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Term 4 Dates
WEEK 4 |
Thursday 28 October |
Virtual Catholic Leaders Day - Mrs Lowe |
Friday 29 October |
Virtual Archdiocesan Principals Meeting - Mrs Lowe Northern Region Principals Meeting School Explorers Session 2 - 2pm - 3pm |
WEEK 5 |
Monday 2 November |
Year One Art Focus Day All Saints Mass Years 4/5/6 Tuckshop resumes |
Tuesday 2 November |
Year Six Art Focus Day All Souls Day Prayer Years 3/4/5/6 Melbourne Cup Day - Students can wear a different hat |
Wednesday 3 November |
Kindergarten Art Focus Day |
Friday 5 November |
Socktober event- mufti clothes, gold coin donation School Explorers 2pm-3pm |
The School Explorers
It was wonderful to invite our 2022 Kindergarten onsite to attend the School Explorers 'Solve It' session last Friday afternoon. The children spent the afternoon exploring the world of Mathematics by counting, matching and sorting their way through a fun afternoon supported by Year Five, Mrs Walsh, Mrs Spackman, Mrs Romer, Mrs Hewitt, Mrs O’Brien and Mrs Lowe.
We look forward to getting to know our new students over the next five weeks.

Showcase of Learning
It is with great delight that Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two will present their Showcase of Learning Assembly virtually on Friday 12 November at 12.30pm. Unfortunately at this stage we cannot have visitors, however our Years 3-6 students and families will be provided with a link to this LIVE event, unless restrictions ease prior.
Fee Support For Families Affected By COVID-19
I am pleased to confirm that the system will continue financial support to families in Term 4 arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eligibility for fee relief will be based on the financial hardship experienced by families due to COVID-19. If you would like to apply for this support please contact Belinda for the relevant documentation.
School Counsellor
Telehealth sessions currently are available with our new counsellor Jaye Corkeron each Wednesday. If you, or your child, would like to make an appointment with Jaye please complete the online referral via
Operation Christmas Box - CLOSES SOON
Each year, St Mary's supports the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Box by asking for donations to help fill shoeboxes with various items such as gifts, clothes, something for school and hygiene products to send to children overseas.
If you are able to help with donating items please send them to the School Office by tomorrow.
There is a growing pile of lost property, including school jumpers, sports jackets and lunch box containers, all without names. If you are missing items and can identify, please collect from the Office.
To ensure we are able to enable the speedy return of items, please name clothing and containers.
During these months of season transition, the children take their jumpers and jackets off more frequently, so please try to check items brought home regularly to ensure they belong to you.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
ALL SAINTS DAY - 1 November
The Catholic Church celebrates ALL SAINTS’ Day this coming Monday.
What is a SAINT? The Church does not CREATE saints. Human beings make the conscious choice to do that for themselves. Catholics believe all are called to try to be saintly each day; to live lives according to God’s commandments to love God and love one another. Mary, Jesus mother and Patron Saint of our school, was the first saint. Mary Mackillop – our very own Australian saint – is another great example for us to follow. She led her life striving to be like Jesus – her motto was: ‘Never see a need without trying to do something about it.’
The initial reason for creating a common feast day for ALL of the SAINTS was the desire to honour the great number of martyrs who had died because of their unwavering faith in Jesus and their good deeds in His name.
The designation of November 1 as All Saints Day occurred over time, after Christianity became legalised in A.D. 313.
On this day, we give thanks for the many men and women who chose to live lives of faith, hope and love, and in doing so, helped lead others into God’s loving embrace.
Christians ask the Saints to pray for them today, that they may follow Jesus and experience God’s mercy and love.
Our Years 4,5 and 6 students will be attending Mass to celebrate ALL SAINTS on Monday at 12pm.
ALL SOULS DAY – 2 November
The Church prays for, and remembers, those who have died throughout the entire year. However, All Souls is the general, solemn, day of commemoration, when the Church remembers, prays for, and offers special masses up for the faithfully departed. We pray that our loved ones and all of those who have died enter into the loving presence of God in Heaven.
Years 3,4,5 and 6 will hold a special ALL SOULS DAY prayer at the Church on Tuesday November 2. Our infants’ classes will have a special All Souls Prayer at school.
CATHOLIC MISSION- Soctober Fundraiser
Next Friday 5 October is our Fundraiser for Catholic Mission. This will be a mufti day (casual clothes). Students will be making their own ‘Sockballs’ and using them to engage in a range of physical activities. Students are asked to bring in a gold coin donation on the day.
SOCKBALL materials
- Old socks
- Bubble wrap
- Plastic bags
- Styrofoam
- Old Tshirts/light material clothing
PRAYER – join us in praying for the poor and marginalised.
DONATIONS – Please help us with monetary donations if you are able. Each class has a ‘mission basket’. Let us all help ‘fill the baskets of those whose are empty’
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Interschool Touch Football Event- Postponed to Term One 2022
Due to ongoing restrictions on interschool sports, we have had to postpone this event until Term One 2022.
National Water Safety Day- Red and Yellow Mufti
Students will take part in the National Water safety Day, raising awareness of the importance of water safety at the beach, in dams, river and creeks, on the farm and around their homes.
Students will be encouraged to wear red and yellow mufti to school.
When: Friday 3 December
Classes: K-6
Swimming Carnival 2022
Date: Thursday 3 February 2022
Classes: Years 2-6, all students will be attending
Where: Goulburn Aquatic Centre
Tuckshop Roster Term 4
Attached is the roster for Term 4. Please note all volunteers must be double-vaccinated and will be asked for proof upon signing in.
Please note, there will be no over-the-counter sales to eliminate interaction with students to remain Covid safe.
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
Sheep Muster
New Homes Needed
Some of our Bovine friends have used up all of their free rent in their current paddocks and are in need in relo-COW-tion to a new home.
If you have room for a cow or two at your place, please contact Daniel Walsh on 0429 902 375.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Denzil Hills and Riley Plumb
Year 1- Bodi Cooper, Harry Frost and Connor Plumb
Year 2- Sophie Croker, Owen Moorby and Tommy Picker
Year 3- Jaydan Costello, Sophie Kilborn and Tahlia Naughton
Year 4- Chloe Bensley and Charlie Tarlinton
Year 5- Rorey Hearne and Xavier Stallard
Year 6- Olivia Pursell and Max'e Reynolds
Performing Arts Award
Toby Charnock- for always trying his best
Aria White- for excellent dancing and concentrating
Japanese Award
Year 4- for showing beautiful manners
School Spirit Award
Logan Anderson- for being aware of justice and recognising the needs of others before himself
Charlie Cramp- for showing leadership and care for younger students
Sophie Croker- for considering other people's feelings
Arlee Garnham- for showing service
Henry Lowe- for showing service
Fraser McIntosh- for showing kindness and service
Anna O'Brien- for showing service
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Crookwell Junior Summer Season Oztag
Head to the link for more information and to register or message Kayla Gann on 0407761599 if you require any help.

NEW League Stars at Home sessions!
The League Stars at Home series is an adaptation of the face-to-face League Stars program. These sessions aim to provide parents and first-time grassroots coaches with resources to get kids active and assist in developing their physical and mental skills.
Each session focuses on different fundamentals, from teamwork and quick thinking to kicking, ball skills and evasion. The League Stars at Home sessions are a well-rounded content series and a perfect resource for those working with kids aged 12 and under.