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- Principal Talk with Mrs Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
- Classroom Support News with Mrs Spackman
- School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
- Library News with Mrs Hewitt
- Student Awards
- School Policy Updates
- P & F News
- St Mary's Share Point
- Parish News with Sr Rosemary
Welcome to our first digital newsletter. We hope you enjoy the new format. If you have any problems navigating this newsletter please do not hesitate to contact Belinda. Please remember print copies are still available if required or preferred.
The newsletter will come out in an email, it can be accessed online and can also be read through an app. You can download the Schoolzine app (SZapp) and subscribe.
You will notice that on our digital newsletter interface online also gives you access to our up-to-date school calendar, our Annual Improvement Plan and links to our Social Media releases.
Thank you!
A very big thank you to Mrs. Rachael Croker for coordinating a wonderful swimming carnival yesterday. Thank you to all our staff and parent helpers as well.
It was wonderful to hear from one of our parents, serving on the Year 6 barbeque, that all of the students displayed beautiful manners.
I am pleased to also share that I heard, numerous times during the day, the students encouraging and congratulating each other.
In the School Sport section in this newsletter, Rachael has included an article and photo gallery.
Term One Staff Professional Learning
One of our staff goals this year is to ensure that all staff are participating in regular and targetted Professional Learning. This allows our staff to maintain their professional teaching accreditation and ensures St Mary's staff are confident in providing the most current learning pedagogies.
This term I, along with some other Principals and Senior Staff in the Archdiocese of Canberra Goubourn, will be part of an Evidence Forum. This involves professional reading, vigorous discussions around various pedagogies and visits to schools who are leading in school improvement in Sydney and Perth. I am very excited to be part of this professional learning opportunity and cannot wait to share what I learn.
Mr. Collinge and Mrs. Cummins will both be part of the Early Career Teachers Program and Mrs. S Croker and Mrs. Branson will train as their mentors.
Mrs. S Croker will train as our Child Safe Advocate and Mrs. R Croker our Data Analyst.
We will aim to keep you up to date with our staff Professional Learning as the year progresses.
School Counsellor
We are very fortunate this year to have gained our Catholic Care Counsellor Kate Dean for three days each term. Kate's first visit will be on 14 February, with subsequent visits on 14 March and 28 March.
Our school counsellor is available to speak with parents or students about a range of matters including development of strategies to assist with anxiety, resilience, coping, stress and well-being.
Reporting Schedule Changes
After listening to the feedback some of you provided in our 2018 Parent Survey we have decided to move our three-way interviews into Term 2.
We will trial the following schedule for this semester;
Term 1 - Week 5 - Interim Reports, reporting on how your child has settled into their new class routines
Term 2 - Week 5 - Three-Way Interviews
Term 2 - Week 9 - Academic and Social Report and Evidence of Learning Folder
Term 2 - Week 10 - Parent Teacher Interviews by request
The Catholic Education Office is in the process of designing a new report format that should be available for us to use by the second semester.
Around the school...
Some of our Year 3 students were ready for a quick photo after swimming last Friday.
Some of our new playground markings.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
On Monday our Year 6 students lead us in focusing on the first of our school values – COMPASSION. The dictionary definition of compassion is ‘sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.’ Jesus is the perfect model of compassion. He showed God’s unconditional love for all humankind by always reaching out with concern, care and kindness. Out of compassion for all of humanity, he gave the ultimate sacrifice; he was crucified to free us from sin and restore our relationship with God. Through the gift of His Holy Spirit we can live in His love and look forward to life everlasting. How can you model Jesus’ compassion in your everyday life? At school we are reflecting on the following Scripture passages to lead us to be more compassionate members of our community…
Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Colossians 3:12-14 “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
1 Thessalonians 5:15 “Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.”
Classroom Support News with Mrs Spackman
Happy children make for happy learning!
Children need guidelines at school and at home. They respond positively to clear boundaries. Children respond well to praise rather than criticism. Children also respond to calm environments. Learning happens best when children are happy and engaged. Learning happens at home as well as at school.
Here’s to a HAPPY term of learning!
