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Upcoming Events
Term 2 |
Saturday 5/Sunday 6 June |
Sacrament of First Eucharist |
Monday 7 June |
Legends Rugby League Gala Day |
Tuesday 8 June |
NSW CPS Cross Country |
Friday 11 June |
Northern Region Athletics Carnival |
Monday 14 June |
Queens Birthday Public Holiday |
Tuesday 15 June |
Year 5/6 Excursion to Canberra - Parliament House and AIS |
Friday 25 June |
Stage 2 Showcase of Learning End of term |
Monday 12 July |
Northern Region Combined Staff Spirituality Day in Goulburn with Fr Richard Thompson |
Tuesday 13 July |
Term 3 commences for students |
COVID-19 Update
As you may be aware on 1 June 2021, it was advised that two COVID related case locations had been identified in NSW in the Goulburn area and several in the Jervis Bay area. These locations were visited by a confirmed case. Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn (CECG) will continue to monitor the NSW Health advice.
While the COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria continues, CECG reminds our school communities that persons who have recently travelled to Victoria should monitor the Exposure Sites. Where persons have attended these sites they should follow ACT/NSW health advice including:
- having a COVID-19 test
- isolating as appropriate.
They should not attend school if they have attended an Exposure Site. Close contacts (family members) should monitor their health.
There have not been any additional restrictions imposed on ACT/NSW Schools at this stage, aside from identified persons isolating and having a COVID-19 test. We will advise if this changes.Tell Us What You Think
It is that time of the year again when you get a chance to tell us what you think about St Mary's Primary School via an anonymous survey.
This year the Archdiocese has engaged the company, The Learning Bar, and their 'Tell Us What You Think' surveys for parents, students in Years 4 - 6 and teachers. The change in supplier will provide more detailed data to our Head Office and schools and, in particular, more information relating to wellbeing.
The data we receive helps inform our Annual Improvement and Strategic Plans.
The survey window is open from today until Friday 11 June. To complete the survey visit the link below or paste it into your browser.
Please remember that we welcome direct feedback at any time and would hope that you would see your child's teacher or me immediately should any concerns arise.
Enrolling Now
Enrolments in Catholic Schools in Canberra have now closed. In NSW enrolments continually remain open however we would appreciate it if they could be completed as soon as possible, as our 2022 staffing is allocated at the end of this term.
If you have a child starting school at St Mary's next year we would appreciate it if you could please enrol your child now online or call Belinda for an enrolment pack.
Baby News!
Congratulations to Mr O'Kane, and his wife Terry, on the safe arrival of a new baby granddaughter, Sophia Tess.
School Fees Due By Next Friday
If you haven't paid your Term 2 school fees, please ensure that, unless you have a direct debit in place, you organise payment as soon as possible.
If you do have a direct debit in place, please ensure that it covers the minimum amount required per week- $42.77 for 1 child, $47.54 for 2 children, $52.31 for 3 or more children.
If you would like to have a discussion regarding your fees, please do not hesitate to speak to me or Belinda as there are a number of options available.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Catholic Church Feast Day – Sunday June 6
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
This special day in the Church year is a time to remember the great gift of Eucharist in our lives. The Eucharist (Holy Communion) is a re-enactment of the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before his crucifixion. At the meal Jesus shared unleavened bread and wine (the staple food of the time) and he instructed his disciples to continue to do this to remember him.
‘And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you (on the Cross); do this in remembrance of me.” … he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you (on the Cross). Do this in memory of me.”
Catholics believe that the piece of bread (host) that is "taken, blessed, broken and given" by the priest, becomes the life of Jesus which was taken, blessed, broken (on the cross) and given in sacrifice for us.
Although the bread and wine physically remain the same (they LOOK like bread and wine), when it is blessed during the Mass it is transformed beyond human comprehension into Jesus. This is called Transubstantiation (the real presence of Jesus in Holy Communion) and it is the most important act of worship.
We go to Mass to receive Jesus’ in Holy Communion just as he asked us to do. And by doing this we are united with each other and strengthened and nourished by Jesus himself for the journey of our lives.
After we receive Jesus at Mass, we are told by the priest to GO FORTH… This means that the Mass is only the beginning; that we are to take Jesus love and share it with all those we meet outside the Church.

First Holy Communion- this Sunday
Please pray for the children at our school and in our Parish who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion this Sunday.
All are welcome and encouraged to SHARE in this celebration as these children are welcomed more fully into the Faith community – a community to nourish and support them for life.
