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Term 4 Dates
WEEK 8 | |
Thursday 25 November |
Book Fair Archdiocesan Public Speaking - Good luck Sophie! |
Friday 26 November |
Tuckshop - Rachael, Mary-Ann & Elizabeth |
Sunday 27 November |
Confirmation Retreat |
WEEK 9 |
Monday 29 November |
Year 5 Captains Speeches Lifeguard Virtual Water Safety Talk Tuckshop - Sally, Eleanor, Marguerite |
Tuesday 30 November |
Year 5 Captains Speeches |
Wednesday 1 December |
Year 5 Captains Speeches Student Voting |
Thursday 2 December |
Trinity Year 7 Orientation Day Sacrament of Confirmation 6pm |
Friday 3 December |
Year 6 Excursion BEACH 2 BUSH - Red and Yellow Mufti Day Tuckshop - Catherine F, Brian & Maureen |
Hang in there!
As we near the end of term, I have observed a shift in behaviour and energy levels in the children. The excitement of returning back to school has worn off and recently I have seen a rise in behaviour incidents, frayed tempers, upsets and social problems. I believe this rise may be due to a combination of the restrictions, ongoing wet weather and sustained high levels of anxiety in society.
2022 Staffing
I would like to thank our 2021 staff for their hard work and resilience in a year that has provided ongoing challenges. We are very lucky to have dedicated and experienced teachers at St Mary's.
It is with great delight that I announce the appointment of Annie Croker. Annie will be commencing in Term One as a graduate teacher. We look forward to welcoming Annie back to our school community. Annie was a student at St Mary's from 2005 - 2011.
I would also like to share that Alison Cummins and Linda Walsh have been offered permanent contracts after many years of competently filling temporary classroom teaching roles.
Congratulations Annie, Alison and Linda!
I would like to thank Claire McCormack for her dedication to the Performing Arts (Dance, Drama and Music) this semester. Unfortunately, Claire is unable to continue next semester in this teaching role however I am sure we will still experience her enthusiasm for teaching in a casual capacity next year.
We have been fortunate to fill the Performing Arts position with a very experienced teacher, Mrs. Alison Davies. Alison and her husband, Richard, will be returning to Crookwell in 2022 and I am sure she will be familiar to many of you. Alison's children Cameron, Molly and Tasmin attend St Mary's and Alison worked as a casual teacher with us for many years.
Welcome back, Alison!
I am pleased to announce the classroom teachers for 2022:
Kinder— Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker and Mrs. Alison Cummins
Year One— Mrs. Susan Branson
Year Two— Miss Annie Croker
Year Three – Mrs. Rachael Croker
Year Four – Mrs. Therese Skelly
Year Five– Mrs. Linda Walsh
Year Six— Mr. Larry O’Kane
Library/ICT— Mrs. Dorothea Hewitt
Music/Dance/Drama—Mrs. Alison Davies
Executive Release & Teacher RFF— Mrs. Karen O’Keefe
Classroom Support Teacher— Mrs. Nicola Spackman
Classroom Support Assistants - Mrs. Gwenda Romer, Mrs. Shauna Hewitt, Mrs. Rie O'Brien and Mrs. Elizabeth Webber
Office Manager - Mrs. Belinda Tarlinton
Our staff are very excited to be taking on their roles and look forward to continuing to build positive relationships and engaging learning opportunities for your children next year.
End of Year Events
End of Year School Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony
Our Year Five students are currently preparing to present themselves to our student body as possible School Captains for 2022. The students will present their speeches on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 9, with the voting to occur on Wednesday afternoon, 1 December. As is the long-held tradition, the Captains are student-elected, staff do not vote.
The 2022 Captains will be announced at our End of Year School Mass and Changeover Ceremony held on Thursday 9 December at 12pm. As the church can now have people with 2sqm allocation, parents and carers are able to attend, if they desire.
Please note the badges will be blessed and presented at our 2022 Welcome and Leaders Induction Mass at the beginning of Term One on Thursday 10 February (TBC).
Year Six Farewell
This year our Year Six end of year Graduation events will occur on Monday 13 December. The format will be as follows:
5.30pm - Graduation Mass at St Mary's Church
6.30pm - Dinner at the Services Club for Year Six students, parents/carers/adult guests and staff
7.30pm - Year Six Awards Presentation and Final Assembly
Final Assembly
The Year Six class will present their Final Assembly for our students in the sails area (weather pending) on the last day of school, Wednesday 15 December. The recipients of Awards will also be acknowledged at this Assembly. This will be a repeat of the Monday evening performance.
