lowe if you can assist.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Crookwell Junior and Senior Soccer Registrations
Crookwell Junior Rugby League
DO YOU WANT TO PLAY RUGBY LEAGUE? Crookwell is looking for players aged 4- 11 as well as High School Aged Girls league tag and tackle ??????
Visit:;!!Ax-PnKpllFIIgPxB!0qf-gO0CkDZi2ohMMXoKUTGla3NlkWsV4hwMpi6UgVyAu_L_o2pzph43UQJ722tb3s53JOq5-swfWM4$ to join your local club!