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Term 4 Dates
WEEK 5 |
Friday 5 November |
Socktober event- mufti clothes, gold coin donation Tuckshop- Jackie, Marguerite and Maureen School Explorers 'Play It' 2pm-3pm |
WEEK 6 |
Monday 8 November |
Year 3 Art Focus Day Tuckshop - Tash, Nikolina and Danielle |
Tuesday 9 November |
Year 4 Art Focus Day Kindergarten 2022 Orientation 1/2 Day 9.30am - 1.00pm |
Wednesday 10 November |
Year 5 Art Focus Day Kindergarten 2022 Orientation 1/2 Day 9.30am - 1.00pm |
Thursday 11 November |
Remembrance Day School Service 11.00am |
Friday 8 November |
K/1/2 Showcase of Learning Assembly - Tuckshop- Sally Gamble, Lesley and Pip |
Road Map for NSW Schools
This week we have received an updated Road Map for Schools, effective from Monday 8 November. This Road Map provides guidance set by NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education on school restrictions. I have attached this document for your information below.
Here is a summary of the changes that affect us:
- Assemblies and presentations are allowed outdoors on-site, with cohorts separated and physical distancing in place.
- Allied health professionals, essential infrastructure workers and maintenance crews are permitted.
- Fully vaccinated parents and carers will be allowed on-site to support curriculum delivery, student wellbeing activities and school operations (for example: reading support, canteens and uniform shops). Parents and carers must check-in using the school check-in and show proof of vaccination on entry to the school site.
- Staff providing essential support for student wellbeing are permitted on-site, such as counsellors and CEO staff.
- Day excursions are allowed outdoors (and indoors where sole use of the premises is available).
- Incursions are allowed indoors and outdoors where cohorts are kept separated.
- Community use of the school is allowed outside of school hours (including P&F meetings) with COVID-safe plans in place.
- Graduations and formals are allowed within cohorts, either on school sites or at external venues – with COVID Safe plans in place and social distancing adhered to.
- Transitions and orientations are allowed in a COVID-safe way that minimises mingling between students, this includes allowing parents on-site who are fully vaccinated to accompany students.
The following activities remain on the 'banned list'.
- Singing, chanting, group repetition and choirs (except for HSC preparation).
- Instruments that rely on breath or require a mask to be removed to be played, as well as singing and chanting, are not permitted in Term 4.
- Emergency drills.
- School performances, productions, concerts, speech nights and award presentations with any audience.
- Overnight excursions, camps, field trips and principal-endorsed activities for students.
- Student visits to aged care facilities.
- Community events (fetes, grandparents’ days etc.).
Showcase of Learning
It is with great delight that Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two will present their Showcase of Learning Assembly on Friday 12 November. Unfortunately at this stage, we cannot have visitors on-site for performances or assemblies, however, you will be able to view this event by going to the GENERAL channel in your child's class MS TEAM (the same platform we used during remote learning). After trialling presenting this live virtually, we have decided that uploading videos of the performances will give us the best quality presentation. It also means that you can watch your child's performance at a time that suits you. All videos will be uploaded by 1pm.
The School Explorers - 'Discover It!'
Last Friday afternoon we welcomed our Kindergarten 2022 students to St Mary's to participate in an afternoon dedicated to science and technology.
The children worked with our Year 5 students, Mrs Croker, Mrs Cummins, Mrs Spackman, Mrs O'Brien, Mrs Romer and Mrs Hewitt to inquire about the world, they found hidden treasure with magnets and discovered, caught bubbles, directed Bee-Bots and investigated what floats or sinks.
We look forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow for sport and games in our 'Play It' session tomorrow.
Next week our Kindergarten 2022 class will join us for a half-day (9.30am - 1.00pm) in the Kindergarten room with their teachers.
One fully vaccinated parent or carer per child will be allowed to enter the school site and report to a designated drop off and collection zone to support their pre-schooler as they start Kindergarten orientation.
Parents or carers must be well and free of any flu-like symptoms. Parents and carers are asked to maintain physical distancing and check-in using a QR code.
Parents and carers should not remain on-site for longer than 10 minutes.
Sheep Muster
As you will read in the P&F section, if any families have a sheep they are able to donate to be sold at SELX on Wednesday 17 November, please contact Catherine Culley. We appreciate any assistance you can provide with this fundraiser! P&F funds this term will be contributing to the refurbishment of our Performing Arts room.
