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Remote Learning Week 8
Congratulations to all of our students, parents and staff for the continuation of Remote Learning this week. It has been wonderful to see us settle into a new mode of learning so positively. I know that everyone involved is giving their very best, and that is all we can ask.
This week I would like to share with you the story of St Julian of Norwich (1343- after 1416). During her lifetime, Julian experienced the first (1348-50) and second (1361-62) waves of the Black Death Plague, which historians estimate to have killed 40-60% and 20% of the population.
St Julian spent much of her life living in seclusion, becoming an anchoress at the age of thirty and she is the first known female author to have written a book in English. St Julian was a female mystic who received revelations from God and one of her most famous quotes, which we can contemplate today is 'All will be well, all will be well, in all manner of things will be well.'
Well-being Wednesday
A shout-out to all of the students and families who embraced Well-being Wednesday this week. We trust it helped recharge the batteries and that you had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather. Well-being Wednesday will become a permanent fixture in our weekly Remote Learning schedule.

Happy Father's Day
To all of our Fathers, Grandfathers and other special male role models of our students, on behalf of the staff, I would like to thank you for the important part you play in the life of our students. Your support, love and guidance impact the children in a positive and important way. We would like to wish you a very happy Father's Day on Sunday and we hope you get to spend it with the little ones in your life that love you so dearly.
For those who would like to purchase a gift for the special man in your child's life, the Year 6 Fundraiser - Father's Day Mystery Gift is available on QKR! and with contactless pick up from the Old Hall until Friday afternoon, 4pm.
Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week
This week we celebrate and acknowledge our wonderful Classroom Support Assistants (CSA's), formerly known as Teacher Assistants. Our CSA's, Elizabeth, Gwenda, Rie, Brad, Shauna, Tory and Stephanie, work tireless and generously to support the staff and students at St Mary's and for them, we are truly grateful!
Information regarding payment of Term 3 fees
Catholic Education will again support families who have been financially impacted as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Term 3. The position of Catholic Education is that no child will be denied a Catholic education because of financial circumstances.
Where your family is experiencing financial stress due to job loss, being stood down, reduction in work hours, business downturn or closure resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, full or partial fee relief is available for Term 3. To apply for fee relief, you are asked to indicate the level of assistance you feel you need at this time by completing a one-page COVID-19 Fee Assistance Request Form. Your level of fee support will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Families whose employment situation has not been affected by COVID-19 can support the school by continuing to pay school fees as they fall due. This will support our school to continue providing quality learning in a connected community that nurtures and cares for each other.
Your family is an important part of our school community. Your financial circumstances will not compromise the place of your children at our school. If you are experiencing any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact me and I will ensure the matter will be dealt with in a confidential manner.
NAPLAN Reports
We are expecting that individual student results should arrive at school anytime from Monday, 6 September, noting there may be a slight delay for NSW schools due to the Sydney lockdown. As soon as these arrive they will be posted to ensure all parents receive their child’s report before the end of this Term.
Vale Pauline
We are deeply saddened at the passing of our dear friend, and St Mary's Parishioner, Pauline Taylor. We pray for her daughter Ann, her family and her loved ones. May Pauline, good and faithful servant of Jesus Christ rest in peace.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
Term 4 Event Cancellations
In line with the Premier’s announcement regarding COVID-19 restrictions and back to school roll out we wish to advise the following events have been cancelled:
- NSWPSSA Primary Boys Football (Soccer) Championship on Wednesday 6 October to Friday 8 October at Griffith
- NSWCCC Secondary Rugby League Girls 16s Trials
- NSWPSSA Primary Netball Championship on Monday 11 October to Wednesday 13 October at Menai
- NSWPSSA Primary Rugby Union Championship on Tuesday 12 October to Thursday 14 October at Mudgee
- NSW All Schools Cross Country Championship (primary and secondary) on Monday 18 October at Eastern Creek
- NSWPSSA Primary Girls Rugby Union 7s on Thursday 21 October and Friday 22 October at Gateshead
- NSW All Schools Secondary Hockey 16 years Tri-Series on Thursday 21 October and Friday 22 October at Broadmeadow
- NSWPSSA Primary Athletics Championship on Thursday 2 December and Friday 3 December at Sydney Olympic Park
Postponed NSWCPS in Term 4
- MacKillop Girls Cricket Selections - Thursday, 7 October - Wagga Wagga
- MacKillop Boys Cricket Selections – Thursday 7 Oct & Friday 8 October -Wagga Wagga
- MacKillop Boys & Girls Softball Selections – Thursday, 28 October - Warwick Farm
- NSWCPS Golf Selections – No date set - Blackheath
Cancelled NSWCPS & NSWCCC in Term 4
- NSWCPS Girls Rugby 7s – Ryde
- NSWCPS Golf Tournament – 13 September - Blackheath
- NSWCCC Berg Cricket Championships – Term 4 2021 & Term 1 2022
- NSWCCC Downie Cricket Championships - Term 4 2021 & Term 1 2022
- NSWCCC Junior Basketball Championships – Mon 25 October & Tuesday 26 October – Penrith
- NSWCCC Open Water Polo Championships – Wednesday, 27 October – SOPAC
- NSWCCC Junior Water Polo Championships – Friday, 29 October – SOPAC
- MacKillop Athletics Championships – Friday, 29 October – SOPA
Borrowing SORA Ebooks and Audio Books!