St Mary’s Mini Vinnies Team
Please remember to support our St Mary’s Mini Vinnies team in their efforts to keep the poor and homeless warm this winter with donations of the following:
- New thick socks
- New gloves/mittens/beanies
- Warm Coats, jumpers and scarves
- Sleeping bags
(please make sure any used items are in reasonable condition)
Donations may be delivered to St Mary’s Primary School office.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Legends Rugby League Gala Day
When: Monday June 7
Where: North Park, Goulburn
Times: 9am-3pm
Who: Years 3 -6
Year 3 and 4 Team |
Year 5 and 6 |
Lachlan Pascoe Patrick Croker Charlie Tarlinton Henry Galland Jaydan Costello Chase Lucock Hayden Tarlinton Andrew Lawson Lachlan Kilborn Emmett McIntosh Eli Cooper Riley Haynes |
Saxon Greenwood Max’e Reynolds George Skelly Nate Kemp |
Coach: Dan Costello |
Coach: Marty Reynolds |
The draw has been sent out to families.
There will be a canteen operating, so students may bring money with them.
Transport is by private vehicle. If you are having difficulties in arranging this for your child, please contact the school as soon as convenient.
Players MUST HAVE:
- Mouthguard
- Long football socks (school supplied)
- Headgear is strongly advised
- Labelled drink bottle
- School hat
Upcoming Events:
- Crookwell Cricket Cup- Years 3-6, Wednesday August 4
- Footy Colours Mufti Day- Years K-6, Friday September 17
- Boorowa Touch Football Carnival- Years 2-6, Friday October 15
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
Northern Region Athletics Carnival 2021
Students not competing in their nominated events are to advise me ASAP so that the position can be filled. Payment is via Qkr.
Date: Friday 11 June 2021
Venue: Hudson Park, Bradfordville, Goulburn
Entry Fee: $7.50 per student (to be paid via Qkr)
Start: 9.45am
Team members who have registered and paid to date include:
YEAR SIX Bridie Seth Charlie Nate
YEAR FIVE Peter Marli Saxon Amelia William Briana Ava Sophia |
YEAR FOUR William Emilee Charlie T Addin Chloe |
YEAR THREE Jaydan Andrew Hayden Alice Charlie B Sienna Henry |
YEAR TWO Riley Tommy |
There are still 8 students who have not paid, please do so ASAP.
NSW CPS Cross Country
Good luck to Sienna Gann, Chloe Bensley and Seth Grove who will travel to Eastern Creek next Tuesday to compete at the NSW CPS Cross Country.
MacKillop Hockey
Congratulations to Sophia Galland and George Skelly for both gaining selection in the NSW PSSA Merit Team. This is a huge accomplishment and we are very proud of you.
Representative Sport Nominations
Please head to the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage for information regarding the trials and the link for registration.
The full 2021 NSW Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available. It includes dates and information or links to further information for Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop, CCC, NSW All Schools, NSWPSSA and School Sport Australia trials and Championships.
Available at:
Street Stall and Wood Raffle
- PLEASE NOTE: if you are donating baked items, please label them with the ingredients
Tuckshop News
We would like to invite any new or existing families to join us for a shift volunteering in our school tuckshop this year.
If you are able to assist please fill out the eform here: Tuckshop Helpers
Over the counter cash sales of cold packaged items like chips, yoghurt frogs, frozen yoghurts, etc, are available.
Term Two Roster
Friday 4 June: Rebecca Scott, Rachael Selmes, Lesley Peden
Monday 7 June: Candice Millett, Belinda Foley, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 11 June: Claire McCormack, Eleanor Fraser, Marguerite Walsh
Monday 14 June: PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Friday 18 June: Jackie Blowes, Maddy Lowe, Daria Lawson
Monday 21 June: Allison Hewitt, Nicola Pursell, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED **Final tuckshop for the term **
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Lucinda Fannin and Cooper Sims
Year 1 - Hamish Carlon, Vinnie Moloney and Connor Plumb
Year 2 - Sophie Croker and Ruby Pappalardo
Year 3 - Sophia Foran, Gabby Price and Elkie Storrier
Year 4 – Phoebe Fannin and Kaitlin Francis
Year 5 - Rorey Hearne and Finn McCormack
Year 6 - Aylish Parsons and George Skelly
School Spirit Awards
Elkie Storrier for always choosing kind
Riley Haynes for caring for others in the playground
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Counselling Corner with Sharyn Lynch
Quality Time with our Children
Spending quality time with our children helps build positive relationships, improves self-esteem, and is essential to optimal development.
Our lives can get so busy that quality time with our children can fall off the radar but it is important to find a few minutes here and there.
Ways to spend quality time with your children:
- Plan regular scheduled dates. Planning and scheduling quality time means our kids look forward to quality time.
- Take pictures together. Photos create memories that stretch quality time beyond the time you physically spent together.
- Cook together. Your child gets to spend time with you and learn some helpful life skills as well!
- Eat dinner together as a family a few times a week.
- Exercise together. It’s good for both of you.
- Play together. Build an indoor cubby house with an old sheet, build a fort out of boxes, play doctor, or have a family games night.
- Build quality time into your morning and bedtime routines. Set aside time to really talk together, read together, relax together – whatever suits your family.
- Remember, it is quality not quantity – just 5-7 minutes a day of one on one time is enough.
Resource: A book about the different ways people express love.
The 5 Love Languages- by Gary Chapman
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Thursdays only.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Servers
With the easing of COVID restrictions, we can now have volunteers for altar servers during mass.
If your child would like to volunteer, please contact Sharon Cashman in the Goulburn Parish Office on 6239 9863 or
KAOS (Kids Acting on Stage) Production- The Jungle Book 2021
Thanks in large part to Disney’s many animated and live-action adaptations, few children in the entire world have grown up without some notion of the fantastical world of Mowgli, Baloo, and Shere Khan.
This year KAOS brings you an adaptation of this wonderful story. The Jungle Book characters are animals who primarily serve to teach moral lessons. The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling is the story about the adventures of Mowgli, a “man cub” who was abandoned and raised by wolves. We have pupils from Crookwell High School, Trinity College, Crookwell Public School and St Mary’s Primary School all taking part in this huge production.
At the start of the story, a wolf pack hears that the tiger Shere Khan is hunting humans. The wolf pack is alarmed because they follow the Law of the Jungle, which forbids the hunting of humans since they are defenceless.
When an Indian child comes to the wolves’ den, they lovingly take him in and name him Mowgli. Being raised by wolves, it is only natural that Mowgli would be crazy, wild, and brave. Knowing no other life, he thinks everything about his life is normal, but, of course, it isn’t. Home for him is the jungle, not the village where men live.
One day, Shere Khan comes to the wolves’ den and demands the man-cub. Knowing that the only thing that will defeat Shere Khan is fire, Mowgli will take things into his own hands.
Rohan Gamble plays the main part of Mowgli and we see him grow from a naïve child to a responsible adult. Rohan has worked very hard at this part. He has a lot of dialogue and is on stage for much of the play. He must be commended for his efforts and his ability and patience to work with such young actors.
Mother Wolf is played by Elisha Marcelino, who sees the man cub and quickly agrees to care for him. She is the eternal loving mother and cares for Mowgli as if he were one of her own cubs. Mother Wolf is also brave and feared by Shere Khan, who knows that Mother Wolf will fight to the death. Mother Wolf is also wise. Elisha has an air of natural authority and plays this part with great confidence and graciousness.
Baloo is played by Peter Lawson and he teaches Mowgli the calls of the jungle. Mowgli is quick at learning how to communicate with the many jungle animals, and Baloo is a real friend to Mowgli and a very patient teacher. Baloo is brave and caring, especially when he must rescue Mowgli from the monkeys. Peter is inspiring in this role and he really does it justice. His beautiful nature shines through this character and he should be commended for taking on such a larger-than-life role.
Chief Monkey is portrayed by Toby Charnock who as the leader of the other jungle primates. He attempts to gain knowledge of fire from Mowgli, in order to become more human. Toby has a great role in this adaptation. The character is full of swagger and officiousness and Toby brings it totally to the stage with great rhythm and song. He has grown into the part more than we could ever have imagined. A fantastic effort by him and you will love his performance.
Grey Brother is played by Bryce Foley. He is brother to the adopted Mowgli and the future leader of the pack. However, he gets up to mischief with Shere Khan and his fate is sealed. Bryce has enjoyed this part, being pulled by his ears, and being chased around the stage.
The Indian Woman is played by Chloe Bensley who shows an endearing and loving side to her motherly character. With her tribe of children, she discovers Mowgli, and he is more than she could ever have wished for……..But why?
Issy McCormack is a wonderful Kaa, the Rock Python. Sssssssuper characterisation and wonderfully ssssssssmooth! Taleisha Bill plays Bagheera, the Panther. She is one cool cat, keeping Baloo on his toes and watching out for Mowgli. Lucy Gamble is Chil, the Kite. She flies in and out effortlessly, spotting Mowgli up to no good and warning Baloo in the process.
This adaptation contains lots of wolves, monkeys, and village children. Quite a few of the actors double up and play multiple characters. We have Sofia Lawson, Rory Bensley, Angus Foley, Charlie Bensley, Gabby Price, Bryony McCormack, Tahlia Naughton and Brianna Blowes all doing a fabulous effort on stage. Elisha has also exhibited her outstanding skills as a makeup artist and face painter extraordinaire.
The number of St Mary’s Primary School children taking part is to be commended. They have worked very hard for the last three months and it certainly hasn’t all be easy for them. They have come together as one pack and brought this adaptation to life. Congratulations to all these children. It would be a mistake not to come and watch a performance. The scene is set, the lights are ready, the music is coming! Welcome to the Jungle!
You will not be disappointed!
Nicola Bensley- Production Manager KAOS 2021
Dates: Friday 4th at 7:00pm, Saturday 5th at 7:00pm and Sunday 6th June at 2:00pm
Bookings can be made at the Crookwell Visitor Information Centre OR through;
Tickets are also available at the door.
Adults: $15.00
Children & Concession Card Holders $10.00
Children Under 5 - Free
We hope to see everyone there to support the children.