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Remote Learning Week 9
Once again the students at St Mary's have participated in another successful week of learning remotely. I have been continually impressed with the work and engagement I have seen from our students. You can be very proud of the guidance and support you have been providing your child during this very challenging time.
As you may have already heard, the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and deputy John Barilaro have announced today that some regional areas will have some of their restrictions eased as they are currently deemed low risk and have seen zero COVID cases for at least 14 days. Upper Lachlan Shire has been included in this and will emerge from stay-at-home orders at 12:01am Saturday 11 September, but will continue to operate under restrictions to ensure the safety of regional communities.
I have been advised that from Monday schools are to move to Stage 3 restrictions. This means that our students are to return to face-to-face learning with limitations. I am currently waiting further advice from the Catholic Education Office, who are in consultation with NSW Health, regarding how this will be enacted.
We are really looking forward to welcoming all of our students back onsite and we will endeavour to do this in a safe manner, ensuring the best interests of our staff and students.
Please note the following end of term dates and return to school dates.
Friday 17 September | End of Term 3 |
Monday 4 October | Labour Day Public Holiday |
Tuesday 5 October | Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day |
Wednesday 6 October | Term 4 commences for students |
St Mary's Feast Day
Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the birthday of the mother of Jesus. Mary is the patroness of our school, so her birthday is also our St Mary’s School Feast Day.
We hope you enjoyed partaking in some 'Mary' themed activities as a part of Wellbeing Wednesday this week.

Switched on Reader Award
Congratulations to Elsie McIntosh on being chosen as the recipient of the Crookwell Evening VIEW Club book voucher award for 2021 as part of the 'Learning for Life' program. Elsie was chosen for this Book Week prize because she has shown that she has become a 'Switched on Reader.' The Crookwell Evening VIEW Club hope this award encourages Elsie to continue her love of reading and learning.
Term 3 School Fees are now due
A friendly reminder that the Term 3 fees are now overdue. If you haven't paid yours and do not have a direct debit arrangement in place, please pay them as soon as possible via direct deposit, BPAY or Qkr. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this. If you are experiencing hardship due the COVID-19 pandemic please see below.
Information regarding payment of Term 3 fees
Catholic Education will again support families who have been financially impacted as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Term 3. The position of Catholic Education is that no child will be denied a Catholic education because of financial circumstances.
Where your family is experiencing financial stress due to job loss, being stood down, reduction in work hours, business downturn or closure resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, full or partial fee relief is available for Term 3. To apply for fee relief, you are asked to indicate the level of assistance you feel you need at this time by completing a one-page COVID-19 Fee Assistance Request Form. Your level of fee support will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Families whose employment situation has not been affected by COVID-19 can support the school by continuing to pay school fees as they fall due. This will support our school to continue providing quality learning in a connected community that nurtures and cares for each other.
Your family is an important part of our school community. Your financial circumstances will not compromise the place of your children at our school. If you are experiencing any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact me and I will ensure the matter will be dealt with in a confidential manner.
NAPLAN Reports
Our Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN reports have arrived and will be distributed over the next few days. Please keep an eye out for your child's report.
Generally, we are very pleased with the results. We have achieved above to well above the National average in all areas (Numeracy, Reading, Writing, Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation) for both grades, except for Year 5 Writing. This was a computer-based test that proved challenging for our students. We commented at the time that our Year 5 students found it hard to type the required amount of text in the thirty-minute time frame and they spent a lot of their time changing font size, deleting and re-typing work. This is obviously an area that we need to practise more before future tests.
I would like to commend the Year 3 and 5 students and their teachers, Mrs Croker and Mrs Walsh, on their fantastic effort and sound results.
NAPLAN testing allows us to plan for future school improvement - it, along with our other school-based assessments, highlights general areas of need for the whole school and for individual students and it allows us to put the required support mechanisms in place to ensure that all children are achieving their very best.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Our REMOTE St Mary’s School Feast Day
Thank you all for joining in our St Mary’s School Feast celebration yesterday. It was a celebration of our school, and of our School’s patron saint, Mary. It was lovely to see all of the creative artworks, cards, etc, honouring Mary.
