St Mary's Primary School Crookwell
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Wade St
Crookwell NSW 2583

Phone: 02 4832 1592

Principal Talk with Mrs Lowe

Welcome Back!

It is wonderful to be back, in a modified way, after a restful break and I look forward to seeing everyone's smiling faces back in our classrooms at some point this term.

This term our focus is solely on teaching and learning, with the following extra-curriculum events placed on hold or cancelled due to social distancing regulations.

  • Northern Region Cross Country 
  • Catholic Schools Week 
  • Mothers Day Mass 
  • Athletics Carnival (this may occur during the term if possible)
  • The School Explorers Program  - This will run over eight weeks in Term 3
  • Archdiocesan Cross Country

Our Showcase of Learning Assemblies may occur if social distancing regulations are lifted by the end of term.

We have made the hard decision to cancel our Grandparents Day celebrations for this year. The special day was to occur early in Term 3, however, we can not guarantee that it would be safe for us to have so many visitors in the school. We would like to ensure we keep our grandparents as safe as possible. 

Our Three-Way Interviews have been rescheduled for Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 June, Week 8 of term. The format of these meetings will be dependant upon regulations. We will provide you with more information about how these will run closer to the date. 

We are very excited to welcome the Peden family to Crookwell and the St Mary's School Community. Jack will be commencing in Year 4 this term. Welcome, Jack!

Monday 11 May - Week 3

As you are aware there is much discussion about the Term 2 arrangements for schooling in NSW. 

Firstly, I would like to explain that St Mary's is part of the Catholic Schools NSW system. As such, the discussions taking place in the media, around the NSW Premier’s announcement about a return to schooling using a rostered system from 11 May, relates specifically to NSW Public Schools and is system based. Catholic Schools NSW are able to determine their own arrangements and this may be informed by community statistics and confidence. 

It is our goal to resume onsite face-to-face classes for all students as soon as we can, however how and when this will occur will be determined early next week, in consultation with Catholic Education Canberra/Goulburn. As soon as this has been decided it will be communicated with you.

Onsite schooling has commenced this week with children of essential workers, or for those who need to send their children to school. So far this week we have had an average daily attendance rate of 38%. If you are unsure as to whether or not to send your child/ren to school please do not hesitate to call. We just ask that you give us two school days' notice of your intention for your child to return so that we can put the appropriate staffing measures in place.

The current health advice, provided by the Commonwealth and State Government Health Departments, is that schools are safe places to be. At St Mary's we are fortunate to have large grounds and learning spaces. We have been encouraging our students to distance, as much as possible and practicable. We will also continue with our additional hand-sanitising, washing and cleaning regimes.

Students exhibiting cold and flu symptoms, or temperatures above 37.5C are not to attend school. We have ordered some infrared 'no-touch' forehead thermometers and will begin the practice of checking student and staff temperatures upon arrival at school.

This week I have been very impressed with the effort adults entering our school grounds have put into maintaining social distancing regulations. We ask that this vigilance continues and that parents only come up into the office area and classrooms for important matters, for the time being.

Congratulations to our families who have managed to download and log into MS Teams. This will be the place for communication between students and teachers and will provide safe access to Google Classroom and other online resources. Staff are aiming to provide a blend of written and digital tasks. Print materials for Week 2 can be collected from the Old Hall after 2.30pm on Friday or at any time on Monday. 

Once again, thank you for your patience with the current situation and constant changes. Please be assumed our top priorities remain student and staff safety along with the provision of quality, equitable education. 


ANZAC Day 2020 will be one that will stick in our minds forever. Many families commemorated this special day by standing at their front gates at dawn and by creating wreaths and poppies. 

This week the students will be learning more about the ANZAC day tradition through their learning activities.

Uniform Matters

In Term 2 we transition into our winter uniform. We allow two weeks at the beginning of the term for students to still wear their summer uniform if the weather is warm. Please be aware that if your child chooses to wear their summer uniform it must be the complete uniform, not parts of both.  

In preparation for the cooler months, you might like to order our school coat, which is a warm bottle-green parka style coat, from our Uniform Shop. No other coats will be permitted, however, bottle green gloves and beanies may be purchased elsewhere. 

Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs and no nail polish is to be worn to school.

Student Pick Up

The street directly out the front of St Mary’s is a Bus Zone from 8.30am-9.30am and 3.00pm-4.00pm. Please be aware that occasionally parents dropping their children off in the mornings in this bus zone have been fined by the police.

We recommend that in the afternoons if you have come to collect your children by car that you walk with your child to the crossing on Wade Street to cross safely out of the Bus Zone. 

Enrolling Now

Please spread the word about our School Tours. If you know someone that is interested in learning more about St Mary's or who has a child ready to start Kindergarten in 2021, we welcome their visit. Social distancing regulations will be put in place for our tours.

Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.

Enrolments packs are available from our School Office or can be downloaded from our website


The School Explorers Program

Next term our preschool friends will be visiting each Friday afternoon to participate in The School Explorers, our school readiness program.

Attached below is the amended program dates, please share this around!