If you can would like some extra reading materials, did you know you can now borrow e-books and Audio books using a new app called SORA. Below are the steps to install on your device.
Class Awards
Denzil Hills for his engagement with Remote Learning
Henry Lowe for his fantastic effort learning Tricky Words at home and his engagement with Remote Learning
Year 1
Flynn Storrier for being switched on and engaged in Remote Learning
Payton Selmes for her Creative Arts magic
Aria White for her amazing Father's Day craft
Year 2
Jacob Hogan for his playdough sculptures in extension Science
Anna O'Brien for her creative portraitures
Ruby Pappalardo for her excellent engagement in Remote Learning
Year 3
Charlotte Bensley for working industriously to complete set tasks
Leo Knight for a HUGE effort with Remote Learning, completing all tasks to a high standard
Elkie Storrier for her enthusiasm with answering questions and sharing information during our Team Meetings
Year 4
Addin Grove for doing his best in Remote Learning
Joe Hayes for doing his best in Remote Learning
Lara McCulloch for being switched on with Remote Learning
Year 5
Briana Blowes for producing an excellent Science report on animal adaptations
Sophia Galland for completing all Remote Learning tasks to a very high standard
Rorey Hearne for producing an excellent Science report on animal adaptations
Year 6
Seth Grove for willingly assisting others
Max'e Reynolds for his confident speech presentation
Performing Arts
Oscar Allport for this enthusiastic approach to Music and excellent sound hunting
Lara McCulloch for submitting high quality work and following instructions beautifully.
These will be posted digitally into the Class Teams General channel
P&F Pie Drive- still going ahead
Despite our current lockdown, we will still go ahead with the pie drive.
Orders must be completed on the attached order form. Pie_Drive_2021_order_form.pdf.
Please email the completed order sheets back to the school office via
** Items not shown on the form that can be ordered are:
Custard tarts $30
Choc caramel slice $30
Rocky Road slice $30
Hedgehog slice $30
Cherry coconut slice $30
Butterfly cakes- large $36, small $20
Cupcakes iced- large $25, small $20
(all prices per doz)
Please note that there is no requirement to buy a dozen- you can buy single or multiples and adjust the payment amount as required.
Money can be paid via Qkr (under the P&F Payments section), via cash or cheque (made out to St Mary's P&F)
Orders and payment must be done by Wednesday 15 September- please note extension of time.
Delivery date will be confirmed however will be at the beginning of Term 4 in the hope restrictions have eased for collection.
Please share the pie drive with as many family and friends as possible.
Tuckshop during lockdown
Please be advised there will be no tuckshop during lockdown.
Our congratulations to Fr Alex on his recent 2 year anniversary on his ordination!
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Thursdays only.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
How are you going?
Have you stopped to check in with yourself today?
At times like these it’s easy to get stressed and anxious. As parents, it's so important that we manage our own wellbeing so we can avoid parenting from overwhelming fear or stress.
What do Counsellors recommend during stressful and uncertain times like these?
We recommend checking in with yourself every morning (and in the evening too).
Acknowledge this is really tough (it is)! We are all feeling a bit wobbly and some will be feeling really wobbly. Just know that this is ok.
And if you are feeling a bit too stressed….
What have you done in the past that helps when you feel overwhelmed?
Do those things. Schedule in some extra fun, exercise, connection or other healthy stress busters as you need.
Below is a summary of some simple tips for coping with the current Covid situation….
- Ditch unrealistic expectations.
- Allow yourself to grieve the old normal.
- Focus on what you can do (rather than what you can’t).
- Keep a structure/routine in your day as best you can.
- Set a few simple daily goals for yourself and tick them off as you do them. For example- it might be knocking off a few chores or work tasks, going for a walk, cooking a nice meal, calling a friend -just getting a few things done and acknowledging it gives our brain a boost of dopamine- raising our spirits!
- Get good sleep.
- Eat healthily so your immune system is in good shape.
- Stay connected.
- Limit the amount of news you are exposed to (but do keep up to date with reputable Health updates from government health websites).
- Try mindfulness (get present)- this calms the brain and helps you come back to the here and now- rather than worrying about ‘what ifs’.
For more information see...;;
- Look at this as an opportunity to strengthen and sweeten your family relationships- connect with quality time chatting, playing board games, reading, drawing and sharing device free time together.
- Focus on what is in your control i.e. your own health behaviours (follow the health advice).
- Remember our wonderful doctors and health experts are working hard to keep people safe and healthy.
So how do we parent our kids well during tough times? Firstly, by looking after yourself so you are in a good space to care for your children.
For more ideas there are some great parenting and kids resources online. Have a look at the resources links below..
From ‘Emerging Minds’-Supporting Children’s Mental Health during a Pandemic toolkit;
And a lovely E story book for kids…
Sharyn Lynch
Student and Family Counsellor
Catholic Care