St Mary was the very first saint – the first follower of Jesus - from the moment she said “YES” to God, and she is a role model for each of us at St Mary’s School (and in St Mary’s Parish).
Mary gave birth to Jesus and brought him “forth” into our world. We can “bring forth” Jesus one hundred times a day! On our School Feast Day we are reminded to follow in Mary’s footsteps and “bring Jesus forth” through living our School Values.
Each and every member of our school community is a blessing to St Mary’s Primary School. We also “bring Jesus forth” through the unique talents and gifts, that ‘Together as One’ make St Mary’s a very special school indeed!

P&F Pie Drive- order are due next Wednesday.
Despite our current lockdown, we will still go ahead with the pie drive.
Orders must be completed on the attached order form. Pie_Drive_2021_order_form.pdf.
Please email the completed order sheets back to the school office via
** Items not shown on the form that can be ordered are:
Custard tarts $30
Choc caramel slice $30
Rocky Road slice $30
Hedgehog slice $30
Cherry coconut slice $30
Butterfly cakes- large $36, small $20
Cupcakes iced- large $25, small $20
(all prices per doz)
Please note that there is no requirement to buy a dozen- you can buy single or multiples and adjust the payment amount as required.
Money can be paid via Qkr (under the P&F Payments section), via cash or cheque (made out to St Mary's P&F)
Orders and payment must be done by Wednesday 15 September- please note extension of time.
Delivery date will be confirmed however will be at the beginning of Term 4 in the hope restrictions have eased for collection.
Please share the pie drive with as many family and friends as possible.
Tuckshop during lockdown
Please be advised there will be no tuckshop during lockdown.
Losing Connection in Teams
If you are finding that your child is losing their connection in a Teams Meeting, it is generally due to the internet connection and a band-width problem.
Catholic Education suggests that, if possible, only have one device connected to the internet during the meeting, though we realise that this is not always practicable.
Borrowing SORA Ebooks and Audio Books!
If you can would like some extra reading materials, did you know you can now borrow e-books and Audio books using a new app called SORA. Below are the steps to install on your device.
Class Awards
Baylee Cox for her fantastic effort with Remote Learning especially the Reading Progress
Edward Lawson for his fantastic effort with Remote Learning and completing tasks
Bridie McCormack for her fantastic effort with Remote Learning especially the Reading Progress
Digby Price for his fantastic effort with Remote Learning, especially with the Reading Progress
Year 1
Donovan Francis for his excellent work in meetings
Harry Frost for his excellent work in meetings
Sofia Lawson for her excellent work in meetings
Year 2
Grace McCormack for her diligent approach to Remote Learning
Riley O'Brien for his great "Acrostic Poem" for Father's Day
A'dee Reynolds for her diligent approach to Remote Learning
Year 3
Alice Frost for her engagement in learning and working industriously to complete all Remote Learning tasks.
Tahlia Naughton for working industriously with Mrs Webber during Maths time.
Lucas Plumb for his use of extensive vocabulary and imagery with his writing tasks.
Hayden Tarlinton for showing a commitment to Remote Learning and working hard to produce higher quality work.
Year 4
Pat Croker for working hard to improve his grammar and punctuation.
Lauren Fraser for working hard to improve her grammar and punctuation.
Riley Haynes for working hard to improve his grammar and punctuation.
Emilee Salt for working hard to improve her grammar and punctuation.
Year 5
Amelia O'Brien for completing Remote Learning tasks
Ava Nicholson for completing Remote Learning tasks
Year 6
Charlie Cramp for her accurate summary of news events
Phoebe Selmes for her great effort with the Saints project.
Performing Arts
Caitlin Hogan for a consistently high level of work
Bridie McCormack for her wonderful treble clefs and positive approach to Music
Japanese Awards
Kindergarten for having a go at Japanese tasks at home
Year 1 for completing their weekly tasks very creatively
Year 2 for adjusting to Remote Learning in their Japanese lessons
These will be posted digitally into the Class Teams General channel
Transitioning back to school post lockdown tip sheet
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Thursdays only.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)