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- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
- Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally Croker
- P & F News
- CatholicCare Counsellor
- Good News Story
- Week 7 Awards
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Dental Check-Ups - Southern NSW Local Health
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Lockdown Extended - End of Week 9
Today the Premier of NSW announced that our lockdown will extend until 12:01 on Friday 10 September. These orders replace existing orders for regional NSW. This means that we will be continuing with our Remote Learning mode.
The following is the updated information relating to the current Level 4 restrictions for schools, as advised by the NSW Government - Department of Education.
Parents and carers in areas under stay-at-home rules must keep children – across primary and secondary school – at home unless they need to be at school.
If you are working from home, and your child is able to be educated from home, please keep them at home.
All non–core curriculum-related activities are to cease on the school site.
Schools will provide the same program of learning for students who attend school, and students who are learning from home.
A reminder for all families
Students must not attend work or school if unwell, even with mild symptoms of COVID-19. Any person with any COVID-19 symptoms must be sent home and not return to school unless:
- they have isolated for 10 days, when no medical certificate is available
- they have a negative COVID-19 test result and are symptom-free.
In circumstances where children have other medical reasons for recurrent symptoms, a letter from their GP is sufficient to negate the requirement for a negative test.
Anyone who is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms is strongly encouraged to get tested and self-isolate until a negative result is received.
Cyber safe families
Refer families to the following resources to support their children in being responsible online users:
Cyber safe families– an overview of cyber safety
Technology and wellbeing– useful tips and tools
Digital citizenship– a collection of articles and resources to maximise students’ use of technology.
Masks and face coverings
All students in Year 7 and above are required to wear masks or face coverings in all indoor settings while at school.
All staff, including early childhood education and care staff, are required to wear masks or face coverings in all indoor and outdoor settings while at school.
Some exemptions apply:
Staff are not required to wear a mask or face covering where it may affect the ability of a student or students to hear or engage with them, such as where students are hard of hearing.
Staff and students are not required to wear a mask where they are alone in an office or classroom.
Masks or face coverings are not required to be worn by a staff member or student who has a physical or mental health illness or condition, or disability, that makes wearing a mask unsuitable. For example, if they have a skin condition, an intellectual disability, autism or trauma, they are not required to wear a mask.
Masks remain mandatory on public transport. This applies to students aged 13 years and over, and staff when travelling to and from school and during school excursions by public transport or by chartered or private transport services.
Non-essential visitors are not permitted on school sites.
Parents and carers must be socially distant when picking up children in the afternoon and can only come onsite picking up or dropping off work into the Old Hall.
Parents should:
- follow the physical distancing advice and avoid gathering outside of school gates
- remain outside of school grounds (some exceptions may exist re vulnerable students or students with disabilities)
- adhere to mask-wearing requirements and sign in using the Service NSW QR code when entering the school
- Try and avoid contact with others when picking up and drop off work in the Old Hall
QR code sign-in process for all staff and visitors
The NSW Government have introduced mandatory QR codes across a range of additional settings, including schools. All staff and visitors permitted on school sites will be required to check-in and check out using the QR codes.
Parents and carers or other visitors to the school who do not have access to electronic devices for the purposes of QR check in can:
- authorise another person to provide their contact details on their behalf
- provide their details to the school to be recorded in an appropriate manner for provision to NSW Health should it be required.
School operations
The following relates to the current operational restrictions:
- Minimum staff on-site to oversee one unit of learning for students attending the school site, noting that flexible syllabus requirements are in place.
- Kindergarten orientation and school transition programs are recommended to be delayed until later in Term 3 or early Term 4.
- Canteens and uniform stores are not to operate.
- No community use arrangements.
- Continued enhanced cleaning.
- No P&F activities on school sites.
During Remote Learning we still need to mark the roll each day. There are three ways we can monitor this; watching for your child's participation in TEAMS, attendance in the class TEAMS Meeting and, if your child is only able to access the print materials, via your emails or phone calls. We ask for your assistance with this and will be regularly following up with students if we are unsure of their regular participation.
Distribution of learning from home materials
I would like to thank you all for your hard work with Remote Learning so far. I am sure that we have the structures in place to continue with this mode of learning for as long as required. Our staff will endeavour to lessen the load a little and they will also try to build in time for your child to catch up on incomplete tasks. Please just continue to do what you can, and do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you are having difficulty
Currently, we are providing a mix of print and digital materials for home learning. Please follow your Classes TEAMS page for information about when new work is ready to collect or past work is required to be handed in. In some instances, this will not be until onsite learning resumes.
If you are unable to access your teacher's posts on the class TEAMS page, please contact the Office 48321 592 or 0493 059 826 or your child's teacher via email ( to make suitable arrangements.
Well-being Wednesday
Each Wednesday, from now on, that we are doing Remote Learning, we will include some well-being activities for you and your child to do. These activities will give you a break from the normal tasks and will offer a fun mid-week break from the screens. Activities could include meditation, walks, cooking, craft. Your child's teacher will post the options. Well-being Wednesday will also allow your child some catch-up time, if required.
