St Mary's Primary School Crookwell
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Wade St
Crookwell NSW 2583

Phone: 02 4832 1592

Student Awards

Class Awards

The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...

Kinder - Oscar Allport and Bridie McCormack

Year 1- Flynn Doran, Sofia Lawson and Aria White

Year 2- Spencer Charnock and Jacob Hogan

Year 3- Eli Cooper, Chase Lucock and Lucas Plumb

Year 4- Pat Croker and Emilee Salt

Year 5- Sophia Galland and Caitlyn Hogan

Year 6- Bridie Croker and Kiowa Morning

Japanese Award

Year 1-  for great participating during Remote Learning

Performing Arts Award

Sienna Gann, Tahlia Naughton and Alice Frost for composing and performing an outstanding Rhythmic Gymnastics dance as a group.

School Spirit Awards

Toby Charnock-  for consistently modelling the school values

Sophie Culley- for consistently modelling a high level of respect

Henry Galland- for consistently modelling a high level of respect

Sophia Galland- for consistently modelling the school values

Lucy Gamble- for happily providing service to others

Olivia Pursell- for happily providing service to others

Seth Grove- for being a consistent role model of respect and justice

Finn McCormack- for consistently modelling the school values

Gabby Price- for consistently modelling a high level of respect