The Year Six children will first present to our Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two cohort at 12.30pm. They will then do a repeat performance at 2.00pm for our Year Three to Five cohort.
If parents and family wish to attend one of these repeat performances can you please let Belinda know so that COVID-safe seating can be arranged.
Thank you, Elizabeth!
I would like to thank Elizabeth Egan for gifting her latest literary accomplishment to the students at St Mary's. Elizabeth's newest book "Oscar and the Rock Rumblers" is about the adventures of a boy visiting his grandparent's farm in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales.
Congratulations Elizabeth and thank you.
Please ensure that your school fee account is paid as soon as possible.
Reminder letters for overdue amounts will be sent out soon.
Thank you for your assistance with this, before the end of our school year.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Getting our hearts and minds ready to celebrate Jesus at Christmas time
The season of ADVENT, which leads us to Jesus’ birthday at Christmas, begins this Sunday.
Advent is a time for us to stop and reflect on our lives and our relationships (with God and each other). It is a time for us to consider the HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE Jesus can bring to our lives if we invite Him in and let Him reign in our hearts. Are we in touch with our loving God, who gives us the will and the strength to be the best people we can for each other? Make some time in your day to reflect on these questions:
- Do we give real time to God in order to KNOW this deep love? What about attending Mass?
- Are we aware when and how God blesses our day/our lives? Do we give thanks?
- How do we treat others? Could we listen more carefully, be more tolerant or understanding, more patient, more honest, kinder or less selfish?
- Do we need to say sorry and make things right?
We will be having a whole school Advent prayer in the school hall on Monday morning at 9am
St Mary’s School Values: JUSTICE and SERVICE
We are continuing to open our hearts to God by striving for justice this Advent, for the less fortunate in our community. Please help us support St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal and bring a little joy and peace to those in need in our community. Items may be placed in baskets in the foyer.
K |
Cereals |
1 |
Snack foods eg biscuits, chips and sweet treats |
2 |
Toys (new) |
3 |
Tinned goods with a pull tag (not needing a can opener) |
4 |
Rice and pasta |
5 |
Soft drinks, long life juice, coffee, tea bags |
6 |
Toiletries eg shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothpaste, soap, hand towels, face washes etc |
Book Week has finally been celebrated.
A highlight of the week was the workshop, presented by renowned Australian author and illustrator, Michael Salmon. Michael kept his audience enthralled with anecdotes about his own life and the creation of his characters. He also guided students in creating their own caricatures. Many thanks to Peter Lawson and Olivia Pursell who modelled for Michael. Congratulations and thanks to Emilee Salt who was chosen to draw Michael.
The Book Fair was successful. Thank you for supporting this. We receive a commission from all sales which aides in providing resources in our Library.
Many families participated in the Family Trivia Quiz.
Participation certificates will be awarded to the following families:
Reece Allport Family |
Toby Charnock Family |
Costello Family |
Crosbie Family |
Joshua Fraser Family |
Kaitlin Francis Family |
Garnham Family |
Hayes Family |
Lucock Family |
Moorby Family |
Elsie McIntosh Family |
Anna O’Brien Family |
Waters Family |
Waldron Family |
White Family |
Hills Family |
Walsh Family |
Donovan Francis Family |
Lawson Family |
Proudman Family |
Doran Family |
If you have completed the quiz but not returned it, please do so ASAP.

Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn Sport
In 2022 the Primary Touch Football, Tennis and Basketball are within the first couple of weeks back at school for 2022.
To give you plenty of time to register the registration process is open and ready to go.
The trials are open to students who will be in Year 5 or Year 6 in 2022.
If you believe that your child is up to the required standard and will be in year 4 in 2022 please contact Sherree Bush to discuss.
The 2022 Primary information notes for all our representative trials in addition to the registration opening and closing dates are now available on the Canberra Goulburn Sport Website: - Make sure you check out all the representative sports trials on offer!
A reminder that the 2022 Primary Canberra Goulburn/Wollongong Boys AFL expressions of interest close tomorrow, Friday 19/11/2021. Further information and link to the nomination form can be found at the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage:
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
National Bush 2 Beach Water Safety Week
During week 9 we will be taking part in the National Bush 2 Beach Water Safety Week.
Students will take part in the National Water Safety Day, raising awareness of the importance of water safety at the beach, in dams, rivers and creeks, on the farm and around their homes.
This is a week of activities for our students including zoom meetings with lifeguards, competitions and culminating with a red and yellow mufti day on Friday 1 December.