The Term 4 school fees were distributed by email last week. Please check to ensure you have yours in your inbox. Sometimes these get delivered to your junk or spam mail instead.
It would be appreciated if your 2021 fees were paid in full before the end of the year.
If your family has an older child/ren at Trinity Catholic College and you have not advised us, please contact Belinda.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Catholic Mission – Socktober Fundraiser
We are raising money for Catholic Mission. We will be making SOCKBALLS to remind us of how blessed we are in our lives and of how little other kids have… not even enough money to buy a simple soccer ball. It is up to us to help them…. It is up to us to do as Jesus’ asks us and REACH OUT AND GIVE LIFE.
Matthew 25:35-40
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
Students are to wear mufti (casual clothes) and bring a gold coin donation for Catholic Mission.
Students will be making their own ‘Sockballs’ and using them to engage in a range of physical activities for SPORT.
Please send in the following if you have them at home:
- Old socks
- Bubble wrap
- Plastic bags
- Styrofoam
- Old Tshirts/light material clothing
Other ways you can join us in helping the poor:
PRAYER – join us in praying for the poor and marginalised.
DONATIONS – Please help us with monetary donations if you are able. Each class has a ‘mission basket’. Let us all help ‘fill the baskets of those whose are empty’
In Week 8, we will be holding a Book Fair from Tuesday 23 – Thursday 25 November.
The decision was made to have the Fair as the books had arrived in Term 3.
Children will view the books and take home a “Wish- List” if they desire.
All children will have the opportunity to visit the Library over the three days and purchase items with cash.
In lieu of Book Fair, there will be no Book Club for the remainder of this term.
Also in Week 8, a virtual workshop with renowned children’s author and illustrator Michael Salmon will be held on Tuesday 23 at 10.00 am. After lunch, children will participate in some post “Book Week” learning activities.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
National Water Safety Day- Red and Yellow Mufti
Students will take part in the National Water safety Day, raising awareness of the importance of water safety at the beach, in dams, river and creeks, on the farm and around their homes.
Students will be encouraged to wear red and yellow mufti to school.
When: Friday 3 December
Classes: K-6
Swimming Carnival 2022
Date: Thursday 3 February 2022
Classes: Years 2-6, all students will be attending
Where: Goulburn Aquatic Centre
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Henry Elsley-Mattox, Fraser McIntosh and Lizzie Walsh
Year 1- Vinnie Moloney, Payton Selmes and Flynn Storrier
Year 2- Billie Garnham, Ned Mallinson, Grace McCormack and Flynn Reeves
Year 3- Charlie Bensley, Lily Coggan and Maddie Strode
Year 4- Riley Haynes and Lara McCulloch
Year 5- Toby Charnock and Harry Price
Year 6- Lucy Gamble and Phoebe Selmes
Japanese Award
Year 6- for completing 7 years of Japanese lessons
School Spirit Award
Rory Bensley for showing service to teachers and classmates
Flynn Storrier for showing service to teachers and classmates
Jesse Costello for showing service to teachers and classmates
Flynn Reeves for always offering service to others
Tuckshop Roster Term 4
Attached is the roster for Term 4. Please note all volunteers must be double-vaccinated and will be asked for proof upon signing in.
Please note, there will be no over-the-counter sales to eliminate interaction with students to remain Covid safe.
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
Sheep Muster
New Homes Needed
Some of our Bovine friends have used up all of their free rent in their current paddocks and are in need in relo-COW-tion to a new home.
If you have room for a cow or two at your place, please contact Daniel Walsh on 0429 902 375.
There is a growing pile of lost property, including school jumpers, sports jackets and lunch box containers, all without names. If you are missing items and can identify, please collect from the Office.
To ensure we are able to enable the speedy return of items, please name clothing and containers.
During these months of season transition, the children take their jumpers and jackets off more frequently, so please try to check items brought home regularly to ensure they belong to you.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Crookwell Junior Summer Season Oztag
Head to the link for more information and to register or message Kayla Gann on 0407761599 if you require any help.

NEW League Stars at Home sessions!
The League Stars at Home series is an adaptation of the face-to-face League Stars program. These sessions aim to provide parents and first-time grassroots coaches with resources to get kids active and assist in developing their physical and mental skills.
Each session focuses on different fundamentals, from teamwork and quick thinking to kicking, ball skills and evasion. The League Stars at Home sessions are a well-rounded content series and a perfect resource for those working with kids aged 12 and under.