Maths Club
This term Maths Club will commence after school on a Tuesday afternoon instead of a Monday. Children from Year 2-6 are welcome to attend. This can be for extension, revision, one-on-one assistance or to complete homework with help. This will be held in the Star Room.
Morning Club
This week we had a small number of children attend our Morning Club which ran each day from 8am-8.40am.
Morning Club is an opportunity for children to arrive at school early when it is difficult for parents who need to be at work early. This is available for all children from K-6 and will be held in the library.
The children will be required to participate in quiet activities during this time, reading, writing, drawing, colouring, homework tasks and computer tasks. They may bring games to play.
At 8.40am the children who attend will then go to the playground for morning supervision.
Intervention Programs
If you would like to assist with any of our intervention programs at school, please fill in the web form below or contact Belinda or me.
Parents, grandparents and friends of St Mary's are also welcome to help.
At this stage, we would like to offer intervention programs in Spelling, Reading and Numeracy.
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
School Swimming Carnival
How blessed we were with the weather for our carnival yesterday, perfect swimming conditions.
Firstly I would like to commend the students for their behaviour, participation and team spirit during the carnival. How nice it was to see students challenging themselves and working hard to earn points for their house.
Thank you to the staff who worked tirelessly to ensure that the event ran smoothly.
Finally to our parent helpers, a very big thank you. Please know that the time you volunteer to assist with running such carnivals does not go unnoticed, without you all these days simply would not happen.
The winning house was Aloysius, in what was the closest point score we have had in many years.
A reminder that Age Champion medallions will be presented at Monday’s School Assembly at 9.05am.

Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Cricket Trial
Best of luck to our Year Five student, Jake Cosgrove, who will be travelling to Gundagai on Thursday to attend a trial for MacKillop Cricket.
Primary Representative Sport – Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese
This year there is a new format for registration of students at Diocesan and Archdiocesan level and for individual nominations for Sports, eg. Hockey, Cricket etc.
The website is up and running and all trial nominations for Archdiocese Representative sports trial must be completed by the parents/carers by the due date advertised on the website.
12th March, Lyneham |
Tuesday 5th March |
12th March, Lyneham |
Tuesday 5th March |
Tuesday 5th March |
12th March, Lyneham |
Tuesday 5th March |
21st March, Cootamundra |
Friday 15th March |
Book Club
Thursday 14 February 2019 is the due date to have Book Club orders submitted through the LOOP website.
- For a quick start, just click on ORDER
- OR Register first to save your details for next time
- Select your school and your child's class
- Add your child's first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue
- Follow the instructions for payment and submit
All orders are sent directly to the school.
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Logan Anderson & Samuel White
Year 1 - Sienna Gann & Andrew Lawson
Year 2 - Phoebe Fannin & Angus Foley
Year 3 - Toby Charnock & William Millett
Year 4 –Reece Allport & Bridie Croker
Year 5 - Rosa Blowes
Year 6 - Bradley Nagle
School Spirit Awards
The School Spirit Award recipients this week are:
Isabelle McCormack for demonstrating compassion and understanding towards others
Olivia Wong for going out of her way to be helpful to teachers
Patrick Croker for seeing a schoolmate in need and helping them
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Homework Policy
At St Mary’s Primary School we believe that homework helps students by complementing and reinforcing classroom learning, fostering good lifelong learning and study habits and providing an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning. Homework provides an opportunity for parents to participate in their child’s education. Parents in partnership with the school should encourage children to establish good homework patterns from early primary school.
- To support and extend classroom learning
- To develop positive study habits
- To develop responsibility for self-learning
- To foster communication between home and school
- To nurture a love of reading
- St Mary’s Homework Policy will be available to parents on the school website.
- Homework will not be set to be completed over a weekend or holiday period.
- Assessment tasks will not be given as homework.
- Teachers may request homework activities to be signed by a parent or caregiver.
- Homework should be appropriate to student’s skill level. Teachers are not required to individualise homework however should take into account the abilities of students with additional needs when setting tasks and may alter the task accordingly.
- Reading is an essential part of homework.
