Filter Content
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
- School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- Yr 5 & 6 Excursion to Canberra
- P & F News
- Student Awards
- ICAS Testing
- Share Point
- Counselling Corner with Sharyn Lynch
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Upcoming Events
Term 2 |
Monday 21 June |
Kids on Keyboard Concert 12.00pm |
Friday 25 June |
Stage 2 Showcase of Learning- 12.30pm End of term |
Monday 12 July |
Northern Region Combined Staff Spirituality Day in Goulburn with Fr Richard Leonard |
Tuesday 13 July |
Term 3 commences for students |
Tuesday 27 July |
School Photo Day |
Wednesday 28 July |
School Dental Assessment |
Semester 1 Reporting
Tomorrow your child will receive their Semester 1 Report and Work Samples Folder. Both items share learning and progress from Term 1 and Term 2.
For Kindergarten students:
- Achievement in each subject will be reported using a four-point scale (Well Above Expectations, Above Expectations, Meeting Expectations and Working Towards Expectations).
For Year 1 to Year 6 students:
- Academic grades for each subject using a five-point scale from A-E will be reported using the NSW Common Grade Scale.
For all students:
- Strand Achievement will be reported in English, Mathematics, Human Society and its Environment, PDHPE and Creative Arts using a five-point scale (Excellent, High, Sound, Basic, Elementary).
- Engagement with Learning statements, which are taken directly from the Australian Curriculum, will provide specific information about your child’s Critical and Creative Thinking, and Personal and Social Responsibility, using a three-point scale (Beginning, Developing, Consistently)
Currently, a new approach to Academic Reporting is developing. Further work will be undertaken in the coming months across the system to determine how progress and achievement are best reported based on what we know to be important information about a student’s learning and progress.
Conversations are an important part of the reporting progress. Please do not hesitate to make an appointment with your child's teacher if you have any concerns.
Enrolling Now
Enrolments in Catholic Schools in Canberra have now closed. In NSW enrolments continually remain open however we would appreciate it if they could be completed as soon as possible, as our 2022 staffing is allocated at the end of this term.
If you have a child starting school at St Mary's next year we would appreciate it if you could please enrol your child now online or call Belinda for an enrolment pack.
School Fees Due
If you haven't paid your Term 2 school fees please ensure that, unless you have a direct debit in place, you organise payment as soon as possible.
If you do have a direct debit in place, please check that it covers the minimum amount required per week- $42.77 for 1 child, $47.54 for 2 children, $52.31 for 3 or more children.
If you would like to have a discussion regarding your fees, please do not hesitate to speak to me or Belinda as there are a number of options available.
Lost Property and Naming of Clothes
Please make sure that all pieces of clothing, lunch boxes, drink bottles and other items sent to school are well named so we can return pieces to their owners quickly before the end of term.
School Photos
Information on packages available will be sent home today.
School Dental Assessment Program
On Wednesday 28 July, the Southern NSW Local Health Dental team will be coming to St Mary's to complete dental assessments on each student. Consent forms will be sent home. These need to be completed and returned to school, please.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Love your Neighbour – both friends and enemies
In the Scripture reading for mass this weekend, we hear Jesus telling us to love our enemies. Matthew 5:43-48
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies. Pray for those who treat you badly. 45 If you do this, you will be children who are truly like your Father in heaven. He lets the sun rise for all people, whether they are good or bad. He sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong. 46 If you love only those who love you, why should you get a reward for that? Even the tax collectors do that. 47 And if you are nice only to your friends, you are no better than anyone else. Even the people who don’t know God are nice to their friends. 48 What I am saying is that you must be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Enemies will always be in a person’s life as well as the allies. Jesus asks us to love and accept our enemies. Do not hold any hatred. Pray for the people who hurt you. Treat people the way you want to be treated — whether it’s an ally or an enemy. Your kindness will be rewarded not only by the Father, but with the kind of peace that comes from letting go of hatred, anger and grudges. Fr Peter Murphy, former Parish Priest of Crookwell, once said ‘when you hold onto anger or resentment towards another person, it takes up rent space in your head – not theirs’.
We can lead by example by showing others that despite hurting, we try to give forgiveness even when it is not asked from us. In a society full of judgemental and close-minded people, may we be different by remembering we are created in God’s likeness and image. May we do what’s unexpected from us, be full of understanding and forgiveness. May we remember
Dear Lord,
As you love us, we pray that we will learn to love those who hurt us and broke our trust.
As you forgive us in every sin that we have committed, we pray that we will learn to forgive those who sinned against us.
In this world of chaos, we pray that we will be able to find peace and help each other.
We pray that as you accept us even when we are not worthy, we will accept our enemies and learn that everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect.
We pray for a forgiving, understanding and loving heart.
Guide us always to the path going to you and your heaven.
We ask this through Mary’s, Queen and Mother of our School.
St Mary’s Mini Vinnies Team
Please remember to support our St Mary’s Mini Vinnies team in their efforts to keep the poor and homeless warm this winter. Many thanks to those who have already donated the following winter warmers:
- New thick socks
- New gloves/mittens/beanies
- Warm Coats, jumpers and scarves
- Sleeping bags
(please make sure any used items are in reasonable condition)
Donations may be delivered to St Mary’s Primary School office.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
Northern Region Athletics Carnival Friday 11 June 2021
Well done to all the students who took up the challenge last week at the Northern Region Athletics. We had a strong team who were very competitive all day. Nine St Mary’s students are now members of the NR Team that will compete at the Archdiocesan Athletics Carnival on Thursday 12th August 2021, at the AIS Athletics Track and Field Arena in Bruce, Canberra. Final results for all student’s are yet to be received but will be passed on once they arrive.
Ava N (3rd)
Sophia G (4th)
Bridie (1st)
Charlie C (3rd)
Seth (4th)
Ava N (3rd)
Bridie (1st)
Charlie C (4th)
Ava N
Sophia G
Charlie C
Saxon (2nd)
Amelia (2nd)
Andrew (2nd)
Peter (2nd)
Sophia G (1st)
A reminder for those students/parents you must register your child on the CSNSW Sport Website\which will include the cost of $15.00 which must be paid at the time of registration via the CSNSW website.
Students representing the Northern Region are required to wear their sports PE uniform to the event and will receive a Northern Region Rep shirt on the day . All shirts are to be returned to the team manager at the conclusion of the carnival. A teacher representative from St Joseph’s Goulburn will supervise the team at the carnival.
Representative Sport Nominations
Please head to the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage for information regarding the trials and the link for registration.
The full 2021 NSW Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available. It includes dates and information or links to further information for Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop, CCC, NSW All Schools, NSWPSSA and School Sport Australia trials and Championships.
Available at:
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Upcoming Events:
- Crookwell Cricket Cup- Years 3-6, Wednesday August 4
- Footy Colours Mufti Day- Years K-6, Friday September 17
- Boorowa Touch Football Carnival- Years 2-6, Friday October 15
Well done to Katyanna Waters and her family for completing the Family Reading Month challenge. The challenge set by Scholastic was to make reading a priority and part of the daily routine for May.

Yr 5 & 6 Excursion to Canberra
On Tuesday 15 June Yr 5 and Yr 6 travelled to Canberra for our excursion on a bus. When we arrived in Canberra we headed to our first destination, the AIS ( Australian Institute of Sport ).
When we were in the AIS some people took us to a place called Sportex. Sportex was a big room with all these cool, fun and simulated games and we were all allowed to play with them. My favourite game was called Skeleton Run. It was where you had to ski down a mountain and see how long you could go without falling off.
Then the people said we had to follow them into another room where we played ball games called European dodge ball and European handball. We played them for 20 minutes and then we went out for lunch.
After eating our lunch we got on the bus and headed to Parliament House. When we arrived at Parliament House there was a man who told us about the water feature at the front of Parliament House. Then he took us inside to a room. A woman told us that we were going to do a role play. The role play was about what the politicians did in question time so we all had our roles and when we were finished with the role play the man took us on a tour around Parliament House.
The man took us to the House of Representatives but we weren’t actually in the room we were in a higher compartment with glass so we could look down on question time. We knew who everyone was because we did our little role play. The man said we’d better move on. We walked into a red room. It was the house of the Senate. We waited and he explained some stuff about the House of Senate. The tour was coming to an end and we were making our way out. We had one last look and got on the bus.
On the way home it was quiet. I think everyone was tired and hungry. And before anyone knew it we were back in Crookwell at 4:49 PM. Everybody got off the bus and went home.
In conclusion I think everybody had a great time and enjoyed themselves. I would advise teachers to take students on an excursion there again.
Patrick Walsh.

Year 5 and 6 Excursion to Canberra
Getting up at 6 o’clock and the long bus drive was definitely worth it! We arrived at the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport.) We had 45 minutes in Sportex. Sportex was a virtual reality sports gaming room. We played and practiced some of the sports done in the Olympics including cycling, soccer, basketball, rowing, wheelchair racing and rock climbing. After Sportex, for another 45 minutes we played European handball and dodgeball. European handball was a new sport for most of us and it was kind of a combination of basketball and soccer. We also played dodgeball for the rest of the 45 minutes.
After the AIS we had a quick lunch break and soon after we were getting off the bus at Parliament house. Before we went inside our tour guide told us about the history of the Parliament House and the water feature that was behind us (in front of the Parliament House.) When we went inside, we went through the security system. It was similar to an airport’s security system. Once we were in, we went up to meet another tour guide, where we did a roleplay of how to pass a bill. We were split into two major groups: The House of Representatives and the Opposition. There were also three Independents who got to choose what team to side with and add to the bill. The House of Representatives was the main and biggest group and of course the Opposition went against them. William was Prime Minister and Kiowa was the Speaker. In the end, the House of Representatives won. Then we went to “Question Time” in the Chamber of House of Representatives also known as The Green Room. We watched down on the meeting from the gallery and you could say that they argued and talked over each other a fair bit! After the Green Room we went to The Chamber of The Senate also known as The Red Room. I learnt this room is the only place in Australia where they allow red exit signs!
It was now time to go on another long bus trip home. Overall, I think this was a great excursion and I rate it 10/10! Thank you, Mrs Walsh and Mr O’Kane, for organising a wonderful excursion.
By Caitlyn Hogan
Tuckshop News
We would like to invite any new or existing families to join us for a shift volunteering in our school tuckshop this year.
If you are able to assist please fill out the eform here: Tuckshop Helpers
Over the counter cash sales of cold packaged items like chips, yoghurt frogs, frozen yoghurts, etc, are available.
Term Two Roster
Friday 18 June: Jackie Blowes, Maddy Lowe, Daria Lawson
Monday 21 June: Allison Hewitt, Nicola Pursell, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED **Final tuckshop for the term **
Term Three Roster
The Term Three roster is below. If you are unable to do your allocated date or there is a day which you are able to help, please let Daria know.
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Baylee Cox
Year 1 - Charlie Beath and Payton Selmes
Year 2 - Billie Garnham and Flynn Reeves
Year 3 - Sienna Gann and Alex Storrier
Year 4 – Joe Hayes and Emilee Salt
Year 5 - Sommer-Lee Gann
Year 6 - Seth Grove and Phoebe Selmes
School Spirit Awards
Billie Garnham for "choosing kind" with her words and actions
Flynn Storrier, Rory Bensley and Harry Frost for displaying good sportsmanship in soccer
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
St Mary's will be offering for students to participate in the ICAS assessments again this year.
Below are the subjects that will be on offer. These will be conducted online only and during class time.
If you would like your child to participate, please contact Belinda so she can send you the information needed for you to purchase the tests online.
Soccer Award
Congratulations to Ava Nicholson who recently compete in the U/12 Girls Branch Championships and was named the winner of the Ray Tweedie Medal for the Best Player of the Branch Championships.
Well done Ava!
Remember, if you have achievements to share, please email the School Office so it can be included in the newsletter.
Counselling Corner with Sharyn Lynch
Teaching Kids Respect In Relationships
Parents as role models- As a parent you play an important role in helping your child have respectful relationships as well as build their own self-respect. As parents we value respect and want our kids to respect us...Respect is a word that gets used a lot but it can be difficult to define.
Most people would say they know when they’re being treated respectfully but they might have trouble explaining what it is.
It can also be hard to know when we’re being disrespectful towards others, especially when we feel upset and may have a hard time maintaining self-control.
Being respectful is something we learn through interactions with other people. Being respectful can come easily to some children but not others.
As a parent you play an important role helping your child build self-respect and the skills they need to respect others.
What kinds of respect are there?
Respect in relationships exists in many forms:
- Self-respect
- Respect for others
- Respect for possessions
- Respect for authority
- Respect for the law
How do you recognise respect in a relationship?
Respect is about showing that you value other people through your words and actions. You treat other people with care and you consider how your words or actions may affect them.
In respectful relationships, the following are put into action:
- The right to be safe, valued and cared for
- Being supported to make our own choices
- Being accepted as a person even if you’ve made a mistake
- Encouraging others to grow, learn and succeed
- Freedom to disagree without being put down, called names or hurt
- Not dominating or controlling others
- Listening and taking turns to be heard
- Supporting other's needs and wellbeing
- Trust, honesty and taking care with other's personal information
- Not intimidating others or being aggressive
Disrespectful relationships can affect your child
Kids may experience a lack of respect in their relationships at home or at school.
When kids aren’t feeling safe, supported and cared for, they may show this through their behaviour and emotions.
A child who is feeling distressed or unsafe may experience:
- Poor sleeping habits
- Nausea or headaches
- Depression or anxiety
- Low self-confidence or esteem
- Changes in appetite (under or overeating)
- Lack of trust in family and friends
- Breakdown in friendships
- Relationship conflicts or breakdown
- Alcohol or drug abuse
How can you help your child learn about respectful relationships?
Teaching your child the skills to be respectful helps them to value their needs as well as other's needs.
Try active listening by taking a moment to repeat back what you hear them say, eg. "so what I heard you say is…"
Learn to be assertive and ask for what you want in a calm yet firm way without being passive or aggressive
Understanding and empathy – ask yourself what your child’s world is like right now. What might they be going through?
Conflict resolution – try to negotiate on the little things but at the same time identify the big issues that are non-negotiable
Decision making skills – avoid imposing solutions, encourage your child to think of options and consequences first
Be honest - this will encourage trust and acceptance in the relationship and avoid misunderstandings and potential conflict
Anger management – teach kids to stop, think and then speak their minds in a calm way
Problem solving skills – help your child name the problem and express their feelings in words so you can discuss it and find a solution together
Sourced from Parentline
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Thursdays only.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Servers
With the easing of COVID restrictions, we can now have volunteers for altar servers during mass.
If your child would like to volunteer, please contact Sharon Cashman in the Goulburn Parish Office on 6239 9863 or