School Counselling Well-being Check-In Service During Lockdown
School counselling is still available during the lockdown. CECG’s school counselling service providers have adapted their delivery to be available via Zoom and Microsoft Teams. This is an important resource that is available, not only for students but also for parents and caregivers during remote learning and lockdown. The counselling service has undertaken a more proactive well-being case management approach to include well-being check-ins. Due to this change in approach and the move to a telehealth platform, a new Informed Consent will be required. All CECG school counsellors are now using updated forms for this purpose.
Learning from home during lockdown
Looking after your mental health during lockdown
Counselling and Informed Consent Flyer
Attached below is a flyer provided by our School Counsellor, Sharyn Lynch.
‘We Learn’ Grants – Educational Technology and Educational Supplies
Applications for Variety – The Children Charity’s 'We Learn' Grants for families are now open. The grants are available to families experiencing financial hardship and include a We Learn Educational Technology grant of up to $1200 and a We Learn Educational Supplies grant of up to $500. The aim of these grants is to ensure that every child can access the educational technology and supplies they need to learn and achieve their best. Applications close Friday, 3 September 2021.
St Mary's Winter Wonderland

Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Prayer for the COVID Pandemic
May we, who are experiencing the effects of the COVID in Australia remember the words of scripture
“Be still and know that I am God”.
May we, who as adults struggling to process what is happening in our world, remember
children who are fearful of a reality they cannot comprehend.
May we remember those for whom there is no government assistance or financial aid.
May we remember all those working on the front line.
May we remember those living and working in vulnerable communities.
May we remember those who have no employment or home from which to work.
May we remember those who do not have basic health care.
May we remember refugees who cannot return home.
May we remember the people of Afghanistan who cannot find safety
May we give thanks for those who are working to help or bring some kindness, joy or
humour to others, showing us the light of Christ lives.
During this time of isolation may we continue to keep our hearts open
to our family, friends, local and global communities.
We ask this in the name of Jesus.
Book Club
Scholastic Book Club Issue 6 is available to order from if you require. Please note there will be no physical catalogue distributed and no cash is to be sent to school. Please order ONLINE ONLY.
To view the catalogue go to:
The books will be sent to school to be collected. We will be in touch once we have received them.
Please have your orders completed by Tuesday 31 August 2021 (next week) to enable them to be distributed before the end of term.
Payment will be required through the Loop Website. LOOP enables parents to order and pay for your child’s order online using a credit card or voucher if you have one.
- For a quick start, just click on ORDER
- OR Register first to save your details for next time
- Select your school and your child's class
- Add your child's first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue
- Follow the instructions for payment and submit
- All orders are sent directly to the school for submission to Scholastic.
- Afterwards, there's no need to return paper order forms or payment receipt details back to your school!
This is the link to the Loop Payment Site:\
Borrowing SORA Ebooks and Audio Books!
If you can would like some extra reading materials, did you know you can now borrow e-books and Audio books using a new app called SORA. Below are the steps to install on your device.
Story Box log in details changed
Yesterday you would have received an email from the Schoolzine email platform advising that the Story Box log-in details have changed. If you have not seen it in your inbox, please check your junk mail.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
Archdiocese Athletics
With the current situation the Canberra/Goulburn Athletics has now been abandoned as a physical meet. Those who had registered and qualified will receive the correspondence below:
Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Virtual Athletics Championships 2021
Congratulations on your selection into your Regional Track and Field Team.
You will now represent your Region at the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Athletics VIRTUAL Championships 2021.
As you are all aware school sport has been unable to go ahead on many levels due to COVID. This is unfortunate for the children and as this will be the second year in a row that athletics has been cancelled, so I thought it would be beneficial for our students if we were still able to celebrate the success they have had on the track and field so far this year.
After reading the below information, please respond to this invitation via the Google Form for your child to be involved or advise if you do not wish for them to be entered in this event by the 31st of August.
Entries – Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Virtual Athletics Championships
Entries have been submitted on behalf of your Region with the times, distances and heights that were performed either at your Regional (NR) or school events. Ribbons and Age Champions will be awarded based on these entries.
All participants will receive a Certificate of Recognition for their selection in their Regional Team to compete at the Canberra Goulburn Virtual Athletics Championships.
Selection in the Canberra Goulburn Merit Team
If your child would have gained selection in the Canberra Goulburn Athletics Team (top 2 in each event) to compete at the MacKillop Championships, they will additionally receive a Certificate of Achievement for their selection in the Canberra Goulburn Team. Although the MacKillop Athletics carnival will not be held this year, you will have access to the registration process for the MacKillop Carnival (no fee) so you are able to order any of the Archdiocese of Canberra Representative apparel if you wish to. Please be aware that postage will have to be paid for – it is set at a $12 flat rate.
Entry into the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Virtual Athletics Championships is $5 per student. This is to cover the cost of certificates, ribbons and medallions.
This fee will not apply for students that have not qualified for individual events but have qualified as an athlete in their school relay team.