- Reading homework helps develop many other essential skills such as spelling, writing, comprehension, concentration and imagination.
- Early Stage 1 will not be expected to complete written homework activities, the students will be sent home ‘readers’ and/or sight words which require that their reading is listened to and practised each weeknight.
- Stage 1 students may on occasions be set some limited written work. However, most homework at this stage is primarily practising reading and spelling skills. The students will be sent home ‘readers’ and sight words, which require that their reading is listened to each weeknight.
- Stage 2 students are encouraged to read each weeknight. Other homework tasks could include spelling and times tables revision and incomplete class tasks.
- Stage 3 students are encouraged to read each weeknight. Other homework tasks could include spelling and times tables revision, continuation of classroom work, projects and/or research assignments.
- Each term one week will be designated as “Family Week” when no homework will be issued.
- No consequences will be given to children who cannot complete homework tasks.
Communication Policy Excerpt
Social Media – School Communication
Reminders about upcoming events are posted on Facebook, Instagram, Schoolzine and on our Skoolbag app. Instructions on how to access these social platforms are advertised in our newsletter and through our enrolment packs.
Social Media – Staff-Parent Communication
Parents are asked not to use social media as a form of communicating with teachers or staff regarding matters pertaining to school.
Staff are asked not to ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ parents or students on social media. We realise that in a small community long-term friendships between staff and parents may exist so in this case we ask that staff do not ‘post’ or send ‘direct messages’ about matters relating to school on their personal accounts. If a staff member receives a message relating to school matters through social media they are to ask the parent to see or call them, at school during work hours.
Staff can only ‘post’, ‘share’ or ‘direct message’ personal items that support the Catholic Ethos and are in line with the Professional Code of Conduct.
Social Media – Parent Posts
Parents are asked not to post images or videos taken at school that show children, other than their own, without permission from the other parents. Parents are asked not to post-school reports on any social media platform.
Crookwell Show BBQ
This weekend we have our first major fundraising event of the year, the Crookwell Show BBQ. Rosters were sent home last week and an updated roster was emailed out today.
We look forward to seeing all of our St Mary's families on Saturday or Sunday. Your support of this event is appreciated.
AGM and Term 1 P&F Meeting
On Tuesday 19 February at 7pm we will have our Annual General Meeting and first P&F Meeting of the year. All positions are declared open.
A parent Handbook will be sent home next week with information about the St Mary's P&F Association and what the executive roles involve.
It would be wonderful to see many of you at this meeting. All welcome!
Please let us know what extracurricular activities your child has been participating in. Photographs and images can be shared by emailing them to
Examples follow;
Australia Day Honours
Alexandra Branson is the Upper Lachlan Shire Young Citizen of the Year. Alexandra is the daughter of our teacher Mrs Branson and also an ex-student.
She is a former vice-captain of Trinity Catholic College, was a student voice representative at the Students Yearn to Learn Conference, and was invited to the Member for Goulburn Pru Goward’s, ‘Pizza with Pru’.
Ms Branson received several academic, public speaking and sporting awards.
She is also a former winner of the Lions Youth of the Year Quest Public Speaking Award and Lions Youth of the Year Program and has been a Student Member of the Timor-Leste Immersion Trip.
(Photo and article from the Crookwell Gazette)
Charlie has success!
Charlie Tarlinton had success winning Junior Paraders with his heifer "Cloverlee Asteret" on Saturday at the Berry Show.
Charlie's heifer also won her class and led the winning pair of heifers.
Charlie also attained Highly Commended in the grooming challenge, Highly Commended Junior Herdsmen and Junior Encouragement Award!
Well done Charlie!
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Sacramental Enrolment for 2019
For all children in Catholic and Public Schools
Reconciliation Year 3
Holy Communion Year 4
Confirmation Year 6 and Year 7
Enrolment forms available from or from the Parish Office
These need to be returned to the Parish Office by 15 February.
Altar Roster
10 February—Bella Croker and James Croker
17 February- Eliza & Chloe Kemp
24 February- Ashleigh Bachta & Olivia Anderson