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Term 4 Dates
WEEK 9 |
Thursday 2 December |
Trinity Year 7 Orientation Day Sacrament of Confirmation 6pm |
Friday 3 December |
Year 6 Excursion BEACH 2 BUSH - Red and Yellow Mufti Day Tuckshop - Catherine F, Brian & Maureen |
WEEK 10 | |
Monday 6 December |
Tuckshop- Eleanor, Allison & Tressa |
Thursday 9 December |
End of Year Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony 12pm |
Friday 10 December |
Academic Report and Work Sample Folders home Tuckshop- FINAL FOR 2021- Megan, Jane & Bec |
WEEK 11 | |
Monday 13 December |
Year Six Graduation Mass, Dinner and Awards Presentation 5.30pm |
Tuesday 14 December |
School Spirit Afternoon Tea |
Wednesday 15 December |
Year Six Final Assembly - Infants cohort 12.30pm, Primary cohort 2pm Last day of the 2021 school year |
End of Year Events
End of Year School Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony
I would like to congratulate our Year Five students who self-nominated for a School or Sports Captains role for 2022. This week we heard the students present their speeches to the student body. All the speeches were thoughtful and well presented. Each student is to be congratulated on their effort. I am sure there are eighteen students in Year Five that would fill the roles perfectly!
Our students voted yesterday and today and the recipients of the positions will be announced at our End of Year School Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony, held on Thursday 9 December at 12pm. Parents and carers are able to attend, if they desire.
Please note the badges will be blessed and presented at our 2022 Welcome and Leaders Induction Mass at the beginning of Term One on Thursday 10 February (TBC).
Year Six Farewell
This year our Year Six Graduation events will occur on Monday 13 December. The format will be as follows:
5.30pm - Graduation Mass at St Mary's Church for Year Six students, parents/carers/adult guests and staff
6.30pm - Dinner at the Services Club for Year Six students, parents/carers/adult guests and staff
7.30pm - Year Six Awards Presentation and Final Assembly
Final Assembly
The Year Six class will present their Final Assembly for our students in the sails area (weather pending) on the last day of school, Wednesday 15 December. The recipients of Awards will be re-acknowledged at this Assembly. This will be a repeat of the Monday evening performance.
The Year Six children will first present to our Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two cohort at 12.30pm. They will then do a repeat performance at 2.00pm for our Year Three to Five cohort.
If parents and family wish to attend one of these repeat performances, can you please let Belinda know so that COVID-safe seating can be arranged.
Level 3 Schools Update
As the term has progressed schools in NSW have remained operating under the Level 3 Restrictions set by NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education. We were advised this week that these will continue to the end of Term Four.
All NSW schools will continue to follow the cohort model. This is to provide a safe learning environment for students, minimise opportunities for transmission and enable the most effective contact tracing and containment measures in the event of a COVID-19 case.
The only change that has occurred recently that affects St Mary's directly is related to singing. Students may now sing outdoors only.
Semester Two Student Reports
You will receive your child's Semester Two Progress Report and Work Sample Folder on Friday 10 December.
You will notice that your child's Student Report has a different format to that of past years. This is because our reporting is now done through Compass, the same system we use for attendance. I think you will find the new format to be clearer to read and more informative.
Your child’s Work Sample Folder will contain work samples taken from a variety of learning areas across the semester. There will be a variety of draft and published pieces so that you can see your child’s everyday work standards.
If you have any questions about either of these progress documents please make an appointment to see your child’s classroom teacher.
School Board
I would like to welcome Reané Strode and James McCormack as parent representatives to the St Mary's Primary School Board. Both have accepted their nominations and will commence in Term One 2022.
Please ensure that your school fee account is paid as soon as possible.
Reminder letters for overdue amounts will be sent out soon.
Thank you for your assistance with this, before the end of our school year.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
A time of …watchful waiting, preparation, peace and justice
Getting our hearts and minds ready to celebrate Jesus at Christmas time
This Sunday marks the beginning of the second week of Advent. We light the second candle to represent John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin who proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah and who baptised people and helped them open their hearts to welcome Jesus. As John's message prepared the way for Jesus, we too are called to prepare ourselves for Jesus' coming.
This Sunday we light the second Advent candle – the PEACE candle. . God gives us the gift of peace when we turn to him in faith. At school the students have been focusing on opening their hearts to receive God’s PEACE and share it with others. This is the best present we can give Jesus - and it has the extra benefit of making our world a better place to live in. What have you been doing to prepare for Jesus’ birthday?
Take time to THINK…it is the source of power
Take time to PLAY…it is the secret of perpetual youth
Take time to READ…it is the fountain of wisdom
Take time to PRAY…it is the greatest power on earth
Take time to LOVE…and be LOVED…it is the way to peace
Take time to be FRIENDLY…it is the road to happiness
Take time to LAUGH…it is the music of the soul
Take time to GIVE…it is too short a day to be selfish
Take time to WORK…it is the road to integrity and achievement
Take time for CHARITY…it is the key to heaven.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Thank you to those who have already made donations to our St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal.
Let us do everything we can to help the less fortunate in our community and in the wider world this Christmas
K |
Cereals |
1 |
Snack foods eg biscuits, chips and sweet treats |
2 |
Toys (new) |
3 |
Tinned goods with a pull tag (not needing a can opener) |
4 |
Rice and pasta |
5 |
Soft drinks, long life juice, coffee, tea bags |
6 |
Toiletries eg shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothpaste, soap, hand towels, face washes etc |
- Toiletries
- Presents for children in need
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
National Bush 2 Beach Water Safety Week
What a great week the students have had celebrating Beach 2 Bush Water Safety Week.
On Monday all classes had a zoom meeting with 2 lifeguards from Royal Life Saving Australia. Students learnt about how to identify a rip, the 5 steps to beach safety;
- F – Find the red and yellow flags and swim between them
- L – Look for and read the safety signs
- A – Ask a lifeguard or lifesaver for safety advice
- G – Go swimming with an adult
- S – Signal for help if you get into trouble in the water
Students have enjoyed scavenger hunts, colouring in competitions, livestream sessions investigating beaches and rock pools, and many more water safety valuable learning experiences.
A HUGE THANK YOU to our very generous families who allowed us to lend gear this week to help set up our beach theme display. This will feature in our video which will hopefully be ready to be viewed early next week.

Swimming Carnival 2022
Date: Thursday 3 February 2022
Classes: Years 2-6, all students will be attending
Where: Goulburn Aquatic Centre
A permission form for the 2022 school swimming carnival has been sent home with students in Years 2-6.
The form outlines all of the important details such as transport be it by private car or bus, procedure for entry into events, the program for the day, canteen facilities and availability of family helpers on the day.
Please complete the permission slip and return to school by TOMORROW. This will inform our decision on how many buses we require for transport.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this.
Many families participated in the Family Trivia Quiz.
Participation certificates will be awarded to the following families:
Reece Allport Family |
Toby Charnock Family |
Costello Family |
Crosbie Family |
Joshua Fraser Family |
Kaitlin Francis Family |
Garnham Family |
Hayes Family |
Lucock Family |
Moorby Family |
Elsie McIntosh Family |
Anna O’Brien Family |
Waters Family |
Waldron Family |
White Family |
Hills Family |
Walsh Family |
Donovan Francis Family |
Lawson Family |
Proudman Family |
Doran Family |
Oscar Allport Family |
Frost Family |
Hewitt Family |
Henry Lowe Family |
Strode Family |
Beath & Marinovic Families |
Return of Library Books
There will be no borrowing next week.
Please remind your child/children to return their borrowed books to the library.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn Sport
In 2022 the Primary Touch Football, Tennis and Basketball are within the first couple of weeks back at school for 2022.
To give you plenty of time to register the registration process is open and ready to go.
The trials are open to students who will be in Year 5 or Year 6 in 2022.
If you believe that your child is up to the required standard and will be in year 4 in 2022 please contact Sherree Bush to discuss.
The 2022 Primary information notes for all our representative trials in addition to the registration opening and closing dates are now available on the Canberra Goulburn Sport Website: - Make sure you check out all the representative sports trials on offer!
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Mia Croker and Henry Lowe
Year 1- Luca Morning
Year 2- Jacob Hogan, A'dee Reynolds and Harley White
Year 3- Alice Frost, Henry Galland, Sienna Gann, Gabby Price and Hayden Tarlinton
Year 4- Phoebe Fannin
Year 5- Ava Nicholson and Amelia O'Brien
Year 6- Nate Kemp
Performing Arts Award
Flynn Storrier for trying his very best
Quade Haynes for being so helpful
Japanese Award
Year 2- for excellent listening skills
School Spirit Awards
Rory Bensley, Bodi Cooper, Jesse Costello, Harry Frost, Joe McCormack, Flynn Storrier and Max Strode for caring for our school environment
Tuckshop Roster Term 4
Please note all volunteers must be double-vaccinated and will be asked for proof upon signing in.
Please note, there will be no over-the-counter sales to eliminate interaction with students to remain Covid safe.
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
Cook Books for Christmas
Trying to get organised for Christmas presents? Why not buy a St Mary's P&F Cook book?
$20 each, available to purchase on Qkr.
As you know students are encouraged to wear masks to school. One of our very clever friends of St Mary's has made some St Mary's school masks in the girl's summer tunic fabric. If you would like one of these please contact Belinda in the Office. There are two varieties and they are suitable for boys, girls and adults. Masks will be $2 each as we would like to gift our generous helper some money back to cover her costs.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)