One of the competitions we can enter had the prize of an ICE CREAM TRUCK FOR THE SCHOOL FOR AN ENTIRE DAY!!!! For this we will be creating a video that needs to show aspects of the bush and rural environment, bringing it together in a creative way.
We would like to transform the front of the school into a ‘beach escape’, using this as part of our video. To create this, we are asking for families to perhaps ‘lend’ for the week any of the following items:
- beach chairs
- boogie boards
- blow up floating pool toys
- beach towels
- umbrellas
- basically, any items that represent the beach
Any items can be passed on to Mrs Rachael Croker during Week 8 and will be taken great care of.
Thank you in advance.
Swimming Carnival 2022
Date: Thursday 3 February 2022
Classes: Years 2-6, all students will be attending
Where: Goulburn Aquatic Centre
A permission form for the 2022 school swimming carnival will be going home with students in Years 2-6 tomorrow.
The form outlines all of the important details such as transport be it by private car or bus, procedure for entry into events, the program for the day, canteen facilities and availability of family helpers on the day.
Please complete the permission slip and return to school by FRIDAY December 3, 2021. This will inform our decision on how many buses we require for transport.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this.
On Friday the 19th of November our class, Year Five, had our very own Leadership Day. For this special and exciting day, we were allowed to wear mufti clothes. For the day we worked and did our activities in the St Mary’s Church meeting room. Mrs Walsh (our teacher) explained what we were going to do for the day. We started off with prayer. We went outside and found our own spots to write a prayer on a green piece of paper that had a leaf on it. This took us five minutes, after this, we started to fill in two pages from our leadership day booklet. Next, we played a game called Knots. This game was based on teamwork and building leadership skills. The girls won both rounds. After knots, we filled in more pages in our booklets. We also played keep up the balloon. We started with Lawrence vs Aloysious, we all held hands and tried to keep up the balloon. It was very fun although it was quite windy. After we played that, we filled in more pages (we did this after most games.) Then we played Monsters, Fairies, Wizards. This was like Scissors, Paper, Rock but we did this in teams, girls vs boys. Girls won most rounds so we got our free hot chips and poppers first. After we got ours and the boys got theirs we went to sit down in the shade to eat. Then it was break time.
After the first break, we went back inside to fill in some more pages. We also went around the room and wrote a word to describe each person. This was a good activity that helped build our relationships with others. We played band-aid tag which was based on teamwork then we tried to keep up the balloon but it flew away. After our outside games, it was the second break. After the break, we filled in the rest of the pages in our booklets. We finished the day with more fun games like All over. This game was based on teamwork. We also played a trust game with a partner, where you had to guide them blindfolded through the obstacles.
Overall, I think we all had a great day and it's definitely something the younger classes can look forward to in the future.
By Caitlyn Hogan

Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Digby Price and Cooper Sims
Year 1- Rory Bensley and Donovan Francis
Year 2- Quade Haynes and Harper Seaman
Year 3- Sophie Culley, Sophia Foran, Alex Storrier and Elkie Storrier
Year 4- Lauren Fraser and Lachlan Pascoe
Year 5- Saxon Greenwood and Marli Selmes
Year 6- Olivia Pursell
Performing Arts Award
Luca Morning for trying his very best
School Spirit Awards
Lily Coggan for being a role model of respect consistently
Bridie Croker for consistently showing optimism and a positive attitude.
Rorey Hearne for offering service to others.
Amelia O'Brien for seeing a need and doing something about it.
Naomi Picker for always offering service to others
Lucas Plumb for being a daily role model of respect and justice for all
George Skelly for being a responsible and helpful Sports Captain.
Tuckshop Roster Term 4
Please note all volunteers must be double-vaccinated and will be asked for proof upon signing in.
Please note, there will be no over-the-counter sales to eliminate interaction with students to remain Covid safe.
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
Cook Books for Christmas
Trying to get organised for Christmas presents? Why not buy a St Mary's P&F Cook book?
$20 each, available to purchase on Qkr.
As you know students are encouraged to wear masks to school. One of our very clever friends of St Mary's has made some St Mary's school masks in the girl's summer tunic fabric. If you would like one of these please contact Belinda in the Office. There are two varieties and they are suitable for boys, girls and adults. Masks will be $2 each as we would like to gift our generous helper some money back to cover her costs.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Well done to Sophia and Henry Galland, Toby Charnock and Saxon Greenwood on their selection in the Goulburn/Yass/Crookwell Rep team for cricket. Their team is scheduled to have their first game in Cooma this Sunday- good luck!