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Upcoming Events
Term 2 |
Friday 11 June |
Northern Region Athletics Carnival |
Monday 14 June |
Queens Birthday Public Holiday |
Tuesday 15 June |
Year 5/6 Excursion to Canberra - Parliament House and AIS |
Monday 21 June |
Kids on Keyboard concert 12.00pm |
Friday 25 June |
Stage 2 Showcase of Learning End of term |
Monday 12 July |
Northern Region Combined Staff Spirituality Day in Goulburn with Fr Richard Leonard |
Tuesday 13 July |
Term 3 commences for students |
Tell Us What You Think - Closes tomorrow
It is that time of the year again when you get a chance to tell us what you think about St Mary's Primary School via an anonymous survey.
This year the Archdiocese has engaged the company, The Learning Bar, and their 'Tell Us What You Think' surveys for parents, students in Years 4 - 6 and teachers. The change in supplier will provide more detailed data to our Head Office and schools and, in particular, more information relating to wellbeing.
The data we receive helps inform our Annual Improvement and Strategic Plans.
The survey window is open until tomorrow, Friday 11 June. To complete the survey visit the link below or paste it into your browser.
Please remember that we welcome direct feedback at any time and would hope that you would see your child's teacher or me immediately should any concerns arise.
First Eucharist
Congratulations to Lauren, Katyanna, Addin, Riley, Joe, Ava, Lachlan, Bridie and William on receiving their First Eucharist last weekend at celebrations held at Sacred Heart Taralga, Lady of Fatima, Goublrun and St Mary's, Crookwell.
Thank you to Mrs Skelly and Mrs S Croker for all of their work and supporting the students in their preparation.
Semester 1 Reporting
Next Friday, 18 June, your child will receive their Semester 1 Report and Work Samples Folder. Both items share learning and progress completed in both Term 1 and Term 2.
For Kindergarten students:
- Achievement in each subject will be reported using a four-point scale (Well Above Expectations, Above Expectations, Meeting Expectations and Working Towards Expectations).
For Year 1 to Year 6 students:
- Academic grades for each subject using a five-point scale from A-E will be reported using the NSW Common Grade Scale.
For all students:
- Strand Achievement will be reported in English, Mathematics, Human Society and its Environment, PDHPE and Creative Arts using a five-point scale (Excellent, High, Sound, Basic, Elementary).
- Engagement with Learning statements, which are taken directly from the Australian Curriculum, will provide specific information about your child’s Critical and Creative Thinking, and Personal and Social Responsibility, using a three-point scale (Beginning, Developing, Consistently)
Currently, a new approach to Academic Reporting is developing. Further work will be undertaken in the coming months across the system to determine how progress and achievement are best reported based on what we know to be important information about a student’s learning and progress.
Conversations are an important part of the reporting progress. Please do not hesitate to make an appointment with your child's teacher if you have any concerns.
Kids Acting On Stage (KAOS)
What terrific performances by St Mary's students Lucy, Bryce, Elisha, Peter, Briana, Toby, Chloe, Angus, Gabby, Charlie B, Tahlia, Rory and Sofia at KAOS' presentation of The Jungle Book over the weekend.
The entertaining show kept the audience engaged with singing, dancing, interaction and an engaging storyline, over three performances.
The children can all be very proud of their effort and dedication over the ten weeks rehearsal period.