If you have already registered and paid for entry into the carnival you have one of two choices:
- Have the whole amount refunded and withdraw your child from the Virtual Carnival
- Have $15 refunded and use the other $5 for your child’s entry into the Virtual carnival
For those that have not previously registered please do so by the 8th of September (I will send out registration instructions by the 3rd of September), there are also a limited number of Canberra Goulburn Athletics Championships Hoodies available – first in best dressed!
Please complete the Google Form to advise if your child will be participating or not. It is important that you do so even if you are not planning on having them participate. This is so I may award any placings and age champion points to the next child in line if your child had placed in any of the events.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at any stage.
Kind regards
Sherree Bush
Archdiocesan Sports Coordinator
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally Croker
COVID19 Resources
We are all facing impacts from the current COVID19 measure with some uncertainty around what the future will look like.
Here are some resources that you might find helpful to you and your families.
Supporting children during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic - Emerging Minds
P&F Pie Drive- still going ahead
Despite our current lockdown, we will still go ahead with the pie drive.
Orders must be completed on the attached order form. Pie_Drive_2021_order_form.pdf.
Please email the completed order sheets back to the school office via
** Items not shown on the form that can be ordered are:
Custard tarts $30
Choc caramel slice $30
Rocky Road slice $30
Hedgehog slice $30
Cherry coconut slice $30
Butterfly cakes- large $36, small $20
Cupcakes iced- large $25, small $20
(all prices per doz)
Please note that there is no requirement to buy a dozen- you can buy single or multiples and adjust the payment amount as required.
Money can be paid via Qkr (under the P&F Payments section), via cash or cheque (made out to St Mary's P&F)
Orders and payment must be done by Wednesday 15 September- please note extension of time.
Delivery date will be confirmed however will be at the beginning of Term 4 in the hope restrictions have eased for collection.
Please share the pie drive with as many family and friends as possible.
Tuckshop during lockdown
Please be advised there will be no tuckshop during lockdown.
Dear Families,
We understand that due to the current challenges we are facing with COVID-19, this may be a confusing, stressful and challenging time. To help support you and your family during this time, I have some fun games, craft activities and general resources for various age groups. Also included are some sensory tools which you may find helpful. These may look simply like fun activities, however, they are also useful for calming/coping and to self-regulate if needed. Give them a try!
If you would like these, please ask Belinda at the School Office to forward you the email.
I look forward to meeting with students again when restrictions lift and should you require any further information or would like to contact us regarding any additional support options then please feel free to email or contact Catholic Care Head Office on 6295 4300.
Over the last 18 months, Meals on Wheels has faced a number of challenges. From devastating bushfires to floods and the COVID-19 pandemic, our volunteers continued to roll up their sleeves to make sure no one went hungry. Having noticed a decline in volunteers over the last 12 months, there is an urgent focus on the need for volunteer delivery drivers this National Meals on Wheels Day. Essentially, Meals on Wheels needs more wheels!

Abigail Crosbie for impressive 'Tricky Word' reading
Oscar Allport for his impressive skills navigating TEAMS Meetings
Year 1
Charlie Beath, Flynn Doran and Vinnie Moloney for fabulous engagement and completion of online work.
Year 2
Harley White for completing all the "Maths Riddles" series
Owen Moorby for a fantastic Venn Diagram
Billie Garnham for writing a thoughtful story about 'What makes Crookwell great'
Quade Haynes for persevering with Spelling tasks
Year 3
William Waldron for completing a marvellous Malaysia project!
Charlotte Crosbie for exceptional effort with all home learning tasks!
Henry Galland for exceptional enthusiasm and application with Remote Learning!
Year 3 Families for mastering the transition to Remote Learning, you are superstars!
Year 4
Chloe Bensley, Charlie Lang and Charlie Tarlinton for their conscientious approach and effort Remote Learning.
Year 5
Peter Lawson for being the Week 7 Kahoot winner
Harry Price for his Camel research
Marli Selmes for her conscientious approach and effort online learning.
Year 6
Kiowa Morning for a great effort in all areas
George Skelly for his great written work online.
Performing Arts
Harry Price for presenting an excellent standard of work on Rhythm and Beat
These will be posted digitally into their Class Teams channel
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Thursdays only.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Dental Check-Ups - Southern NSW Local Health
Dental check-ups were unfortunately cancelled at school this year. It is recommended that we all have our teeth checked twice a tear. When was your child's last dental visit?
In Goulburn, we have a number of options to make dental appointments for children:
1) Use your private health insurance with a dentist. Check with your fund as children are often covered for regular checks, preventative treatment and mouth guards.
2) Child Dental Benefits Scheme- to see if you are you eligible, check with Medicare. When making an appointment with a private or public dentist, please let them know that you are eligible.
3) Goulburn Dental Clinic- all children aged 0-18 years are eligible. To make an appointment, please call 1800 450 046. Have your medicare care card with you when you call.
Thank you for your support
Thank you to those families and individuals who supported and donated for our St Mary's "Step Up to Breast Cancer" challenge run by the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) for the month of August.
We have stepped up to the challenge to complete 10,000 steps every day throughout the month and raise money for vital breast cancer research.
We have nearly reached our fundraising goal with a few days left. For more information, please see: