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- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- P & F News
- Student Awards
- Counselling Corner with Sharyn Lynch
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Trinity Catholic College 2022 enrolments
- Community News
Upcoming Events
Term 2 |
Monday 24 May |
Art Focus Day- Year Two |
Tuesday 25 May |
Archdiocesan Cross Country Art Focus Day- Year Four |
Friday 28 May |
Art Focus Day- Year One |
Monday 31 May |
Art Focus Day- Year Five |
Tuesday 1 June |
Art Focus Day- Year Three |
Wednesday 2 June |
Art Focus Day- Year Six |
Friday 11 June |
Northern Region Athletics Carnival |
Monday 14 June |
Queens Birthday Public Holiday |
Friday 25 June |
Stage 2 Showcase of Learning End of term |
I would like to thank our Year Three and Five students, Mrs Walsh, Mrs R Croker, Mrs S Hewitt and Mrs Spackman for their involvement with NAPLAN over the past week.
My general observations of the tests, and the students' participation in these, were mostly positive. After the initial Writing tests, the students remained relaxed. One issue I saw in relation to the online format was that the students interacted with the technology in a fast manner, clicking quickly between questions, possibly not considering the text as carefully as they would if it was in print form. Many finished with a lot of time remaining and were then encouraged to go back and check their responses. Some, at this point, found earlier mistakes. The Language Conventions test locked once a student moved past the Grammar and Punctuation section and then these responses could not be reviewed.
The Numeracy test this year involved a lot of multi-step problems, it involved a high level of comprehension and mathematical reasoning skills.
Our NAPLAN results will not be received until later in the year, typically around August or September. Please be assured teachers use many forms of data when planning their teaching programs and they focus on the identified areas of need in their daily classroom instruction.
School Fees
The Term Two school fee statements have been emailed out last week. Please check your inbox to ensure you have received yours. Term Two fees are due by Friday 11 June, Week 8. Any questions regarding your fee statement, please contact Belinda.
Long Service Leave
I am currently away on Long Service Leave until Wednesday next week. If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact our Assistant Principal Sally-Anne Croker.
Enrolling Now
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday
The Season of Easter concludes with the celebration of Pentecost at this weekend’s Mass. After His Ascension into heaven Jesus came to the disciples. He came to them at the time of their great fear of persecution. He breathed His Spirit into them and filled them with a deep peace and joy – a sense that through faith, hope and love of God, all was right with their world.
From that event the scared and uncertain apostles were transformed into courageous and passionate preachers. Through their steadfast faith in Jesus and the strength of his Spirit, they were able to stay true to their commitment and spread the WORD of God. They continued to ‘GO OUT’ and continue the work Jesus began (spreading his message about peace, love and goodness) right up until it led to the martyrdom of every single one of them.
Pentecost is the birthday of the CHURCH - the event that sparked the movement of believers to carry on Jesus’ our Lord and Saviour’s life-giving mission.
We pray in a special way for the Church – the people of God - spread throughout the world, to be open to the Spirit, so it can continue to be Jesus’ witness in the world of today; to bring love, hope, faith, justice, joy, peace. Jesus calls his disciples into mission. As a Catholic School we are called to be the Good News in our own place and time. When we allow ourselves to be open to the gifts of the Spirit we can truly be GOOD NEWS for others.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for all of us. We can all use these special gifts of the Holy Spirit to: bring us closer to God; fill our lives with a sense of meaning and purpose; guide us through life; help us make wise decisions; help us understand things and people better; give good advice, have courage in tough times
Mini Vinnies
It is up to every one of us – with the help of the Holy Spirit – to do our best to help others not to suffer, not to be afraid, not to have troubled hearts
Donation of the following items would be greatly appreciated:
- New thick socks
- New gloves/mittens
- Coats and scarves
- Sleeping bags
- Blankets/doonas
We could all make a difference in our world!
Let us all answer Jesus’ call to carry on His mission of love.
Many thanks from St Mary’s Mini Vinnies
Year 4 Eucharist Retreat
Last Friday, Goulburn Mission Youth Minister Gerard Tang, and a Catholic Youth Group of Trinity Catholic College students came to St Mary’s to run a Eucharist retreat for Year 4. What a wonderful faith-filled experience it was for our children! They learnt about the ongoing daily presence of God in their lives and the positive difference this can make when they are open to recognising and accepting God’s Spirit. They also learnt about the meaning and importance of the EUCHARIST (Holy Communion) for Catholics.
Catholics believe that Jesus is fully present in the EUCHARIST, that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into Jesus. When they receive the Eucharist at Mass, they are taking Jesus into themselves; they are filled with Jesus’ life and spirit to strengthen and sustain them in living in faith, hope and love.
Gerard and the Trinity students, through their enthusiasm, friendliness and openness about their faith journeys, made a beautiful impression on our Year 4 students, who were inspired to share their own faith experiences and questions about God and Jesus.
Some of our Year 4 students are eagerly preparing to receive the Eucharist for the first time early next month.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Legends Rugby League Gala Day
We are happy to advise that a new date has been set for the Rugby League Legends Gala Day.
When: Monday June 7
Where: North Park, Goulburn
Times: 9am-3pm
Who: Years 3 -6
Year 3 and 4 Team |
Year 5 and 6 |
Lachlan Pascoe Patrick Croker Charlie Tarlinton Henry Galland Jaydan Costello Chase Lucock Hayden Tarlinton Andrew Lawson Olivia Millett Lachlan Kilborn Riley Haynes William Croker |
Saxon Greenwood Max’e Reynolds George Skelly Nate Kemp Kiowa Morning WE WILL FORM A ST MARY’S TEAM IF WE GET SUFFICENT NUMBERS |
Coach: Dan Costello |
Coach: Marty Reynolds, Chris Skelly |
## Our numbers for the 3/4 team are too small to form two sides for the day. If your child is not on the list and wishes to play, please email me by Friday May 21,
Cross Country Champion House
Apologies for the delay in publishing the winning house from our 2021 school Cross Country Carnival. It is with much delight that we congratulate Aloysious who were the victorious house by 18 points.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
Archdiocesan Cross Country
St Mary’s members of the Northern Region Team are required to arrive at 9:00am to compete at the Archdiocesan Carnival at Mt Stromlo next Tuesday 25 May. School Sport shorts are to be worn with a Northern Region shirt, which will be available as they check in.
9:00 Primary Teams arrive and check in with Team Managers
9:30 Primary Teams welcome and walk the course
10:20 11 yr GIRLS 3000m
10:25 11 yr BOYS 3000m
10:30 12/13yr GIRLS 3000m
10:35 12/13yr BOYS 3000m
10:45 9yr GIRLS 2000m
10:50 9yr BOYS 2000m
10:55 10yr GIRLS 2000m
11.00 10yr BOYS 2000m
9 Years | Sienna Gann | |
10 Years | Charlie Tarlinton, Archie Foran |
Chloe Bensley |
11 Years | William Millett | Sophia Galland, Sommer-Lee Gann |
12 Years | Seth Grove | Charlie Cramp |
Northern Region Athletics Carnival 2021
Notes for those students who are members of the Athletics team were sent home last week. Students not competing in their nominated events are to advise me ASAP so that the position can be filled. Payment is via Qkr.
Date: Friday 11 June 2021
Venue: Hudson Park, Bradfordville, Goulburn
Entry Fee: $7.50 per student (to be paid via Qkr)
Start: 9.45am
MacKillop Girls Hockey
Sophia and Bridie have enjoyed some exciting results at the NSWPSSA Hockey Championships in Unanderra. We look forward to hearing about their Rep Sport experience upon their return.
Their impressive draw results include:
DAY ONE – TUES 18-5-21
10:50am Mackillop 0 vs Sydney South West 1
3:50pm Mackillop 1 vs Polding 0
DAY TWO – WED 19-5-21
8:30am Mackillop 2 vs Hunter 0
10:30am Mackillop 2 vs South Coast 0
2:30pm Mackillop 2 vs North West 0
12:20pm Mackillop 1 vs CIS 5
MacKillop Boy's Hockey
Next week sees St Mary’s students George Skelly, Nate Kemp and Henry Galland attending the Hockey PSSA competition in Newcastle. Mrs Rachael Croker will also be attending as Mackillop Coach
We wish everyone involved the best of luck playing the sport they love!
Their draw includes:
11:30 vs Sydney South West
2:50 vs Riverina
8:30 vs CIS
11:30 vs Western
1:30 vs South Coast
Depending on previous results
Registrations are still open for:
Please head to the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage for information regarding the trials and the link for registration.
The full 2021 NSW Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available. It includes dates and information or links to further information for Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop, CCC, NSW All Schools, NSWPSSA and School Sport Australia trials and Championships.
Available at:
Book Club
Issue 4 orders are due by Thursday 27 May 2021.
Please use the LOOP website to order.
Don't forget- May is Scholastic National Family Reading Month.
National Family Reading Month is celebrating 25 years of encouraging families to read more together. In the month of May you are encouraged to make reading a priority
On Wednesday all classes participated in National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS).
The book was “GIVE ME SOME SPACE” by Philip Bunting.
It was read by the astronaut Dr Shannon Walker from the International Space Station. Astronauts reading stories from space to school children & families was an exciting new program that combined literature with science!
This event is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. This event aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes.

Street Stall and Wood Raffle
All families will have received Wood Raffle tickets to sell or purchase. These tickets have proven very popular. There are more books available from the Office if you would like them- Reané Strode
Tuckshop News
We would like to invite any new or existing families to join us for a shift volunteering in our school tuckshop this year.
If you are able to assist please fill out the eform here: Tuckshop Helpers
Over the counter cash sales of cold packaged items like chips, yoghurt frogs, frozen yoghurts, etc, are available.
Term Two Roster
Friday 21 May: Elle Reeves, Mandy Kemp, Catherine Fraser
Monday 24 May: Elise Croker, Kia Scott, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 28 May: Pip Frost, Maddy Lowe, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Monday 31 May: Reané Strode, Elizabeth Egan, Maureen Lucock
Friday 4 June: Rebecca Scott, Rachael Selmes, Lesley Peden
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Fraser McIntosh, Riley Plumb and Lizzie Walsh
Year 1 - Flynn Doran, Samantha Fraser and Joe McCormack
Year 2 - Jacob Hogan
Year 3 - Jaydan Costello, Leo Knight and Madeline Strode
Year 4 – Patrick Croker and Angus Foley
Year 5 - Naomi Picker and Marli Selmes
Year 6 - Max'e Reynolds
School Spirit Awards
Charlotte Crosbie for striving for Excellence and showing compassion to others
Hayden Tarlinton for showing compassion and helping another student
Lucinda Fannin for showing kindness to others
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Counselling Corner with Sharyn Lynch
Social Skills
Social skills are essential for kids to learn so they are able to adapt to different situations, develop positive relationships with others, and manage conflict.
Steps to help with learning socially skilled behaviours:
- Help them interpret the behaviour of others by linking thoughts and feelings: “I’ll bet he was feeling/thinking _______ when he did that”
- Give labelled praise to your child for appropriate social skills: “What a friendly way to say hello!” “I am so proud of how you well you played and shared today”
- Teach conflict resolution skills: “What might be a way to get them to want to share with you?
STOP reacting and notice how you are feeling. Take a few deep breaths.
THINK What is the problem? What are some options? What will happen if you act on them?
DO what will work best
- Discuss social situations on the television, in books, and in real life: “What do you think (character) was feeling when that happened? How can you tell?”
Sharing Books for Social & Emotional Understanding- By Margaret Goldthorpe & Perdy Buchanan-Barrow
The New Social Story Book- By Carol Gray
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Thursdays only.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Servers
With the easing of COVID restrictions, we can now have volunteers for altar servers during mass.
If your child would like to volunteer, please contact Sharon Cashman in the Goulburn Parish Office on 6239 9863 or
KAOS (Kids Acting on Stage) Production
The Jungle Book 2021
Script, Lyrics and Music by Mike Carter. Directed by Rob Huskinson
This very special production will be performed by KAOS (Kids Acting On Stage) Crookwell's own youth theatre group aged from 5yrs to 18yrs.
The wonderful cast & crew have been working hard to bring this adaptation of Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book to its audience. The production features acting, song & dance as well as audience participation and is sure to delight young and old.
Dates: Friday 4th at 7:00pm, Saturday 5th at 7:00pm and Sunday 6th June at 2:00pm
Bookings can be made at the Crookwell Visitor Information Centre OR through;
Tickets are also available at the door.
Adults: $15.00
Children & Concession Card Holders $10.00
Children Under 5 - Free
We hope to see everyone there to support the children.
2583 Fitness- Kids Classes
- Primary school classes: 2583 Fitness offers after school primary kids classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons 3.30pm – 4.15pm. $10 per class or $20 on a membership for all three days.
- What will kids be doing? Moving! And learning to move effectively. Each class will have a movement lesson, squatting/pressing etc which may lead to kids moving with appropriate little weights. We could use our rowing machines, treadmills, balls to throw, kettlebells to swing, games to play and a ton of other gym equipment.
- Insurances etc? Yes, 2583 Fitness has appropriate insurances (public liability, etc) in place. We have our Working with Children’s Checks done, and are Approved Active Kids Voucher Providers.
For further enquires, or if you’d like to check it out for yourself, please contact Ryan (0428 321 526), Kelly (0447 466 952) or check out 2583 Fitness on Facebook.