St Mary's Primary School Crookwell
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Wade St
Crookwell NSW 2583

Phone: 02 4832 1592

Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly

Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop - Feast Day –August 8

We continue to focus on our school value of COMPASSION and what better role model do we have than our first Australian Saint, St Mary of the Cross, whose feast day we celebrate this coming Sunday. Mary answered God’s call and clothed herself with the qualities of Jesus.

Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience.  Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other … Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. (Colossians 3:12-14)

St Mary Mackillop’s daily life reflected compassion for others. She lived by her mottos:

“To live simply, travel lightly and make room for all”

“Never see a need without doing something about it”

Mary’s compassionate way of life inspired others to follow in her footsteps. These women became known as the Sisters of St Joseph’. Today they can be found making a difference all over the world carrying on Jesus’ mission of reaching out to the poor and needy with love, compassion and faith. In Crookwell we have our very own Sister of St Joseph – Sr Rosemary – who reaches out to those in need.


All Christians are called to try to be saintly in their daily lives; to live lives according to God’s commandments to love God and one another. What a beautiful world it would be if everyone was inspired to follow Mary Mackillop’s example by ‘making room for all’ and ‘never see a need without doing something about it.



God, help us to look with 'soft eyes' as Mary MacKillop did,

Upon all who are a part of our days

Allow us to break through the barrier

Of our scrutinising views.

Transform our inner landscape into a peaceful place of acceptance.

Pull back our projections and criticisms.

Replace our mean measurements and our biased expectations

With an openness that allows others to be.


Mary of the Cross Prayer Celebration

Today Year 5 and Fr Alex celebrated and gave thanks for the life of St Mary of the Cross with a special class prayer celebration. Tomorrow our school community will take part in a school prayer celebration to give thanks for Mary Mackillop and the Sisters of St Joseph.