Enrolling Now
Enrolments in Catholic Schools in Canberra have now closed. In NSW enrolments continually remain open however we would appreciate it if they could be completed as soon as possible, as our 2022 staffing is allocated at the end of this term.
If you have a child starting school at St Mary's next year we would appreciate it if you could please enrol your child now online or call Belinda for an enrolment pack.
School Fees Due Tomorrow
If you haven't paid your Term 2 school fees please ensure that, unless you have a direct debit in place, you organise payment as soon as possible.
If you do have a direct debit in place, please ensure that it covers the minimum amount required per week- $42.77 for 1 child, $47.54 for 2 children, $52.31 for 3 or more children.
If you would like to have a discussion regarding your fees, please do not hesitate to speak to me or Belinda as there are a number of options available.
Lost Property and Naming of Clothes
Please ensure that all pieces of clothing, lunch boxes, drink bottles and other items sent to school are well named so we can return pieces to their owners quickly before the end of term.
NCCD - Nationally Consistent Collection of Data
Please find attached information about collection of data regarding students in our school.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
It was a special, joyful occasion last weekend for the children who received Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time at Masses in Taralga, Crookwell and Goulburn. May the ‘life’ of Jesus (in the form of the bread and wine) continue to bring them peace, joy, inspiration, strength and courage throughout their lives.
WHY should you go to Mass?
- Going to Mass and receiving Communion is about saying YES I BELIEVE in Jesus. I believe he loves me and died for me.
- We hear God’s WORD speaking to us through the Scripture readings telling us how much we are loved and cherished and guiding us to lead good lives.
- We hear and remember the ‘Jesus story’. We learn how to follow in his footsteps to bring peace and joy to our fractured world.
- We relive Jesus’ last supper where he spoke about his death and resurrection,
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you (on the Cross); do this in remembrance of me.” … he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you (on the Cross). Do this in memory of me.”
- The Holy bread and wine we receive at Mass become Jesus Himself. In this way Jesus nourishes and strengthens us with Himself.
When we share communion we become joined as one community…. And nourished for life’s journey, taking Jesus to others and making our world a better place
St Mary’s Mini Vinnies Team
Please remember to support our St Mary’s Mini Vinnies team in their efforts to keep the poor and homeless warm this winter. Many thanks to those who have already donated the following winter warmers:
- New thick socks
- New gloves/mittens/beanies
- Warm Coats, jumpers and scarves
- Sleeping bags
(please make sure any used items are in reasonable condition)
Donations may be delivered to St Mary’s Primary School office.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
Northern Region Athletics Carnival 2021
Date: Friday 11 June 2021
Venue: Hudson Park, Bradfordville, Goulburn
Entry Fee: $7.50 per student (to be paid via Qkr)
Start: 9.45am
Given the current weather conditions, please take lots of warm clothing to rug up in as well as a blanket/cushion to sit on as the grandstand will be cold!
NSW CPS Cross Country
Huge congratulations to our 3 students Seth, Chloe and Sienna who went to Eastern Creek on Monday to participate in the NSW CPS Cross Country. They should be very proud of how well they ran on a hard course with most races having between 60-80 competitors.
According to the NSW CPS website the results are:
Sienna: 19th out of 53 with a time of 9:44 (2000m)
Chloe: 48th out of 62 with a time of 9:59 (2000m)
Seth: 34th out of 53 with a time of 14.11 (3000m)

Representative Sport Nominations
Please head to the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage for information regarding the trials and the link for registration.
The full 2021 NSW Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available. It includes dates and information or links to further information for Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop, CCC, NSW All Schools, NSWPSSA and School Sport Australia trials and Championships.
Available at:
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Legends Rugby League Gala Day
Students from Years 3,4 and 6 enjoyed the day in Goulburn on Monday, participating in the Canberra Raiders Rugby League Shield. The day was formerly known as the Gilbert/Croker, celebrating local rugby league legends Ashley Gilbert and Jason Croker. Students still participate for the Gilbert/Croker Shield.
Our Year 3/4 team had very healthy numbers, allowing subs to be team on and team off. The boys had 4 games and their results were 3 wins and 1 very close loss. All of the players improved with each game, played fairly and showed great respect to the officials and their opponents at all times.
A very big thank you to Dan Costello for organising the jerseys and volunteering his time to coach.
Our three Year 6 students Max’e, George and Nate were able to combine with Crookwell Public School teams for the day. The boys came up against some very good and physical opposition, and are to be highly commended for their skill level and respect they showed at all times. Thank you to Marty Reynolds who coached one on the boys teams, we appreciate you volunteering your time.

Upcoming Events:
- Crookwell Cricket Cup- Years 3-6, Wednesday August 4
- Footy Colours Mufti Day- Years K-6, Friday September 17
- Boorowa Touch Football Carnival- Years 2-6, Friday October 15
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Henry Elsley-Mattox
Year 1 - Georgia Proudman and Aria White
Year 2 - Logan Anderson
Year 3 - Lucas Plumb and Alex Storrier
Year 4 – Riley Haynes and Lara McCulloch
Year 5 - Saxon Greenwood and Ava Nicholson
Year 6 - Lucy Gamble and Patrick Walsh
School Spirit Awards
Kaylee Skinner for caring for our younger students on the playground
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Street Stall and Wood Raffle.
Tuckshop News
We would like to invite any new or existing families to join us for a shift volunteering in our school tuckshop this year.
If you are able to assist please fill out the eform here: Tuckshop Helpers
Over the counter cash sales of cold packaged items like chips, yoghurt frogs, frozen yoghurts, etc, are available.
Term Two Roster
Friday 11 June: Claire McCormack, Eleanor Fraser, Marguerite Walsh
Monday 14 June: PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Friday 18 June: Jackie Blowes, Maddy Lowe, Daria Lawson
Monday 21 June: Allison Hewitt, Nicola Pursell, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED **Final tuckshop for the term **
Term Three Roster
The Term Three roster is below. If you are unable to do your allocated date or there is a day which you are able to help, please let Daria know.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Thursdays only.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Servers
With the easing of COVID restrictions, we can now have volunteers for altar servers during mass.
If your child would like to volunteer, please contact Sharon Cashman in the Goulburn Parish Office on 6239 9863 or